Papers by Agnieszka Szpak
Cities, 2024
The growing influence of cities is visible at the national level and in international politics. T... more The growing influence of cities is visible at the national level and in international politics. This new reality is leading to a paradigm shift in global politics and international law. As part of this new reality, cities demand recognition of their position. This paper aims to examine the already existing bodies that formally represent cities in the decision-making processes within some intergovernmental organizations’ structures and answer the question about the need to create a new organ within the United Nations system that will better accommodate the growing role of cities in international relations. If the answer is positive, the attempt shall be made to consider what such an organ could look like. The novelty of this paper is that it is the first to provide some reflection on the possible status and composition of such a new UN body.

Themis Polska Nova, 2013
Eksterminacja w orzecznictwie międzynarodowych trybunałów karnych ad hoc Niniejsze opracowanie ma... more Eksterminacja w orzecznictwie międzynarodowych trybunałów karnych ad hoc Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu przedstawienie najważniejszych i najbardziej reprezentatywnych orzeczeń Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego ds. Zbrodni w byłej Jugosławii (MTKJ) oraz Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego ds. Zbrodni w Rwandzie (MTKR) w przedmiocie eksterminacji jako zbrodni przeciwko ludzkości. Zostaną także uwzględnione-na zasadzie porównawczej-rozwiązania przyjęte w Statucie stałego Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego (MTK) oraz Elementach definicji zbrodni tego Trybunału. W większości prezentowanych spraw na początku został przedstawiony stan faktyczny sprawy, a następnie rozważania prawne i wnioski Trybunałów. Kiedy dana sprawa jest wspominana dość marginalnie lub skrótowo stan faktyczny nie został przytaczony. * Agnieszka Szpak-dr prawa, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Międzynarodowego i Europejskiego na Wydziale Politologii i Studiów Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. 1 Rezolucje Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ nr 827 (1993) i 955 (1994) są dostępne na stronie internetowej (odpowiednio):
Studia Prawnicze, Mar 30, 2007
Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Feb 19, 2023
Sprawy Międzynarodowe, 2017
Routledge eBooks, Aug 3, 2022
Athenaeum Polskie Studia Politologiczne
During the last decades, mankind has experienced unprecedented expansion of globalization. In thi... more During the last decades, mankind has experienced unprecedented expansion of globalization. In this respect, the process of policy transfer has emerged as a tool of exchanging ideas, policies and administrative arrangements mostly among states and intergovernmental organizations. The aim of this article is to examine policy transfer in terms of city networks. In doing so, the authors have found and researched almost 70 existing city networks in the world. Using Dolowitz and Marsh’s 2000 framework, the authors have researched the areas in which cities co-operate and the subject matters of such cooperation

The author presents the rules o f interpreting treaty and customary international law putting spe... more The author presents the rules o f interpreting treaty and customary international law putting special emphasis on the international humanitarian law. In the introduction, characteristic features of public international law have been mentioned as they influence methods of interpretation. In the subsequent part of the article the author analyzes methods of interpretation (inter alia literal, systematic and functional) on the basis o f the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties of 23 May 1969 and taking into account the judgments of the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice. Using this background, the author attempted to - on a concrete example of the international humanitarian law and the International Committee of the Red Cross Study Customary International Humanitarian Law - present problems and issues connected with the interpretation of the treaty and customary international law. Even though the customary law norm will never achieve such...

Polish Political Science Yearbook
This paper aims to point to the transition from international law to transnational law that, on t... more This paper aims to point to the transition from international law to transnational law that, on the one hand, is caused, and on the other, is strengthened by the growing role of cities in the fight against COVID-19. Various interactions between cities and other international actors give rise to new trends and challenges on the international plane. One of such terms, transnational law, refers to developments beyond the nation-state and includes “all law which regulates actions or events that transcend national frontiers”. It is characterized by a plurality of overlapping normative systems and a growing role of new actors in the international arena, which are cities. The authors give examples of cities bypassing or complementing states with special emphasis on European cities (Polish including) as well as of cities’ transnational cooperation to fight COVID-19 pandemic, filling the gaps in inter-governmental multilateral cooperation.

Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Cities are taking part in enforcing international standards/law by humanitarian assistance to Ukr... more Cities are taking part in enforcing international standards/law by humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and relief for Ukrainian refugees, severing sister cities’ ties with Russian cities and breaking other forms of cooperation with them. This enforcement consists of implementing sanctions against Russia and supporting the victim of illegal Russian aggression in the exercise of collective self-defense. The research goal of this article is to examine the reaction of 12 cities (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Geneva, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Stockholm, Strasbourg and the Hague, chosen as part of a broader research project that the authors are implementing) to Russian aggression against Ukraine and on that basis to catalogue or classify their actions as well as answer the question whether they are enforcing international standards only by following their states’ actions or by acting ahead of them. The cities had been chosen as part of a broader research project that the authors are implementing. The research methods include desk analysis and multiple case studies. The information has mostly been obtained from the websites of the respective city councils as well as via e-mails from the International Affairs offices/officers of examined cities.

