Welcome to Frings Fans United, the first LJ community dedicated exclusively to the German football player Torsten Frings!
We are slash-friendly, which means there might be homoerotic content in the posts. If this is not your cup of tea, perhaps you should consider joining non-slash football communities such as soccerfans, footballfans or soccer_champs.
Be polite. Be respectful. Be nice.
No bashing: keep your posts neutral when talking about people/teams you dislike. We can be biased on our own LJs, but on a community we have to take other people's feelings into consideration.
What to post: facts, links, picspams, icons, fics, fanarts, videos, questions. Ramblings about Torsten are also welcome, as long as you make them interesting to other fans. Keep plain "ZOMG I HEART FRINGS 4EVAH!!!111ONE S2 :D XD" to your own LJ. :)
Keep posts on-topic. General posts about Werder Bremen or the German national team are ok, but at least try to mention Frings.
Community pimping is allowed as long as it is related to Torsten Frings, Werder Bremen or the German National Team.
Posts in English. It's not my mother language either, so no excuses.
Match results, large images and long text should go under a LJ-cut to keep the main community page neat. Maximum picture width outside LJ-cuts: 450 px.