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!!!!!!FS 22 90x200 Shed Pack RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!     (PC Only)


  • TPF - Building model, Normal Mapped Tin, Ingaming.
  • Nxtgen Mapping - Bi-Fold Door original models, 3d tin used for Normal Mapping
  • NDMM - Making the TPF Building Logo
  • Tester's - Farm Sim Guy, Kederk Farms, Argsy Gaming, Fs Screenshots, Central Alberta Mapping and Modding, Maple Creek Modding and Media, Forward Ag, Atakan and the Server Group. 

Thank you again for all my Testers

This is my FS19 Conversion of my 90x200 Shed Pack Normal Mapped. This shed pack runs super smooth. Has most of the FS 22 new placeable additions on it:

  • Occluder Wall meshes ( derenders everything on the other side of the walls, works for inside and out)
  • Hit R to turn on the inside Lights
  • New Snow mesh on the roof
  • Inside Areas added so when your vehicle goes inside the shed the sound changes and echoes like your inside a building (neat touch by Giants)

This Shed also comes with the original 6 colors that I have always released my buildings with, NEW for 19 there has been an additional 8 new colors for you to choose from. Future buildings and updates I will look into making them less cloggy in your shop menu.

  • 14 Color choices, more then any other placeable out there
  • Outside Lights that light up automatically at night, including the TPF building logo made by NDMM.
  • Fits most big equipment, 50 ft headers fit through the doors.
  • High enough rafters at 22 ft to fit any seeder through it.
  • Seasons Ready

If you have any questions or issues please let me know on my facebook page as I am the most active there.



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

FS22_90x200ShedPack.zip 5.4 MB

Development log


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How do you change the colors

I'm getting this error in my log after the latest update.    2022-02-28 13:21 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Jeff/Dropbox/My PC (DESKTOP-U541L7E)/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/PV Wolf Creek/FS22_90x200ShedPack/Store_90x200BlackGrey.png'.

I forgot I had a store error to fix before I released the update, will correct that and reupload, it's not game breaking but I like my stuff to be error free, sorry about that

Anyone have any idea why when i download these my computer instantly removes it from my download file? saying its unsafe?

cream more towards yellow side like like mustard color with red roof or trim if possible that would be awesome  thanks for adding such a great mod for us to use

there should be a few beiges in there, they look more beige to me, this shed is getting an update to match the new colors on the 72x150, should have it out soon

any chance you could do color scheme  cream and red roof or trim?.....your work is amazing