Papers by Anna Zalewska

Popkultura. Teksty - praktyki - interpretacje, 2020
The character of a Soviet musician Victor Tsoi seen in the context of contemporary forms of heroi... more The character of a Soviet musician Victor Tsoi seen in the context of contemporary forms of heroic myth is a sign of mutual interaction of traditional and modern folk-lore. The lead singer of the Kino rock band, who created his works in the period of perestroika, became a symbol of his times by activating Russian society against the inaction towards the socialist government. The legendary performer has been recognized as a hero by many Russians to this day. However, he could not count on this mentioned honour during his lifetime – the Soviet Union appreciated and rewarded the lead workers, informers or those who fought against the enemies of a nation. By contrast, the independent creator was often left in the artistic underground, where he was suffocated by censorship and legal provisions according to which he was classified as belonging to the category of social “parasites”.
Just as a myth is inherently associated with a sphere of sacrum, so is Victor Tsoi continuously recognised as an object of idealization which occasionally has the characteristics of worship. This process is mainly reflected in the rituals and the way of life of said musician’s fans and in memorials dedicated to his person. His mysterious death also incited the mythologization of him – a car accident in which he was involved was the subject of various speculations which were duplicated as a result of the fictionalization of media broadcasts.
Defined as a “culture of experiencing”, popular culture is capable of igniting and imposing effects on people’s emotions, so it simultaneously satisfies the psychological needs of its receivers. Therefore, the function of a modern heroic myth of Victor Tsoi is particularly integration, activation and identification, as a response to expectations of crowds overwhelmed by a grim Soviet reality.
Антропология сновидений. Сборник научных статей по материалам конференции, 2021
This chapter is devoted to dreams about animals and the ways of interpreting them in Polish folk ... more This chapter is devoted to dreams about animals and the ways of interpreting them in Polish folk culture.

Slavica Wratislaviensia, 2021
The aim of this paper is to analyse both the private and public spiritual life of Feodosia Morozo... more The aim of this paper is to analyse both the private and public spiritual life of Feodosia Morozova in the context of her relationship with her spiritual father, Avvakum Petrov. As a research material were used, in particular, autobiography of the archpriest and his correspondence with Boyarina. The famous aristocrat and widow of Gleb Morozov decided to give up all her material assets to fully dedicate her life to God, old beliefs and people in need of help. Morozova tried to do everything to follow the teachings of Christ and she considered her loyalty to old beliefs as her obligation to carry out the will of God-she even disowned her only son Ivan. Boyarina received strong support from her contemporaries, as the majority of the population recognized her as its defender and a symbol of rebellion against the Czar's power. Nevertheless, ethical judgment of Morozova's life choices is possible only in the context of morality as well as the socio-political situation prevailing in her era.

Фольклор: структура, типология, семиотика, 2022
Во многих текстах славянского фольклора, в том числе в народной сказке, нашли отражение представл... more Во многих текстах славянского фольклора, в том числе в народной сказке, нашли отражение представления о демонических свойствах людей неаграрных профессий. В частности, к ним относится герой настоящего анализа, а именно кузнец. Главная задача исследования состоит в выявлении своеобразия сказочного мотива перехитренного кузнеца. Нас будут интересовать особенности его поведения, формы взаимодействия с другими персонажами, атрибуты освоенного им ремесла, выполняемые им функции, а также его посмертный статус. Сказочный образ кузнеца во многом соответствует его восприятию в традиционной культуре, в которой он относился к категории «чужой среди своих» из-за специализированных знаний и умений. Итак, герой нашего исследования практикует магию, сговаривается с нечистой силой, злоупотребляет алкоголем, а также чрезмерно пристрастен к материальным благам. Кроме того, он проявляет пренебрежительное отношение к смерти, не позволяя ей исполнить свои обязанности. Поскольку смерть мыслится залогом гармонии и равновесия, поведение кузнеца следует признать особенно опасным, нарушающим божественный порядок мира. Сказочному кузнецу присущи черты мифологического трикстера, использующего трюк с целью победить своего противника или получить доступ к определенным благам. Как ловкач и дьявольский сообщник, приобретающий земное богатство с помощью потусторонних сил, ремесленник вписывается в деревенское представление об обреченном на проклятие грешнике, что сказывается на его посмертной участи. Источником для анализа послужили варианты сюжетного типа T 330A "Kowal i diabli (Śmierć na gruszy)" («Кузнец и черти (Смерть на груше)»; ATU 330 "The Smith and the Devil").

Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, 2023
This paper aims to reflect on the diversity of the interdictions which are valid in the world of ... more This paper aims to reflect on the diversity of the interdictions which are valid in the world of a magic fairy tale, and the consequences caused by violating them. As it turns out, except for taboos expressed in an explicit way, the character of the studied narratives does not follow the rules of folk ethics of the word, and unconsciously contributes to his own or someone else's physical metamorphosis, or disregards generally accepted moral norms. As a result, he destroys the cosmic order. However, a violation of an interdiction is a necessary condition for the attainment of sociocultural maturity by the protagonist, which is formed through the process of positive initiation. The interpretative context of these considerations takes into account the value system specific to magic stories, reflecting the worldview of a traditional society. The source material used is representative of fairy tale narratives taken from several collections of Russian folk prose.

Acta Polono-Ruthenica, 2020
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza porównawcza działalności polskich i rosyjskich kolędników... more Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza porównawcza działalności polskich i rosyjskich kolędników, którą rozpatrywać można w kategoriach symbolicznej tricksteriady. Jako materiał źródłowy wykorzystano opisy zwyczajów kolędniczych kultywowanych w XIX i na początku XX wieku, zawarte głównie w opracowaniach etnograficznych. Wspomniany wyżej problem nie doczekał się do chwili obecnej opracowań wykraczających poza dość zdawkowe uwagi dotyczące tricksterskiej natury przebierańców oraz ich zabaw. Kultura ludowa, tj. twór synkretyczny, ukształtowana została z elementów pogańskich i chrześcijańskich. W kontekście podjętej w niniejszym artykule tematyki dowodzą tego obrzędy słowiańskie, takie jak bożonarodzeniowe i noworoczne kolędowanie. "Przybysze z innego świata", przebrani za zwierzęta oraz postacie antropomorficzne, naruszają kulturowe tabu. Czas karnawału sprawia, że dochodzi do odwrócenia porządków: akceptowane jest wówczas nawet obsceniczne zachowanie. Kolędnicy występujący w roli wędrownych aktorów wydają się zatem wcieleniem błazna na scenie.

Новый филологический вестник, 2021
ПРОСТУПКИ ГЕРОЕВ ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫХ СКАЗОК ПРОТИВ РЕЛИГИОЗНЫХ НОРМ И ИХ ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ Аннотация. Предмет и... more ПРОСТУПКИ ГЕРОЕВ ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫХ СКАЗОК ПРОТИВ РЕЛИГИОЗНЫХ НОРМ И ИХ ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ Аннотация. Предмет изучения в настоящей статье-греховные поступки героев русских легендарных сказок и их последствия. Методология исследования предполагает анализ этой проблематики в контексте аксиологической системы, свойственной как христианской, так и традиционной культуре, которая выработала собственное понимание греха, в значительной степени отличающееся от церковного учения. Вслед за Светланой Толстой греховным мы будем считать нарушение человеком любого закона, в частности, Божьих заповедей, социальнообщественных норм поведения и принципов, регулирующих отношение человека к природе. К самым распространенным провинностям следует отнести: скупость и жадность, зависть, проступки сексуального характера, отсутствие уважения к родителям, убийство, пьянство, несоблюдение поста и магические практики. Поскольку греховное поведение героев чревато последствиями, нарушающими космическое равновесие, они никогда не остаются безнаказанными. Стоит в то же время добавить, что в интересующих нас сказках существует как личная, так и коллективная ответственность за совершенные персонажами проступки, что позволяет толковать упомянутые нарративы в качестве свидетельства народного понимания Божьей справедливости. Как правило, героя наказывает сверхъестественная сила, но бывает также, что правосудие вершит другое лицо или даже сам протагонист, осознавая свой грех. Определенный ход событий способствует реализации дидактического и нравственного потенциала легендарной сказки, преподносящей своему адресату жизненный урок. Ключевые слова: легендарные сказки; грех; преступления перед Богом; нарушение социально-общественных норм; идея «солидарности с жизнью»; народная справедливость.
Conference Presentations by Anna Zalewska

