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What is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities at federally funded institutions. Title IX protects students, faculty, staff, and visitors to our campus from all forms of sex discrimination.
Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited under Title IX. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, and nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile work or educational environment.
Information for…
Our Commitment to You
Six core values are at the heart of what Texas A&M is all about: loyalty, integrity, excellence, leadership, respect, and selfless service.
These principles define the way members of our community should interact with each other, which means that sex-based discrimination, harassment (including sexual violence) and related retaliation have no place at Texas A&M.
Texas A&M University will promptly address all complaints of sex-based discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation made by or against faculty, staff, students, guests and vendors in accordance with our policies and applicable federal and state laws.
Texas A&M University recognizes the constitutional right of free speech and promotes the open exchange of ideas. These principals stimulate debate, which is essential to a rich learning environment. While members of the University community cannot be compelled to engage only in civil discourse, the search for knowledge and truth is best obtained in an environment that models intellectual inquiry, not bellicose comportment.
Texas A&M Title IX Coordinator
Jennifer Smith, JD, is the Title IX Coordinator for Texas A&M University. Her responsibilities include oversight, leadership, and coordination for Title IX compliance efforts regarding discrimination based on sex, sexual harassment (including sexual violence), and related retaliation and for supporting a safe and respectful academic, working, and living environment.
You can reach out to Jennifer at any time with questions about Title IX.
Jennifer Smith, JD
☎ (979) 458-8407
✉ [email protected]
🏢 YMCA Building, Suite 108
365 Houston St., #108
College Station, TX 77843-1268
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX (CR/T9)
The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX (CR/T9) is charged with the investigation and resolution of alleged violations of Texas A&M University’s civil rights policies, including Title IX.
This includes instances of sex-based discrimination, harassment (including sexual violence) and related retaliation when this conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work or educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile work or educational environment.
Conduct which is not severe, persistent or pervasive may still be a violation of other University policies, and when appropriate, CR/T9 will partner with other University entities to address such conduct.