Papers by Ward Biemans SJ
Gregorianum, 2024
The few available empirical studies show a purifying and relieving effect of the sacrament of Rec... more The few available empirical studies show a purifying and relieving effect of the sacrament of Reconciliation and the possibility of reconnecting with others. A change towards a humbler attitude among the clergy, a language adapted to a postmodern mindset and more attention for the social dimension of sin could reawaken the declined interest in the sacrament. Reflecting on data obtained from interviews (n = 24) with migrant and intercultural couples living in the Netherlands, it is made clear that positive effects of the sacrament were confirmed by some, whereas other interviewees use other means to seek reconciliation with God or prefer to resolve conflicts within their relationship directly with their partner. Finally, several ways are indicated to increase the attractivity of the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Family Forum, Jan 27, 2024
This quantitative survey among migrant and intercultural couples in the Netherlands investigates ... more This quantitative survey among migrant and intercultural couples in the Netherlands investigates the relationships between marriage preparation, pastoral accompaniment and relationship quality. Relationship quality may be negatively influenced by a process of cultural transition, by instability of the relationship itself or by underdeveloped communication skills between partners. Participants (n=223) have been married in the Catholic Church between 1995 and 2021. Correlations between various religious and spiritual activities and relationship quality have been calculated through linear regression analysis. Results show that overall, migrant couples and intercultural couples appreciate a more intensive, professional, and welcoming Marriage and Relationship Education (MRE) and pastoral accompaniment after marriage. It is also concluded that seeking reconciliation after a conflict (r=0.361) and experiencing forgiveness from one's spouse (r=0.188) are significantly associated with a higher perceived relationship quality. Finally, data indicate that migrants with a non-Western cultural background show a significant pattern of cultural defence (μ=-0,375) in comparison to Dutch people.

Journal of Pastoral Theology, 2024
Migration is often a far-reaching event in the personal lives of migrants to Western Europe, espe... more Migration is often a far-reaching event in the personal lives of migrants to Western Europe, especially when there is a background of war or persecution. This article aims at investigating patterns of cultural transition (CT), intercultural transition (IT), and cultural defence (CD), and values distilled from 12 semi-structured in-depth interviews with migrant and intercultural couples who have been married in the Catholic Church between 1995 and 2022. All couples live in the Netherlands. Results show that patterns of CT (n = 86) are more common than patterns of CD (n = 51) or IT (n = 22). From the three categories of values, faith values have been mentioned most often (n = 242), followed by family values (n = 132) and societal values (n = 87). Implications for intercultural pastoral care, faith education, and community building are mentioned. Welcoming and listening to migrants fits in the recent worldwide synodal process of the Catholic Church.

Family Forum, 2023
This quantitative survey among migrant and intercultural couples in the Netherlands investigates ... more This quantitative survey among migrant and intercultural couples in the Netherlands investigates the relationships between marriage preparation, pastoral accompaniment and relationship quality. Relationship quality may be negatively influenced by a process of cultural transition, by instability of the relationship itself or by underdeveloped communication skills between partners. Participants (n=223) have been married in the Catholic Church between 1995 and 2021. Correlations between various religious and spiritual activities and relationship quality have been calculated through linear regression analysis. Results show that overall, migrant couples and intercultural couples appreciate a more intensive, professional, and welcoming Marriage and Relationship Education (MRE) and pastoral accompaniment after marriage. It is also concluded that seeking reconciliation after a conflict (r=0.361) and experiencing forgiveness from one's spouse (r=0.188) are significantly associated with a higher perceived relationship quality. Finally, data indicate that migrants with a non-Western cultural background show a significant pattern of cultural defence (μ=-0,375) in comparison to Dutch people.

Marriage, Families & Spirituality, 2022
This article reviews and comments on the ‘Catechumenal Itineraries for Married Life. Pastoral gui... more This article reviews and comments on the ‘Catechumenal Itineraries for Married Life. Pastoral guidelines for particular Churches’, by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. With these guidelines, the dicastery intends an itinerary for formation into Christian married life, inspired by the baptismal catechumenate. The approach is not only catechetical, but also proposes dialogue, prayer and rituals, and a welcoming into the wider Church community. It is argued that the principle of graduality needs to be applied for cohabiting, engaged couples who want to marry in the church. The concrete proposal for this new catechumenal pathway consists of three phases: 1) a pre-catechumenal phase, which is a remote preparation meant for children and adolescents; 2) an intermediate phase, for the welcoming of the candidates for marriage and 3) a catechumenal phase, subdivided into three stages: a) forthcoming preparation, b) immediate preparation and c) accompanying the first years of married life.
Communio - Internationaal Katholiek Tijdschrift, 2022
Na een korte introductie van het begrip 'wedergeboren worden' wordt in deel 2 van dit artikel ing... more Na een korte introductie van het begrip 'wedergeboren worden' wordt in deel 2 van dit artikel ingegaan op de verschillende vormen en kenmerken van bekering. Daarbij wordt gefocust op de gezamenlijke, kerkelijke dimensie van het begrip bekering. Vervolgens wordt in deel 3 deze kerkelijke dimensie van bekering in de hedendaagse maatschappelijke context worden geplaatst, met bijzondere aandacht voor de Nederlandse parochies en voor (katholieke) migranten in Nederland. Tenslotte wordt in deel 4 stilgestaan bij de vraag hoe de kerkgemeenschap in Nederland wedergeboren kan worden.

