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Audiovisual speech perception is likely based on the association between auditory and visual information into stable audiovisual maps. Conflicting audiovisual inputs generate perceptual illusions such as the McGurk effect. Audiovisual... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual perceptionSpeech perception
The term affordance defines a property of objects, which relates to the possible interactions that an agent can carry out on that object. In monkeys, canonical neurons encode both the visual and the motor properties of objects with high... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSkeletal muscle biologyVisual perception
The discovery of mirror neurons revived interest in motor theories of perception, fostering a number of new studies as well as controversies. In particular, the degree of motor specificity with which others' actions are simulated is... more
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      Mirror NeuronsMotor LearningComputational NeuroscienceMotor Control
equally contributed to the work. ‡ Thomas Bever and Luciano Fadiga equally contributed to the work.
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Human languages can express opposite propositions by means of a negative operator not 23 that turns affirmative sentences into negative ones. Psycholinguistic research has 24 indicated that negative meanings are formed by transiently... more
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      GeneticsInformation ProcessingMixed Effects ModelsSensorimotor integration
We are grateful to all commentators for their insightful commentaries and observations that enrich our proposal. One of our aims was indeed to bridge the gap between fields of research that, progressing independently, are facing similar... more
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      Mirror NeuronsMultidisciplinaryMotor activity
Distinct brain signatures of content and structure violation during action observation, Neuropsychologia,
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsSemantics
We are grateful to all commentators for their insightful commentaries and observations that enrich our proposal. One of our aims was indeed to bridge the gap between fields of research that, progressing independently, are facing similar... more
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      Mirror NeuronsMultidisciplinaryMotor activity
During speech listening motor regions are somatotopically activated, resembling the activity that subtends actual speech production, suggesting that motor commands can be retrieved from sensory inputs. Crucially, the efficient motor... more
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      EEGSpeech ProcessingRhythms in Brain
Distinct brain signatures of content and structure violation during action observation, Neuropsychologia,
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsSemantics
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Inappropriate response tendencies may be stopped via a specific fronto/basal ganglia/primary motor cortical network. We sought to characterize the functional role of two regions in this putative stopping network, the right inferior... more
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    • Neuroscience
Both the pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA) and the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) are important for stopping action outright. These regions are also engaged when preparing to stop. We aimed to elucidate the roles of these regions... more
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    • Neuroscience
Language Laterality Wada (sodium Amytal) test Arcuate fasciculus Uncinate fasciculus Inferior longitudinal fasciculus Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus Handedness Functional magnetic resonance imaging Broca's area
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingEpilepsyDiffusion Tensor ImagingLaterality
Here we present a novel multimodal analysis of network connectivity in the language system. We assessed connectivity of Broca's area using tractography with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and with cortico-cortical evoked potentials... more
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      EpilepsyDiffusion Tensor ImagingLanguageInformation Flow
Electrocorticography (ECoG) allows for measurement of task-related local field potentials directly from cortex in neurosurgical patients. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography is an MRI technique that allows for reconstruction of... more
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      Working MemoryDiffusion Tensor ImagingDiffusion MRIBrain Mapping
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is hypothesized to involve derangement of long-range limbic connectivity, but in vivo evidence is lacking. We used diffusion tractography to investigate the relationship between hippocampal atrophy and... more
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      AlgorithmsEpilepsyDiffusion Tensor ImagingAnisotropy
Electrocorticography (ECoG) and functional MRI (BOLD-fMRI) have been used previously to measure brain activity during working memory delay periods. These studies have separately reported oscillation changes in the theta (4-8 Hz) band and... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingEpilepsyWorking Memory