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topfive_reviews, posts by tag: tilda_swinton - LiveJournal
Pop Culture Reviews and Lists
28th-Oct-2007 10:07 pm - Movie Review: Michael Clayton (2007)
Office Hate So Much
This poster is somewhat interesting while still being dull. Kinda like the movie.

Michael Clayton (2007)

Starring: George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, Tilda Swinton, Sean Cullen, Michael O'Keefe, Sydney Pollack

Directed by: Tony Gilroy
The Review...Collapse )

Michael Clayton is the fast paced legal, corporate greed and assassination thriller that starts and ends with a bang.  Michael Clayton sizzles with skin crawling gluttony, blood moving action and overflows with tragic characters. Michael Clayton Boom Boom ReviewCollapse )

24th-Aug-2006 02:55 pm - Adaptation, 2002
sometimes y

Charlie and Donald Kaufman, collaborating

Nicolas Cage .... Charlie Kaufman/Donald Kaufman
Meryl Streep .... Susan Orlean
Chris Cooper .... John Laroche
Cara Seymour .... Amelia Kavan
Tilda Swinton .... Valerie Thomas
Ron Livingston .... Marty Bowen
Brian Cox .... Robert McKee
Maggie Gyllenhaal .... Caroline Cunningham

Who's gonna play me? I think I should play me.Collapse )
church sign
What this movie could really use is a longer title.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (2005)

Starring: Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Tilda Swinton, James McAvoy, Liam Neeson

Directed by: Andrew Adamson

The review...Collapse )
21st-Aug-2005 11:20 am - Broken Flowers
Under Couch
This movie was a pretentious piece of shit. This movie pissed me off like only this movie could. I counted 11 fades to black. 11! That's fucking unbelievable. I mean there was probably more but I'm sure I missed a few. Bill Murray did not even act in this movie. There was no dialogue, no progression and what the hell was with the 5 minute car ride scenes? This movie was two hours but really there was only 30 mins of story. 18.3 I can't believe how bad this was.
17th-Aug-2005 11:33 am - Movie Reviews: Broken Flowers (2005)
Bill Murray receives more mail from indie directors fawning over Groundhog Day

Broken Flowers (2005)

Starring: Bill Murray, Jeffrey Wright, Sharon Stone, Frances Conroy, Jessica Lange, Tilda Swinton, Julie Delpy

Directed By: Jim Jarmusch
The Review...Collapse )
18th-Feb-2005 01:24 am - Constantine
Director: Francis Lawrence. Screenwriter: Kevin Brodbin. Based on characters from the "Hellblazer" graphic novels by: DC Comics/Vertigo. Cast: Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Shia LaBoeuf, Tilda Swinton, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Djimon Hounsou, Gavin Rossdale, Peter Stormare. Running time: 117 minutes. MPAA Rating: R, for violence and demonic images.

There are a lot of things I understand will never change. I know that liberals and conservatives will never agree on anything, the Cubs will never win the World Series and Keanu Reeves will never improve as an actor.
read on for more Keanu bashing...Collapse )
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