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The Government of India has been providing limited maternal and child health services through its Family Welfare programme, but this system is characterised by weaknesses that include inefficient work schedules; non-availability of... more
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    • Reproductive health
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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    • Adolescent pregnancy
To identify factors at the health facility and health professional levels that might hinder or facilitate the appropriate use of magnesium sulfate for the treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.
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N India, adolescent girls aged 15-19 constitute about 10 per cent of the population. About 40 per cent of adolescent girls are married before the age of 18, at a median age of 16, in contravention of the minimum legal age (18 years). 1... more
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      Decision MakingSexual HealthAdolescentMedicine
The Government of India has been providing limited maternal and child health services through its Family Welfare programme, but this system is characterised by weaknesses that include inefficient work schedules; non-availability of... more
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      Operations ResearchChild healthHealth Services ResearchHealth Policy
Childbearing in adolescence, a common practice in south Asia, can adversely affect the health of both mother and child. This qualitative study was conducted in three sites in India and Bangladesh where low birth weight is prevalent to... more
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      EconomicsSexual and Reproductive HealthPolitical Economic HistoryQualitative Research
Medical abortion, approved in India in 2002, is emerging as an alternative to surgical procedure for terminating early pregnancy and offers a window of opportunity to expand women's access to safe and effective abortion. A study... more
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The present study based on Gujarat provides interesting insights on medical abortion. Based on interviews with a few chemists, drug industries and the service providers, maladies in the provision of medical abortion that has not yet... more
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SCN N NEWS provides information on issues of importance and sharing of experiences in the field of international nutrition. All manuscripts submitted for consideration are peer-reviewed, although publication is not guaranteed. Overall... more
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    • Economics
In India, safe abortion services are sought mainly in the private sector for reasons of privacy, confidentiality, and the absence of delays and coercion to use contraception. In recent years, the declining sex ratio has received much... more
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      MedicineAbortionPublic health systems and services researchPaediatrics and reproductive medicine
Following the International Conference on Population and Development Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) was recognized as a top development priority in India's National Population Policy 2000. In 2006 a separate ARSH... more
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    • Reproductive health
Public Private Partnerships have been implemented in India to help improve the performance of the public health sector. The experiences of implementation have been a mixed bag with some successes. There have been concerns during... more
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      DesignPublic Private PartnershipRisksSelection
Although the need for multi-faceted and multi-sectoral approaches to address the multidimensional issue of child marriage is well-acknowledged, there is a dearth of documented experience on the process of implementing and managing such... more
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      Political ScienceMedicineReproductive healthPaediatrics and reproductive medicine
Since 2006, Udaan-a school-based adolescent education program in Jharkhand, India-was the only at-scale state-run program in the country. To determine factors that contributed to Udaan's scale-up and longevity, this study drew information... more
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      PsychologyPublic health systems and services research
Background Recognizing the potential of the country’s large youth population and the importance of protecting and supporting its health and well-being, the Government of India committed to strengthening its programmes and systems for... more
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      BusinessPublic HealthMedicineReproductive health
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      LawPolitical ScienceLegal ReformMedicine
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    • Matrilineality,gender issues and socio-cultural change in North East India
this paper talks about the changes in the role of khasi women in the light of their role and status
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    • Women's Studies
Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless... more
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      Sociology of ReligionMarxist theoryAlienation