Papers by Hamid Hamidzadeh
Governing Equations
Vibrations of Thick Cylindrical Structures, 2009
Governing Equations
Vibrations of Thick Cylindrical Structures, 2009
The Measurement of the Dynamic Properties for an Elastic Half-Space Medium
Volume 1: 20th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Parts A, B, and C, 2005
Experimental and Analytical Investigations of the Dynamic Response of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap Joints
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2004
Nonlinear science and complexity. Proceedings of the conference, Beijing, China, August 7–12, 2006
Special Issue on Vibration and Control
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
Special issue on advances and practises in classic dynamics
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
Special section on vibrations and dynamics of continuous and discontinuous systems
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
Motivating and Mentoring Your New Faculty Members
Vibrations on the Surface of a Semi-Infinite Elastic Medium
The dynamic response of the surface of a soil medium subjected to a vertical, harmonic and concen... more The dynamic response of the surface of a soil medium subjected to a vertical, harmonic and concentrated force on the surface is determined. The medium is assumed to be an elastic, isotropic and homogeneous half-space. The problem is analytically formulated by employing double Fourier transforms, and the solution is obtained in the form of integral expressions in terms of Rayleigh
In-Plane Free Vibration and Stability of High Speed Rotating Annular Disks and Rings
Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, 2013
Influence of embedded material at edges on natural frequencies of rotating annular disk
2012 IEEE 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity (NSC), 2012
Response of the Surface of an Elastic Half-Space Due to a Horizontal Harmonic Point Force
Wave Propagation in Solid and Porous Half-Space Media, 2014
Analytical Solutions of Structural Response of Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Detonation Loading
Volume 7: Dynamic Systems and Control; Mechatronics and Intelligent Machines, Parts A and B, 2011
Surface Vibration of a Multilayered Elastic Medium due to Harmonic Concentrated Force
Volume 1: 23rd Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Parts A and B, 2011
Coupled Transverse and Axial Vibrations of Cracked Cantilever Beams With Roving Mass and Rotary Inertia
Volume 8: Dynamic Systems and Control, Parts A and B, 2010
Identification of Vertical Exciting Force on the Surface of an Elastic Half-Space Using Sensor Fusion
Design Engineering and Computers and Information in Engineering, Parts A and B, 2006
The Nonlinear Vibration and Stability of Axially Traveling Thin Plates
Volume 5: 19th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Parts A, B, and C, 2003
Dynamics of a 4x6 Meter Thin Film Elliptical Inflated Membrane for Space Applications
43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2002
Flow Induced Vibration and Critical Velocities
Volume 1: 23rd Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Parts A and B, 2011
Papers by Hamid Hamidzadeh