Sunday, June 19th, 2005
1:37 pm - Laws of the Night Wanted.

I'm looking for as many spare copies of Laws of the Night as I can get my grubby little geek hands on. The Vampire LARP I'm helping to run with "Iron" Mike Mull and Adam McLaughlin now is over 30 players strong regurly showing up now(with over 50 in the database) and we average around 3 new players a game. Maybe it's just cause we're sorta new being that we've only had 7 games so far but we're having trouble helping new players catch up with the general knowledge most older LARPers have memorized a hundred times over. Thus we're wanting more copies of the books around so they can read them and or just be given them.
I'm offering just straight up cash for the books. If you're interested(and if you aint that's fine) then e-mail me [email protected] or just reply to this post. I can only offer about $20 a book as the STs already drop a buttload of cash into this game by providing free pizzas and drinks to the players and we're gonna start having all character stuff put into manilla folders too.
If you're interested in playing in our LARP the next session is next Sunday. We skipped Fathers Day obviously. None of the 7 Camarilla clans are capped right now though some are close. Kinda short on Nosferatu and Toreador as of this post but they may change. NO outside clans are allowed. Ghouls are allowed though.
current mood: amused
(1 comment | comment on this)
| Wednesday, April 6th, 2005
8:57 pm - Griffinclaw Enterprises Presents: Of Princes and Paupers.

Last Sunday was the first game of the new Vampire: The Masquerade LARP for the Charlotte area. 20 players and 2 STs showed up. As the Assistant ST for the game it's my opinion that the game went EXTREMELY well and everyone there seemed to have an absolute blast. We had several people brand new to LARPing play for the first time and they've all been calling me all week talking about how great a time they had. We had old players like Lisa, Snakes, and others have a better time at a game than I've seen them have in a very long time. Players from other LARPs new to the are also arrived and were immediately drawn in and wrapped up in the unique storytelling style presented to them by two humble Charlotte NCs. Ummmm....wait a minute did I just say "humble?" *grin*
Ah who an I kidding? We kicked ass and took names Sunday! Never have I seen a first game go off so well without absolutely no BS at all going wrong. We had a blast and if you were there then you're already agreeing with me. If you weren't then you missed one hell of a good LARP. For over a year I've been hearing "Gee I wish somebody would run a decent Vampire LARP around here." Wish granted. Our names are "Iron" Mike Mull and Benjamin "Big Daddy Cool" Burton and you're all invited to experience our present to the Charlotte gaming scene: Of Princes and Paupers.
That aside here are the nuts and bolts. We're meeting every other Sunday in the same rooms used by our predecessors at TnC. That means the lower level of the Denny Bld at UNCC. STs show up at 4 pm for character creation, set up, and early role playing with players who arrive early. Right now it's 6 Toreador, 4 Brujah, 3 Gangrel, 3 Malkavians, 2 Tremere, 2 Ventrue, and 0 Nosferatu. Toreador are capped because as I said Sunday "If we get one more fucking fairie in this LARP I'm changing it to Changeling: The Dreaming." We got 2 players who are signed on to come next game as Ventrue. We would absolutely LOVE some Nosferatu but aren't gonna cry if we don't get it. I got 3 more players who are scheduled to join us next game but aren't decided as what to play yet(and aren't affiliated with each other in real life.) You getting the picture yet? This could very well be a big ass LARP for this area.
Observations I've made after only 1 night:
-Vampire is in my view easier to run that I remember Werewolf being as the pesky little critters stay in one dimension this time. Also they plot so much against each other the STs can sometimes sit back and wonder if they've just got pent up aggression in real life or something they need to let out.
-We might wanna hire another ST just in case. So yeah if you're interested let us know.
-When ever a Ventrue Prince says to 3 Gangrel "Don't worry we'll have you TAMED for civilized society in no time" the shit is about to hit the proverbial fan. Also STs are about to laugh so hard they cry.
-The balanace of the game is perfect for the time being. All clans are on about the same level as their percieved advantages by sheer luck are nullified by disadvantages they managed(and I still don't understand fully how it happened) to give themselves.
-We got more Toreador than you can shake a stake at. If for no other reason than seeing a LARP with Toreador as the prominant clan in numbers you should come and check us out. I normally can't give the buggers away but oh well to each his own.
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| Tuesday, March 29th, 2005
1:11 pm - Vamp LARP.