In Slavic traditional culture, the misfortune of a man was imagined as an evil spirit that brings... more In Slavic traditional culture, the misfortune of a man was imagined as an evil spirit that brings poverty and different types of adversities. These beliefs permeated into a folk magic fairy tale which at the same time mentions a state of deprivation and personification of an unfavourable fate. Furthermore, the character’s difficult material situation is sometimes understood as a process extended over time or a sudden event. The titular ambiguity also concerns the nomenclature of the above phenomenon called “poverty”, “misery” or “misfortune”, particularly caused by characters such as Beda, Nuzhda, Gore and Zlydnya which are also considered to be multiform beings.
In the magic tales the above personifications of misery play the antagonist role. On the other hand, in the role of the victims is a man who does not remain passive when confronting them and resorts to unobvious ways to defeat them. Thus, the uncertainty of existence concerns the character’s living conditions, as well as the fate of the trapped demons themselves.
The paper will aim to present the titular creatures taking into account their outward appearance, ability to physical metamorphosis, location, character traits, relations with the environment, supernatural properties, and typical behaviour. In this way, it will be possible to ask the question about the scope of the transformation of the mentioned beings under the influence of the genre rules of fictional texts.

In a magic folktale, the personified death, who often acts as an antagonist, is one of the most p... more In a magic folktale, the personified death, who often acts as an antagonist, is one of the most popular demonic characters. The main hero comes into conflict with her because, despite reaching old age, he wants to avoid parting with the mundane world. The protagonist’s actions are based on deceit and involve, in particular, trapping a gullible death or constructing a rotating bed in order to deceive God’s emissary, who kills or spares the life of the sick man, depending on her position relative to his body.
The paper will aim to present the struggle of a fairytale trickster with the above-mentioned otherworldly being, as well as the consequences of his tricks resulting in the cessation of deaths in the world, which leads to significant overpopulation and, thus, numerous social quarrels caused by the lack of food and a place to live. This crisis that regards various aspects of life prompts many characters to change their worldview, namely, to recognize the validity of God’s arrangement of the world, according to which each person is allocated a specific number of years of life. Thus, the moralistic aspect of the title narratives is emphasized.
Moreover, the question will be asked about the scope of death’s transformation into a mythological creature under the influence of the genre rules of fictional texts.
As ethnographic material, variants of the following tale types will be used: T 330A “Kowal i diabli (Śmierć na gruszy)” / SUS 330A “Soldat (kuznets) i chert (Smert')” (ATU 330 “The Smith and the Devil”), T 330B “Stary żołnierz i diabli” / SUS 330B “Cherti i Smert' v rantse (meshke)”, T 331B “Śmierć
w dziuple” (ATU 331 “The Spirit in the Bottle”), T 332 “Kuma-Śmierć” / SUS 332 “Smert' kuma” (ATU 332 “Godfather Death”), T 336 “Śmierć oszukana” and T 338 “Baba i śmierć”. Recordings of beliefs and mythological narratives devoted to death will be used in an interpretative context.
Teaching Documents by Anna Zalewska
Rocznik Przekładoznawczy. Studia nad teorią, praktyką i dydaktyką przekładu, 2022
Master vs. Apprentice: Translation Workshops with Agnieszka Sowińska and Grzegorz Szymczak Organi... more Master vs. Apprentice: Translation Workshops with Agnieszka Sowińska and Grzegorz Szymczak Organised by the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding in Cooperation with the City Culture Institute in Gdańsk, June 2021 (a Report)
Papers by Anna Zalewska
Just as a myth is inherently associated with a sphere of sacrum, so is Victor Tsoi continuously recognised as an object of idealization which occasionally has the characteristics of worship. This process is mainly reflected in the rituals and the way of life of said musician’s fans and in memorials dedicated to his person. His mysterious death also incited the mythologization of him – a car accident in which he was involved was the subject of various speculations which were duplicated as a result of the fictionalization of media broadcasts.
Defined as a “culture of experiencing”, popular culture is capable of igniting and imposing effects on people’s emotions, so it simultaneously satisfies the psychological needs of its receivers. Therefore, the function of a modern heroic myth of Victor Tsoi is particularly integration, activation and identification, as a response to expectations of crowds overwhelmed by a grim Soviet reality.
Conference Presentations by Anna Zalewska
