January 21st, 2005
| 11:18 pm - Newbie It's nice to find a community where I can ramble on about pointless things and not feel like an idiot doing it. I loved the "user info" because one of my favorite t.v. shows is conan.. i think he's hilarious!! Well I'm glad to be a member now.
Here's another community I'm involved in for opinioted thinkers.. .check it out.. http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=taintedxbeauty Current Mood: cheerful Current Music: "Take my breath away" - Jessica Simpson
September 25th, 2004
 | 04:47 pm lets jus say that today is not one of the best days..all i keep hearing about is how GREAT homecoming is gunna be tonight...its irritating me because i could have gone and was actually planning on it but some how things got messed up...and now im jus sittin in my house alone...staring at the wall...what a great day. Current Mood: disappointed
February 14th, 2004
 | 10:08 pm - ..Where am I ?? I don't know what to say what to write I want to leave my house Im trapped I feel my heart bending.. Current Mood: content Current Music: No Doubt..
January 9th, 2004
| 03:58 pm - OLD ATARIS LYRICS So, in the spirit of this community here are some lyrics all about Carteret County. Old Ataris is awesome. Their new album broke my heart -still so disappointed-.
"P.S. The Scene Is Dead"
Do you know what its like To live somewhere that sucks? And everyone tries to bring you down. No place for you to go And see a punk rock show. And spend your whole life trying to get out. Current Mood: bored Current Music: The Ataris- Song For a Mix Tape
December 9th, 2003
 | 04:27 am I had a good day. Finally. Current Mood: happy Current Music: Jet-Are You Gonna Be My Girl?
December 4th, 2003
 | 07:45 pm - shoot me now Yeah so, I don't know any of you people except Lauren.
Oh Happy Day.
Number 1 pick up line: Does this cloth smell like chloroform to you? Current Mood: apathetic Current Music: Friends on tv
December 5th, 2003
 | 06:25 am - First post...dun dun dun... Alright, first post, I doubt anybody'll actually post in here. Jaymee, Megan, Amanda, Brittany, Clifton, Elissa, you guys post in here. For the love of jesus. I dont care what you say. Current Mood: blah Current Music: Conan theme song
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