04:45pm 24/02/2006 |
i wish i could go...any alex grey fans should :)
March 5, 2006 [add to clipboard] 2:30pm TRANSFIGURATIONS The Mystic Art of Alex Grey The Ministry of Art and Beauty Presents TRANSFIGURATIONS The Mystic Art of Alex Grey An illustrated talk by Alex Grey
info 310.581.0373 Book and poster signing will follow...
Location: Sanctuary Agape International Spiritual Center 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, CA 90230 Pricing: $20 ticket |
09:33pm 30/10/2005 |
mood:  curious
anyone know of a site where i could find a font based off of the type of text Tool uses for their logos? |
Tool tattoo question |
10:20pm 18/10/2005 |
Hey all, I'm J from Boston & I need help figuring out this Tool tattoo I want... I'd like to get "I know the pieces fit" somewhere on my body, preferably where I can see it... I was thinking my arm, but I've been told by a few artists that in order to do it justice, the font has to be big but I don't want to have some crazy ink all over my arm (I am an accounting clerk, have to be "professional" ugh)... One tatt artist suggested making puzzle pieces out of the letters so it wasn't just plain text, which sounds cool, but is probably going to work much better on my back. Maybe I could get something on my shoulder & have it wind down my arm?
If anyone has any suggestions, that'd be great, thanks! :)
x-posted |
New. |
03:00pm 25/03/2005 |
Hello, I just found the community and joined today.. I have been looking at posts here and I really like them. It seems many people ate inspired by "Third Eye".
( I am, too.Collapse )
Hmm.. well.. my name is Megan and I'm 16. I'm from and live in Illinois. I draw a lot and write frequently too, though nothing I have written has a point of going up here because most of it has nothing to do with Tool, though I am starting some Tool-based poems and stories.
It's nice to meet you all. I look forward to seeing more here. |
Folk audio magazine project! |
09:22pm 12/03/2005 |
I am posting this for a friend, to spread the word.
"the other day i walked the streets of salt lake city at sunset with nothing but a harmonica, a tape recorder and my voice. i wrote three songs spontaneous, everything is there, if i studder or lose my train of thought, random information and observation, the sound of cars passing its all there and raw..so i decided i'm going to record a frequently released audio magazine. Here's the idea: folk music as described above, poetry, stories and a zine with each with the complete written out songs and stories behind them, poems and art of various types. I'll be gathering subscribers soon, so if youre interested email me at [email protected] and i'll get the first edition into your hands soon. This project should be unlike any other and who knows how far it will go or where it will evolve. The project is entitled "Go Moan For Man" based off a poem that Jack Kerouac wrote to express what he felt a poet should do for the world as directed by God. thank you, tom bennett
ps: if anyone would want to help me get the word out let me know and um... please repost" |
01:10am 12/03/2005 |
mood:  amused
Hey, Just figured since every one here was into art, and poetry, even if it did center around Tool, may be interested in this community: chemical_dump |
Tour? |
09:52pm 13/01/2005 |
mood:  curious
yo ive posted this before but i heard tool was gonna tour in spring. well its alread y januarry and ive heard nothing on thier tour info. if anybody knows anything plz lemme know. and jus because anyone who saw em last time around lemme know what they were like especially danny carey. thanks peace |
04:12pm 02/12/2004 |
I just purchased "Third Eye Open" A string tribute to TooL"
It is an 11 song album completely composed of a section of stings. vilion, contrbass, cello...*scritch scritch* forgot the other two BUT ANYWAY The music is okay, not the best orchestration, not the worst (they are playing tool you kow) and it's just something unique to hear songs like "sober", "schism" and "aenema" coming out of the speakers sounding alittle like an NPR broadcast...
If your a slight fanatic I'd check it out - plus, if Grandma doesn't like that "rock music" you can pop this in and have her niting away to TooL! |