July 11th, 2010
July 4th, 2010
| 11:53 am I've got 6 of these 100% cotton crochet dishcloths if anyone is interested.

And a paid of crochet frilly edged baby socks too.
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June 29th, 2010
| 06:17 pm - Welcome! Welcome to the group. I hope it turns out to be a useful tool for people to swap their handmade items with other members.
All crafts are welcome here. whether sewing, knitting, gardening, baking etc. You set up your own trade with a member that you think trustworthy. The group doesn't have open membership. I'll approve anyone who is on a friendslist of someone I know for the time being. if it turns out to be a big group, then I guess we go for a vouch system. but until them we'll see how things go.
Please remember to tag each of your posts with any craft you are wanting to swap, and with your username in the format "user: yournamehere" so that people can look at past item you have created to see if there is anything they would like to swap with you.
Have fun!
I'll post a few of my things to get a few items in the mix asap :)
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