Good day all, this is my first post to Top Five Reviews. I'll try to be more fun and creative as i get into it, but in "honor" of the Foo Fighters visit to Calgary tonight(damn i dont have tickets), im posting my top 5 personal favorite Foo songs.
5. Breakout - All about a woman driving you nuts, isnt that just the way
4.. Everlong - Love this song, and love it more for this one line, "The only thing I’ll ever ask of you
You’ve got to promise not to stop when I say when"
3. Learn To Fly - This one is all about music, the lyrics can be taken many ways if you dont know what its about. But to me learning to fly, is trying to find a way to make it work with that special someone
2. Times Like These - Fantastic song, learning from the times of your life, isnt that what its all about,
1. I'll Stick Around - This has always been my fav Foo song, mostly cause i love the music, and it was a perfect transition song for Dave Grohl (after This Is A Call) to go from Nirvana, and its a big fuck you to Courtney Love, from what he perceived to be her role in Kurt Cobains death. "I dont owe you anything"
Honorable mentions go to my favorite cover song ever, Baker Street, also to Monkey Wrench, My Hero, For All The Cows, and Hey, Johnny Park!
Let me know what your fav Foo songs are.