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Fic journal of Satu [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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A Tricky Thing Called Love [Feb. 14th, 2010|06:44 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: A Tricky Thing Called Love
Pairing: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer/ Paul Scholes
Rating: PG
Summary: Then there is the part that just happened, and he will not let it go, not even try.

Author's Note: Part of my Valentine’s Day ficlet dump (stretching into next week, it seems), this is for hiro_chan. I owe you a fic or two bby ;D

Paul adjusts the dinner jacket for the umpteenth time and fights down the urge to tug on the bowtie that is too tight around his throat.Collapse )

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A Footballer's Guide to Passing (Notes) 2 - The Club [Dec. 22nd, 2009|09:19 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: A Footballer’s Guide to Passing (Notes) 2 – The Club
Rating: PG
Warnings: juvenile behaviour from people over twenty years old, general sillyness
Main Characters:

Gary Neville

Ryan Giggs

Rio Ferdinand

Paul Scholes

Implied pairings here and there.

Summary: So we have seen what the little ones get up to during classroom time. But what about the more mature team members? (I’m sure you can figure out the general temporal setting of this fic by yourselves)

Do you think I need a haircut?Collapse )

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Ficlets from music/fic meme [Nov. 16th, 2009|02:12 am]
Fic journal of Satu

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Music/Fic meme and the results

Rating: PG
Warnings: woah, guess I got mostly angsty songs... so the writing is angsty, too.
Characters: mostly unnamed though you will be able to guess. Mentioned by name: Cristiano Ronaldo, Owen Hargreaves, Ryan Giggs.
Summary: meme goes as follows:

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!

Ficlets are named after the songs I was listening to when writing them.

6 ficlets this wayCollapse )

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A Footballer's Guide to Passing (Notes) [Nov. 1st, 2008|04:34 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: A Footballer’s Guide to Passing (Notes)
Rating: PG
Warnings: juvenile behaviour from people over twenty years old, general sillyness
Main Characters:

Wayne Rooney


Danny Simpson

Cristiano Ronaldo

Summary: It’s a rare classroom lesson at the Carrington fortress. Surely, the boys can all behave themselves and not, for example, start passing notes... right?

Hey Cris how you doing?Collapse )

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Master Plan [Nov. 1st, 2008|04:27 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: Master plan
Pairing: Cris/Owen
Rating: PG-13
Author's note: I wrote this for england_missing in the 2008 July fic exchange over at unitedslash.

Cristiano was a man who believed in destiny.Collapse )

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Leaving and Returning [Nov. 1st, 2008|04:20 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: Leaving and returning
Pairing: Carlos Tevez/Lucas Neill
Rating: PG-13
Author’s note: I wrote this fic for petarrr in the 2007 Secret Santa exchange at footballslash

He feels stupid going backCollapse )

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Why Wayne never tried to decorate the Christmas tree alone again [Nov. 1st, 2008|04:08 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: Why Wayne never tried to decorate the Christmas tree alone again
Pairing: Cristiano Ronaldo/Wayne Rooney
Rating: NC-17
Author’s note: My first NC-17. Had loads of fun and moments of blushing with this. I wrote this fic for bsideofmytongue in the 2007 Secret Santa exchange at unitedslash.

It is Saturday evening three days before Christmas and Cristiano Ronaldo is just stripping for bed when his mobile phone buzzes to life.Collapse )

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Sleeping Arrangements [Nov. 1st, 2008|04:02 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: Sleeping Arrangements
Pairing: Gary/David
Rating: PG-13

”So, top or bottom?”Collapse )

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Nightly Dreaming [Nov. 1st, 2008|03:56 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: Nightly Dreaming
Pairing: Cris/Wayne
Rating: PG

He tried to close his eyesCollapse )

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Obsession [Nov. 1st, 2008|03:51 pm]
Fic journal of Satu

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Title: Obsession
Pairing: Cristiano/Owen
Rating: umm... PG-13?

It was his hair Owen noticed at first.Collapse )

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