Vampire LARP starts this Sunday March 3rd. We'll be in the Denny Building lower level starting at 4pm for character creation and set up.
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| Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
4:08 pm - New LARP.

Griffinclaw Enterprises has been approached by the UNCC Sci-Fi Fantast Guild to run a new LARP on campus. We've accepted this offer. After taking a few months off it's time for Charlotte to have a LARP again. Here is the information:
What: Vampire: The Masquerade LARP. Head ST: "Iron" Mike Mull. Where: Denny Building UNCC. When: In a few months.
It's straight Camarilla Pre-Week of Nightmares. 7 clans. No funky stuff. No Werewolves, no mages, no Sabbat, no Independents(to begin with.)
You want a LARP in Charlotte? You got it. If you're interested then let us know. Using the experiences gained from our first LARP(which lasted 2 1/2 years) we're planning on providing a stronger, better, and more active LARP with a Zero Bullshit Tolerance Level. All STs will be exprerienced and trained. All players will be expected to role play. ST and Narrator positions available.
current mood: amused
(6 comments | comment on this)
| Monday, October 4th, 2004
11:05 pm - Ok this is weird.

Ok I hope nobody minds me asking this but I just gotta. Not one day has gone since we officially ended the Werewolf LARP and I've had about literally 10 people e-mail me and ask for a Vampire LARP. Weird thing is they're players from the Vampire game that was suppose to be going on at the The Steeple(actually it turns out it was in Concord) well apparantly it went bust quick. The remaining players from that game as well as a new group who found out about Adam and I through the Guild have asked us for a Vampire game. So I'm gonna ask:
If Adam and I start up a Vampire LARP, straight Camarilla 7 clans, would anybody here wanna play in it? Be atleast a month before we'd have it up and running, but we'd jump at the chance to run Vampire. If you're interested then let us know.
(10 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, October 3rd, 2004
8:11 pm - The story ends.
| Friday, August 13th, 2004
1:26 pm - Please?

Won't somebody, ANYBODY please start up a Vampire LARP around here? Please?
p.s. Been a while since I posted here so hi.
current mood: amused
(6 comments | comment on this)
| Wednesday, August 4th, 2004
9:39 am - a baby girl...
| Saturday, July 17th, 2004
12:12 pm - Greetings all

Welll its almost been a year since I left and things are great here in Florida. I love it here but I hope you are all doing good. Don't see much on here anymore but you all take care and I wish the best for you all. Thanks Marcus
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| Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
1:12 pm
| Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
8:56 am - Larp Pre-registration

Just an FYI. I've put lots of thought into it, and we're going to require that if you want to pre-register we actually have the money from you to guarantee you a certain character in the game.
Several of you have said you'd pay at the game, but wanted a certain character type. We just can't promise it unless we get the money from you, as a person who pays might request that same type of character from us and by all rights they deserve to get that character.
So if I've told you that we had a character for you, and you haven't actually paid for it, please email me at [email protected] and we'll work out a way for you to get payment to us.
To make sure you understand, the only people who have guaranteed characters at the game are those who have paid, and the narrators and NPCs who have been assigned (John B, Dan, Jeff, and John G).
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| Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
12:16 pm - addendum & redoux...