In the magic tales the above personifications of misery play the antagonist role. On the other hand, in the role of the victims is a man who does not remain passive when confronting them and resorts to unobvious ways to defeat them. Thus, the uncertainty of existence concerns the character’s living conditions, as well as the fate of the trapped demons themselves.
The paper will aim to present the titular creatures taking into account their outward appearance, ability to physical metamorphosis, location, character traits, relations with the environment, supernatural properties, and typical behaviour. In this way, it will be possible to ask the question about the scope of the transformation of the mentioned beings under the influence of the genre rules of fictional texts.
The paper will aim to present the struggle of a fairytale trickster with the above-mentioned otherworldly being, as well as the consequences of his tricks resulting in the cessation of deaths in the world, which leads to significant overpopulation and, thus, numerous social quarrels caused by the lack of food and a place to live. This crisis that regards various aspects of life prompts many characters to change their worldview, namely, to recognize the validity of God’s arrangement of the world, according to which each person is allocated a specific number of years of life. Thus, the moralistic aspect of the title narratives is emphasized.
Moreover, the question will be asked about the scope of death’s transformation into a mythological creature under the influence of the genre rules of fictional texts.
As ethnographic material, variants of the following tale types will be used: T 330A “Kowal i diabli (Śmierć na gruszy)” / SUS 330A “Soldat (kuznets) i chert (Smert')” (ATU 330 “The Smith and the Devil”), T 330B “Stary żołnierz i diabli” / SUS 330B “Cherti i Smert' v rantse (meshke)”, T 331B “Śmierć
w dziuple” (ATU 331 “The Spirit in the Bottle”), T 332 “Kuma-Śmierć” / SUS 332 “Smert' kuma” (ATU 332 “Godfather Death”), T 336 “Śmierć oszukana” and T 338 “Baba i śmierć”. Recordings of beliefs and mythological narratives devoted to death will be used in an interpretative context.
Teaching Documents by Anna Zalewska
Just as a myth is inherently associated with a sphere of sacrum, so is Victor Tsoi continuously recognised as an object of idealization which occasionally has the characteristics of worship. This process is mainly reflected in the rituals and the way of life of said musician’s fans and in memorials dedicated to his person. His mysterious death also incited the mythologization of him – a car accident in which he was involved was the subject of various speculations which were duplicated as a result of the fictionalization of media broadcasts.
Defined as a “culture of experiencing”, popular culture is capable of igniting and imposing effects on people’s emotions, so it simultaneously satisfies the psychological needs of its receivers. Therefore, the function of a modern heroic myth of Victor Tsoi is particularly integration, activation and identification, as a response to expectations of crowds overwhelmed by a grim Soviet reality.
In the magic tales the above personifications of misery play the antagonist role. On the other hand, in the role of the victims is a man who does not remain passive when confronting them and resorts to unobvious ways to defeat them. Thus, the uncertainty of existence concerns the character’s living conditions, as well as the fate of the trapped demons themselves.
The paper will aim to present the titular creatures taking into account their outward appearance, ability to physical metamorphosis, location, character traits, relations with the environment, supernatural properties, and typical behaviour. In this way, it will be possible to ask the question about the scope of the transformation of the mentioned beings under the influence of the genre rules of fictional texts.
The paper will aim to present the struggle of a fairytale trickster with the above-mentioned otherworldly being, as well as the consequences of his tricks resulting in the cessation of deaths in the world, which leads to significant overpopulation and, thus, numerous social quarrels caused by the lack of food and a place to live. This crisis that regards various aspects of life prompts many characters to change their worldview, namely, to recognize the validity of God’s arrangement of the world, according to which each person is allocated a specific number of years of life. Thus, the moralistic aspect of the title narratives is emphasized.
Moreover, the question will be asked about the scope of death’s transformation into a mythological creature under the influence of the genre rules of fictional texts.
As ethnographic material, variants of the following tale types will be used: T 330A “Kowal i diabli (Śmierć na gruszy)” / SUS 330A “Soldat (kuznets) i chert (Smert')” (ATU 330 “The Smith and the Devil”), T 330B “Stary żołnierz i diabli” / SUS 330B “Cherti i Smert' v rantse (meshke)”, T 331B “Śmierć
w dziuple” (ATU 331 “The Spirit in the Bottle”), T 332 “Kuma-Śmierć” / SUS 332 “Smert' kuma” (ATU 332 “Godfather Death”), T 336 “Śmierć oszukana” and T 338 “Baba i śmierć”. Recordings of beliefs and mythological narratives devoted to death will be used in an interpretative context.