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This study looks at girls participation in the primary education in Bihar and how girl children are excluded from it. It examines the factors responsible for it from secondary data, interviews of girls, teachers, parents and the resource... more
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    • Educational Psychology
Pain is not just a bio physical phenomenon but is rooted in culture and personal experience
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The bio-physical and bio-chemical construction of body is unable is explain the chronic pain and experience associated with it. The pain is rooted in cultural and experience of the afflicted, and thus, can be understood better by a... more
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The article explores a novel way of looking at number system as a systematic arrangement of symbols just like symbols are arranged in a dictionary with an additional rule that the symbols have an hierarchical structure.
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationCritical Pedagogy
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An analytical model has been developed to study the nuclear-coupled density-wave instability in the Indian advanced heavy water reactor (AHWR) which is a natural circulation pressure tube type boiling water reactor. The model considers a... more
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      Engineering DesignConstant Time DelayAnalytical ModelInterdisciplinary Engineering
Fact finding done by group of students and faculty from Tata Institute of Social Sciences
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      ViolenceRight-Wing ExtremismEthnic CleansingCommunalism
This paper attempts to look at the ways informality is conceptualized in India and argues that the problems with the laws pertaining to informal labour are not simply an implementation issue, but the design of the labour laws itself... more
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      MigrationLabour LawWork and LabourInformal Economy
This paper tries to look at the normative body image, how it is constructed and goes on on to become the norm. Further, it tries to elucidate how ‘abnormal’ is constructed in opposition to it. The paper attempts to not only look at the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionMinority Studies
In this paper, attempts are made to explore how Jain philosophy promote acceptance of differences hence, peace and multiculturalism. Discussing the doctrines of Karma, Anekantavada, Syadavada and Nyasa, the paper unfolds how the Jain... more
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      JainismReligious PluralismIndividualismAnekantavada
This paper tries to explore the ways in which youth from the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans* community have used the digital medium to engage in social and political processes. It makes an attempt to look at the various technologies that... more
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      Gender StudiesDigital Humanities
The study tried to capture the experiences of performers, organisers, intellectuals and audiences of the art form from a feminist perspective through personal interviews. Some of the narratives have been used in this paper. I have also... more
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      Identity (Culture)CultureWomen and Gender Studies
The National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam along with being a communal issue is also extremely gendered in nature. In the process of granting citizenship, the state ensures and renaturalises heteronormativity. A process of... more
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This paper explores certain facets of the quotidian of people who are living "queer" lives in Manipur, through stories of struggles and negotiation of 8 people trying to survive abuse, find livelihood and acceptance from their family and... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryQualitative methodologyConflict
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      Transgender StudiesQueer TheoryCitizenship
This paper looks at the construction of the Transgender citizen through the analysis of the NALSA judgment and the various drafts of the Transgender Bill
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      Queer StudiesFeminist TheoryTransgender StudiesQueer Theory
This piece is a reflection on the usage of Hashtags in social media to popularize the themes of the Mumbai Pride March, also known as Queer Azaadi Mumbai (QAM).
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      Queer TheorySexualityGender and SexualityGender
Background 1.1 Being Transgender in India 1.2 Larger context of militaristic state control 1.3 State response to public protests and the Covid-19 Pandemic 9 2 Chapter 2: Research Methodology 2. 1 Sites 2.2 Sample 2. 3. Ethical Concerns 9... more
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      Transgender StudiesMilitarism and militarizationState Violence
The authors offer andolan/protest imaginaries, meditations that move between the heady inspirations of current protests and the stultifying violence of state practices in South Asia. Each contributor speaks of sight lines of possibility... more
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      MultidisciplinarySocial Text
This paper analyses crimes against women and children in Delhi based on two data sources – the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) and an empirical dataset drawn from the Perceptions Survey of the Delhi Human Development Report, 2013.... more
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      Indian studiesIndiaIndologyCyber Harassment