the addy for the Tooth & Claw Larp that will be running at ConCarolinas is http://www.toothandclaw.org
i will be helping out Mike & Matt with the ST duties, and various other people will be helping us out as narrators. as Mike mentioned, the overview is on the website, and there is a link on the site to the e-mail addy if you'd like to contact T&C that way to pre-register {pre-reg @ toothandclaw.org}
and because some people asked, we worked out with the Con to pre-reg people as well as sign them up for our Larp, so if anyone is interested in doing it all in one shot, here's how: if you want to pre-reg for the con through us, you'll need to do so by writing a check out to ConCarolinas for $25. you'll also need to write your full mailing address on our pre-reg sheet and note that you've included pre-reg payment for the con as well. we'll get the checks to the Con, and it'll be taken care of. it's $25 if you pay before May 15th, and afterwards it's $35. the Larp is going to be an extra $5 if you pre-register with us, and will be $10 if you wait 'till you get to the Con. you *DO* need to be registered for the Con to play in the Larp, as it is part of the Con. there will be tons of cool games running during the days, so i highly recommend checking out their site for all the nifty stuff they've got lined up!!! they're at: http://www.secfi.org/concarolinas
if you wanna pre-reg for one of the completely awesome {and NOT allowed in a long-running chronicle!} characters, either catch us through the pre-reg e-mail or find Mike, myself, or John B at a Guild meeting or Larp out at UNCC. remember, this Larp is going to have quite a few different creatures from the World of Darkness, so if you're coming to the Con, this is a great way to expand your role-playing horizons! {if anyone on here is interested in posting this info at their local game shop, please feel free to get hold of me for a printer-friendly overview & contact info sheet.}
i'm actually looking forward to doing this, and the setting & storyline set-up for the Larp is pretty sweet! hope to see some people i know out there! '-}
current mood: excited
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| Friday, April 2nd, 2004
10:30 am
| Monday, February 23rd, 2004
11:20 am - Ok I'm gonna run it.

The time has come for it to end. And thus I'm going to end it.
So come on down and see how the world goes kapuut!
I'm allowing all clans except Tzmisce and Setite! Cause frankly I hate Tzmisce and you REALLY don't wanna play a Setite in this one. I'm gonna mix and match the scenarios from the source book and throw in some stuff all my own.
I can offer a chance at many of the following in my game:
-Meet and greet interesting Antedilluvians(and some boring ones too.)
-Meet mythological figures such as Caine and Lilith.
-Diablerize to your hearts content!
-No stupid Withering!
current mood: amused
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| Friday, January 23rd, 2004
11:31 am - Gehenna Spoliers.

Ok since I'm evil I'm going to post my opinion of Gehenna and some spoliers. If you're planning to buy the book and wanna skip this then go ahead, if you don't feel like shelling the $30 for the book, read this and I'll save you some cash.
( Here it goes.Collapse )
current mood: amused
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
8:08 pm - It is mine.

Gehenna is mine. I found it today on the shelves of the most unlikely store. What's more I found 2 copies, not 1.
If some of you are having trouble finding a copy, and I know you are, e-mail me and I'll tell you where the other copy is.
current mood: amused
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| Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
7:45 pm - GEEKS UNITE!!!

Gehenna spoiler: ok im reading a spoiler of the Gehenna book by White-Wolf and it seems that Sacha Vykos, Etrius, and Goratrix are attempting to rescue Saulot in the body of a 6 yearold from some cult members...
thats kinda funny to me
current mood: amused
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| Friday, December 19th, 2003
11:27 pm - for my Christmas

I am not one to sit here and ask for stuff like my birthday or things, I do like to be surprised but I will make the same request that I made last year and was sadly not given it is "One for the dark lord on his dark throne, in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie" is that so much to ask for, all I want for christmas is the One Ring to rule them all... daniel aka Barney (oh btw way saw "The Return of the King" on opening day with Mike and John and my brother is was alot of fun and a great movie, the ending was a bit long but hey... it was a beautiful ending)
current mood: amused
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| Tuesday, December 16th, 2003
1:27 pm

As it's now pretty much official, I thought I'd go ahead and let everyone know that I'll be running the World of Darkness larp at ConCarolinas this summer.
For those that aren't familiar with it, ConCarolinas is a convention in Charlotte. The dates for this year are June 4th-6th.
The larp I'm running is still in the infancy of it's planning stages, but it will be a multi-genre game based in the mid to late 1980s. We'll be allowing Vampires, Werewolves, Changlings and Mages, with limited numbers of some of those.
The game will be a two-day event. Prices for admission to the game will be $10. A discount for pre-registration is being considered.
I'm interested in getting as many people pre-registered as possible, as I'd like to be able to send out backgrounds and game information well prior to the con itself so you can be well prepared/costumed.
More information will be forthcoming, but for now if you'd like to email me about pre-registration, please send it to [email protected]
Lastly, I'll be looking for people from our local community to help me out with the game. If you're interested in helping out, please let me know.
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| Wednesday, November 19th, 2003
3:24 pm - ???