? ?
15 February 2013 @ 03:13 am
Title: By the lake
Author: morethanacandle
Pairing: Lily & James
Rating: PG
Word count: 502
Warnings: None.
Summary: By the lake, they stand.
Author's notes: None.
08 January 2011 @ 08:15 pm
Title: Hedwigs Bow
Author: Alan McLeod
Rating: G (US); U (UK)
Character(s): Hedwig, Harry
Summary: The early part of book seven from Hedwig's viewpoint. (About 200 words)
Contains a book/film seven spoiler

Hedwig's Bow

Title: Form 46a (Snape's bad day)
Author: Alan McLeod
Rating: G (US); U (UK)
Character(s): Snape
Summary: Humour - Snape tries to renew his floo license...

Form 46a

Title: Surprise
Author: Alan McLeod
Rating: G (US); U (UK)
Character(s): Neville, Luna
Summary: Drabble (100 words); Neville and Luna receive a surprise call to attend St Mungo's...


01 August 2009 @ 06:39 am
Sorry I've been absent for so long...our internet was capped and was slower than dial-up.

Anyhow, if you noticed the Writer's Block topic, it's J. K. Rowling's birthday today, and it asked what your favourite book was. about it? What's your favourite book and why?
21 July 2009 @ 07:16 pm
What is your Amortentia (smell[s])?

I think I would smell coffee beans (even though I don't drink coffee), sandalwood, milk chocolate, and oranges.
20 July 2009 @ 02:16 pm
What scenes are you most looking forward to seeing in Deathly Hallows? (Assuming they're included in the movies, of course...)
20 July 2009 @ 06:01 pm
crazy_in_lost was kind enough to make me the second mod, so hello to you all (: My name's sharona, for those interested...and I thought I'd start with a poll.

Were you satisfied with the '9 years later' chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

It was alright

By the way, if you're able to, advertise this community!

Edit: 19 years, not 9. Ignore me ==
19 July 2009 @ 08:10 pm
Hello everyone!

timeturners wants to keep members involved in the community, so we'd like to launch a community event soon. Please tell us what you want to participate in. Thanks!

poll here ...Collapse )

Also: we're still looking for mods in this post.

To all members: start posting anytime you'd like. :D
15 July 2009 @ 11:43 pm

I encourage all of you to post your own reviews of the movie, in the comments of this post or in your own post. Just remember not to link to friends only posts! Thank you!

Review of the HBP movieCollapse )
12 July 2009 @ 10:14 pm
When are you going to watch Half Blood Prince? Are you going to dress up? (Post pictures of your costumes!)

I have to take my younger brothers to see it (on opening day of course), but sadly, I can't go to the midnight premiere or dress up. I will see it in theatres as soon as IMAX starts playing, though.

I'm so excited!
12 July 2009 @ 09:28 pm
Layout Header Contest

Would you like to make this community's first official layout? Then enter now!

Tenative deadline: August 10th at 3pm in US Pacific Time.

rules under the cutCollapse )
12 July 2009 @ 09:05 pm
If you'd like to affiliate with this community, please comment in this post.

Ask a moderator before promoting anything. Promos must be Harry Potter-related. Only LJ Affiliates can promote their LJ communities.

Thank you.
12 July 2009 @ 08:43 pm
We welcome your input. Commenting in this post is the quickest way to get a moderator's attention.

All comments are screened.
12 July 2009 @ 07:18 pm
Community Guidelines
The following were well thought out to ensure that timeturners is run efficiently, thus making the community fun for everyone. Please respect the maintainers and members by reading the guidelines. Thank you. Please read the guidelines under the cut.Collapse )