The aim of this article is to show that cities are very often attacked because of their 'othernes... more The aim of this article is to show that cities are very often attacked because of their 'otherness'. 'The other' may be understood here as the other religion, other ethnicity, other culture, other political views or other people. This is closely related to the idea of diversity, heterogeneity, pluralism and density as essential features of contemporary cities. The author examines theories explaining motives for destroying cities, such as those treating destruction of cities as part of genocide or the theory of urbicide. Finally, the author proposes looking at the destruction of cities through the lens of destroying 'the other' and possibilities of a community. The research methods used include desk research and formal-legal analysis. The formal-legal analysis focuses on the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the desk research-on the relevant literature at the intersection of urban studies and international studies. KEY WORDS: cities, 'the other' , urbicide, genocide ABSTRAKT: Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, że miasta są bardzo często atakowane ze względu na swoją cechę "inności". Przez "innego" można rozumieć inną religię, inną etniczność, inną kulturę, inne poglądy polityczne lub inne osoby, co jest ściśle związane z ideą różnorodności, heterogeniczności, pluralizmu i gęstości jako istotnych cech współczesnych miast. Autorka analizuje teorie wyjaśniające motywy niszczenia miast, takie jak te traktujące niszczenie miast jako część ludobójstwa lub jak odrębna teoria miastobójstwa. Wreszcie autorka proponuje spojrzenie na niszczenie miast przez pryzmat niszczenia "innego" i możliwości wspólnoty. Wykorzystywane metody badawcze to analiza treści oraz analiza formalno-prawna. Analiza formalno-prawna koncentruje się na orzecznictwie Międzynarodowego Trybunału Karnego do spraw Zbrodni w b. Jugosławii, a analiza treści na relewantnej literaturze z pogranicza studiów miejskich i studiów międzynarodowych.

Polish Political Science Yearbook
International cooperation of cities is a crucial part of multi-level governance, yet, nowadays, i... more International cooperation of cities is a crucial part of multi-level governance, yet, nowadays, it is facing new challenges, such as the pandemic or the growing role of populist movements, not to mention the war in Ukraine. The research goal of the paper is to determine what drives cities to participate in the Pact of Free Cities and what the perspectives of such an enterprise are. To reach this goal, the authors attempt to answer questions regarding the Pact’s intentions, methods of achieving its objectives and chances to do so, possible EU interest in this kind of initiative, and chances that other cities will be inspired to follow. Do cities want to bypass governments, or are there other reasons for establishing such cooperation? This exploratory case study aims to show a new form of city cooperation introduced by the Pact of Free Cities initiative.

Reality of Politics
The author presents selected ventures in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation tha... more The author presents selected ventures in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation that negatively affect indigenous peoples. Against this factual background, she analyzes relevant international legal regulations. Such an analysis enables the answer to the main research question: can climate change adaptation and mitigation actions be the justification for disrespecting the rights of indigenous peoples? The research method adopted is legal- -institutional analysis which includes an examination of the content of legal and other documents. Combined with critical analysis of literature and media reports this analysis allows representation of the reality – violations of the rights of indigenous peoples as a part of efforts to counteract climate change. Recommendations and main findings include: climate change adaptation and mitigation measures may not justify violations of the rights of indigenous peoples; such measures have to be developed in collaboration with indigenous co...
Polish Political Science Review
The paper will explore the significance of the role cities play in transnational institutional by... more The paper will explore the significance of the role cities play in transnational institutional bypass of nation-States. The authors provide examples of cities playing the role of a transnational institutional bypass of nation-States and indicate the circumstances that may compel cities to act as such a bypass and fulfil the nation-State functions. The aim of the paper is to show that cities may successfully bypass nation-States in specific circumstances, including some cases of nation-States being unwilling to act in order to achieve a greater good that is in the interests of people living in a given nation-State or, even on a broader scale, in the interests of mankind. To best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt to introduce the concept of an institutional bypass to cities and to construe conditions applicable in such a case.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Relocation of Swedish Kiruna and building one of the largest wind farms in the world, Markbygden ... more Relocation of Swedish Kiruna and building one of the largest wind farms in the world, Markbygden in northern Sweden (near Piteå) will severely impact the Sami and their livelihood. In the first case the relocated railway already cuts through reindeer pasture land1 and in the second it will limit the movements of the reindeer herders and endanger the reindeer themselves. Ingrid Inga, the president of the Sami Parliament, stated that “[w]e’re not against wind power – but we are against big wind farms like Markbydgen because they affect the reindeer business – the local Sámi herders will lose about a quarter of their
Papers by Agnieszka Szpak
indigenous peoples in light of international law with special references to the Sami rights.