Eklenti etiketi: subscribers
FluentCRM – Email Newsletter, Automation, Email Marketing, Email Campaigns, Optins, Leads, and CRM Solution
(173 toplam puan)The easiest and fastest Email Marketing, Newsletter, Marketing Automation Plugin & CRM Solution for WordPress
Kit (formerly ConvertKit) – Email Newsletter, Email Marketing, Subscribers and Landing Pages
(76 toplam puan)Build your email subscriber lists, send email marketing newsletters, sell more products and build your membership site with Kit (formerly ConvertKit).
(241 toplam puan)Newsletter plugin for WordPress to capture subscribers and send beautiful, bulk newsletter emails.
Simple Statistics for Feeds
(59 toplam puan)Tracks your feeds and displays your feed count via shortcode.
(3 toplam puan)NewsmanApp, you have the power to streamline your email and SMS marketing efforts. This tool enables you to manage subscription forms, contact lists, …
Epicwin Plugin
(2 toplam puan)This plugin allows your blog visitors to subscribe to your blog via email and receive notifications whenever you create a new post.
Navayan Subscribe
(13 toplam puan)Allows visitors to easily and quickly subscribe to your website with double optin, email templates, notifications, block spam.
Gragrid: Gravity Forms + SendGrid
(1 toplam puan)Integrates Gravity Forms with SendGrid, allowing form submissions to be automatically sent to your SendGrid contact lists.
MailChimp Subscriber Chiclet
(4 toplam puan)Display the number of MailChimp subscribers you have on your WordPress site.
Integration for listmonk mailing list and newsletter service
(0 toplam puan)Integrates the open-source mailing list tool listmonk with WordPress/WooCommerce so users can subscribe to your mailing list.
Sendmachine for WordPress
(1 toplam puan)Official Sendmachine plugin featuring subscribe forms, users sync, news feed, email sending and transactional campaigns.
Easy Subscribe
(1 toplam puan)Quickly integrate modern, customizable subscription forms into your website to simplify email marketing, increase subscribers, and boost engagement.
Never Moderate Registered Users
(3 toplam puan)Never moderate or mark as spam comments made by registered users, regardless of the apparent spamminess of the comment.
(2 toplam puan)Integration with ITERAS, a cloud-based state-of-the-art system for managing subscriptions and payments for magazines.
Cartograf Featured-image in Feed
(3 toplam puan)Includes the featured image of a post at the beginning of the item's content in the WordPress generated feeds. With this plugin, you no longer ne …
Subscribers Only Content
(0 toplam puan)Allows blog admin to set specific pages and posts to only be visible to users with the 'read' capability.
Plugin Name: CM Subscriber Stats
(0 toplam puan)See your email list subscriber statistics on your WordPress dashboard.
WP YouTube Counters
(0 toplam puan)Adds shortcodes to show YouTube channel's subscribers and video views count.