Aastha Tripathi
Dr. Aastha Tripathi is an Assistant Professor at the prestigious Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, in Human Resource Management/Organizational Behaviour. Before this, she worked as a Post-doctoral Researcher at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA). She was a senior research scientist with the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD). She works in the broad area of Human Resource Management and organizational behavior. Her areas of interest are learning agility, learning culture, employee retention, turnover intention, statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), analysis of moment structure (AMOS), SMART- PLS, and R. She serves as a reviewer in various reputed journals such as Academy of Management, International Journal of Information Management (A*), International Journal of Manpower (A), South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management (B), International Journal of Organizational Analysis (B), to name a few. She is also an "Editorial Advisory Board Member" of the International Journal of Organisational Analysis (IJOA; ABDC-B/SCOPUS), the International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM; ABDC-B/SCOPUS), the International Journal of Technology & Human Interaction (IJTHI; ABDC/SCOPUS) and Journal of Affective Computing and Human Interfaces (JACHI). She has published in top-notch journals (such as the American Business Review (ABDC-A), the International Journal of Organisational Analysis (ABDC-B), Innovation: Organisation & Management (ABDC- B) and, International Journal of Knowledge & Learning (ABDC-C), to name a few.
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Papers by Aastha Tripathi
support they need to become more learning agile. This agility translates into a workforce that can readily adapt to new technologies, evolving customer demands, and a dynamic business environment. Consequently, firms can expect greater innovation, improved service delivery, and, ultimately, a significant boost in overall performance. This research also contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge. It adds a fresh perspective to organizational learning theory by highlighting the crucial role of learning agility as a bridge between OLCu and firm performance, particularly in the
Indian IT sector.
role, meaning it partially explains the effect of OLCu on firm performance. In simpler terms, while a strong OLCu is crucial, it is the employee’s enhanced learning agility that truly unlocks the door to improved firm performance. This research offers valuable insights that can empower organizations in the Indian IT landscape. By nurturing a vibrant OLCu, companies can equip their employees with the tools and support they need to become more learning agile. This agility translates into a workforce that can readily adapt to new technologies, evolving customer demands, and a dynamic business environment. Consequently, firms can expect greater innovation, improved service delivery, and, ultimately, a significant boost in overall performance. This research also contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge. It adds a fresh perspective to organizational learning theory by highlighting the crucial role of learning agility as a bridge between OLCu and firm performance, particularly in the Indian IT sector.
interventions and learning agility (LA) on organizational innovation (OI).
Design/methodology/approach – Based on the social exchange theory, the theoretical research model
was developed in this study. This study used cross-sectional data to test the research hypotheses. In addition,
partial least square structured equation modelling was used to analyse 413 sample responses from Indian
managerial professionals.
Findings – The findings suggest that HRD interventions and LA have an effect on OI. Additionally, age as
a control factor also influences OI.
Practical implications – The study’s findings show that an organization must use HRD interventions
effectively to improve innovation. Additionally, learning agile employees also helps in bringing innovation to
an organization.
Originality/value – This study is one of its kind in exploring LA for OI by using the existing LA scale.
Further, this study is a significant contribution to the existing literature by using HRD interventions, LA and
OI in an extensive research model.
Keywords HRD interventions, Learning agility, Organizational innovation, Age, Education,
Annual income
Paper type Research paper
(LA) on employee’s turnover intention (TI) in connection to information technology (IT) industries in India.
Design/methodology/approach – This research study analysed 258 samples of entry-level and middlelevel
executives working in IT software companies constituted in Southern India. Data was collected both
electronically and in hard-copy. The research model was tested by structural equation modeling
technique with the aid ofAMOS software.
Findings – The findings illustrate the indirect effect of LC on TI while a direct effect on LA and also a
positive and significant effect of LA on TI.
Research limitations/implications – The first limitation is that this study does not cover top-level
executives, therefore, it has limited implications and the second is that the respondents filled the
questionnaire voluntarily by their beliefs.
Originality/value – This study contributes towards the development of LC, which will help in building LA
in employees thereby reduce the employee’s TI.
