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topfive_reviews, posts by tag: lily_tomlin - LiveJournal
Pop Culture Reviews and Lists
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The next review in my ongoing series of 'Reviews that will piss cryingdrunkgirl off'.

A Prairie Home Companion (2006)

Starring: Woody Harrelson, Tommy Lee Jones, Garrison Keillor, Kevin Kline, Lindsay Lohan, Virginia Madsen, John C. Reilly, Maya Rudolph, Meryl Streep, Lily Tomlin

Directed by: Robert Altman
The review...Collapse )
14th-May-2005 04:23 pm - The West Wing Season Four

By the way, before I forget... If it ever comes between killing the boyfriend and not killing the boyfriend, kill the boyfriend, OK?

Then go outside, turn around three times and spit. What the hell's the matter with you?Collapse )
The Verdict
What more can you say about one of the best shows on TV, other than it's consistently excellent. Fantastic writing, characters, storylines, just everything always comes together. Possibly one of the best ensemble casts in TV history, with everyone knowing their role ('cept for Lowe apparently). Highly recommended, as apparently this is the last high quality season in the show's history, again, based on what andythesaint has told me.

Season One Review
Season Two Review
Season Three Review
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