Keywords Information technology, Employee turnover, Learning culture, Learning agility
Paper type Research paper
the relationship between organisational learning culture (OLC) and employee
retention (ER) in an organisation and has also examined the role of gender as a
moderator in the relationship between LA and ER. A hypothesised model has
been proposed to test the relationships between OLC, LA and ER. SEM has
been utilised using (AMOS-version18) on a valid sample of 326 information
technology (IT) employees of entry level and middle level from five different
software firms located in Eastern, Western and Northern India. The findings of
this study exhibit that the two dimensions of OLC significantly influence ER
and LA indirectly influences employee retention (ER) inside the organisation
with the help of learning culture. Between LA and ER, gender significantly
moderates the relationship. This study can improve an organisation by creating
a knowledge-learning platform to make it successful in the market.
support they need to become more learning agile. This agility translates into a workforce that can readily adapt to new technologies, evolving customer demands, and a dynamic business environment. Consequently, firms can expect greater innovation, improved service delivery, and, ultimately, a significant boost in overall performance. This research also contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge. It adds a fresh perspective to organizational learning theory by highlighting the crucial role of learning agility as a bridge between OLCu and firm performance, particularly in the
Indian IT sector.
role, meaning it partially explains the effect of OLCu on firm performance. In simpler terms, while a strong OLCu is crucial, it is the employee’s enhanced learning agility that truly unlocks the door to improved firm performance. This research offers valuable insights that can empower organizations in the Indian IT landscape. By nurturing a vibrant OLCu, companies can equip their employees with the tools and support they need to become more learning agile. This agility translates into a workforce that can readily adapt to new technologies, evolving customer demands, and a dynamic business environment. Consequently, firms can expect greater innovation, improved service delivery, and, ultimately, a significant boost in overall performance. This research also contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge. It adds a fresh perspective to organizational learning theory by highlighting the crucial role of learning agility as a bridge between OLCu and firm performance, particularly in the Indian IT sector.
interventions and learning agility (LA) on organizational innovation (OI).
Design/methodology/approach – Based on the social exchange theory, the theoretical research model
was developed in this study. This study used cross-sectional data to test the research hypotheses. In addition,
partial least square structured equation modelling was used to analyse 413 sample responses from Indian
managerial professionals.
Findings – The findings suggest that HRD interventions and LA have an effect on OI. Additionally, age as
a control factor also influences OI.
Practical implications – The study’s findings show that an organization must use HRD interventions
effectively to improve innovation. Additionally, learning agile employees also helps in bringing innovation to
an organization.
Originality/value – This study is one of its kind in exploring LA for OI by using the existing LA scale.
Further, this study is a significant contribution to the existing literature by using HRD interventions, LA and
OI in an extensive research model.
Keywords HRD interventions, Learning agility, Organizational innovation, Age, Education,
Annual income
Paper type Research paper
(LA) on employee’s turnover intention (TI) in connection to information technology (IT) industries in India.
Design/methodology/approach – This research study analysed 258 samples of entry-level and middlelevel
executives working in IT software companies constituted in Southern India. Data was collected both
electronically and in hard-copy. The research model was tested by structural equation modeling
technique with the aid ofAMOS software.
Findings – The findings illustrate the indirect effect of LC on TI while a direct effect on LA and also a
positive and significant effect of LA on TI.
Research limitations/implications – The first limitation is that this study does not cover top-level
executives, therefore, it has limited implications and the second is that the respondents filled the
questionnaire voluntarily by their beliefs.
Originality/value – This study contributes towards the development of LC, which will help in building LA
in employees thereby reduce the employee’s TI.
Keywords Information technology, Employee turnover, Learning culture, Learning agility
Paper type Research paper
the relationship between organisational learning culture (OLC) and employee
retention (ER) in an organisation and has also examined the role of gender as a
moderator in the relationship between LA and ER. A hypothesised model has
been proposed to test the relationships between OLC, LA and ER. SEM has
been utilised using (AMOS-version18) on a valid sample of 326 information
technology (IT) employees of entry level and middle level from five different
software firms located in Eastern, Western and Northern India. The findings of
this study exhibit that the two dimensions of OLC significantly influence ER
and LA indirectly influences employee retention (ER) inside the organisation
with the help of learning culture. Between LA and ER, gender significantly
moderates the relationship. This study can improve an organisation by creating
a knowledge-learning platform to make it successful in the market.