Marriage, Families & Spirituality, 2022
In this article, following the “empirical-critical-theological” method, research on the pastoral ... more In this article, following the “empirical-critical-theological” method, research on the pastoral accompaniment of couples before and after marriage is evaluated in the light of some recent magisterial documents and with the purpose of indicating ways of improvement. In the first part, recent empirical research on the investment in sustainable conjugal relationships by couples living in Western countries is analyzed. Premarital education, which is often provided in a religious setting, has a sustainable beneficial effect on the relationship quality of couples and reduces the chance of divorce. The risk of separation for cohabiting couples is about twice the risk for married couples. Adults after divorce and children with divorced and separated parents have lower mental well-being than adults and children in intact families. Against this background, the second part sets out a vision of how pastoral accompaniment for couples before and after marriage could be improved. There is an analysis of the ways Pope Francis, in Amoris laetitia, is inviting the ecclesial community to broaden its pastoral vision on the accompaniment of couples and families. This is illustrated by a number of recommendations for a renewal of marriage preparation and education. In the third part, empirical research which could support a pastoral strategy for the accompaniment of couples is critically reflected upon. Most of this research has taken place in the United States, and European studies are scarce. Several effects are measured in relation to religiosity, spirituality, and marital well-being. Church attendance, praying together as a couple, praying for one’s partner, investing time in Marriage and Relationship Education, and the willingness to forgive one’s partner all contribute to a higher perceived marital quality. Sustainable effects of marriage preparation and education are more likely to be expected if a clergy or lay leader has a strong working alliance with a couple and shows a sensitivity towards an intercultural building up of the church community. In the final part, ways towards a more effective pastoral accompaniment of couples, as well as and recommendations for future research, are presented.
Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 2021
Discussie over risico op psychiatrische aandoeningen na abortus, met nieuwe gegevens over het ver... more Discussie over risico op psychiatrische aandoeningen na abortus, met nieuwe gegevens over het verband tussen abortus en diverse psychiatrische stoornissen (HR: 1,34-1,56). Vrouwen die een of meer gewenste zwangerschappen beëindigden, hadden een 43% hoger risico op affectieve problemen ten opzichte van geboorte, in vergelijking tot vrouwen die een of meer ongewenste zwangerschappen beëindigden.
Nederlands Dagblad, 3 juli, 2020
De evaluatie van de Wet afbreking zwangerschap, die vorige week aan de Tweede Kamer is aangeboden... more De evaluatie van de Wet afbreking zwangerschap, die vorige week aan de Tweede Kamer is aangeboden, laat ernstige gebreken zien.
Catholic Medical Quarterly, 69 (3), August, 2019
In this paper I present an overview of some recent developments in the abortion legislation in th... more In this paper I present an overview of some recent developments in the abortion legislation in the U.S.A. and an analysis of the underlying debate on the personhood of the foetus.
How does an expectant mother cope on receiving the results of a prenatal scan that her child has ... more How does an expectant mother cope on receiving the results of a prenatal scan that her child has Down’s syndrome, or spina bifida, or a cleft lip, or some other condition? How does the expectant father cope, if indeed he is informed? And how do the medical and related professionals deal with the event? Is the reaction such that the situation is problematised, perhaps by those more inclined to focus on the available options provided by the clinic than on the parents’ need for time to absorb the news, and their need for support and counselling? Is abortion offered immediately as a solution? Are alternatives considered in such a way that the parents genuinely have the space and the freedom to make an informed and responsible decision? ...

Samenvatting (English below)
Argumenten worden naar voren gebracht om de gespecialiseerde hulpve... more Samenvatting (English below)
Argumenten worden naar voren gebracht om de gespecialiseerde hulpverlening na onbedoelde zwangerschap aanzienlijk uit te breiden. Allereerst wordt een korte situatieschets gegeven van het vóórkomen van abortus in Nederland. Daarna wordt ingegaan op het huidige hulpaanbod voor onbedoeld zwangere vrouwen. Vervolgens wordt gekeken naar de risico’s en effecten van abortus op de mentale en fysieke gezondheid van vrouwen. Tenslotte worden drie ethische argumenten gepresenteerd ten gunste van gespecialiseerde hulpverlening na onbedoelde zwangerschap, betreffende de intrinsieke waardigheid van het menselijk embryo, het gelijkheidsbeginsel en de autonomie van de vrouw. Bij gespecialiseerde hulpverlening dienen alle relevante opties en omstandigheden na onbedoelde zwangerschap aan bod te komen.
Several arguments are presented for a substantial expansion of specialised care after unintended pregnancy. First, a brief outline of the prevalence of abortion in the Netherlands is given. Next, the current available care facilities for women with an unintended pregnancy are discussed. Then the risks and effects of abortion on the mental and physical health of women are looked at. Finally, three ethical arguments in favour of specialised care are presented, regarding the intrinsic dignity of the human embryo, the equality principle and women’s autonomy. During specialised care, all relevant options and circumstances after unintended pregnancy need to be dealt with.

Samenvatting - De huidige abortuswetgeving en –praktijk vertonen inconsistenties. Deze inconsiste... more Samenvatting - De huidige abortuswetgeving en –praktijk vertonen inconsistenties. Deze inconsistenties hebben betrekking op het vaststellen van een noodsituatie, op het bespreken van alternatieven voor abortus en op de wederzijdse informatieverstrekking, zowel door de arts(-assistent) als door de vrouw. Uit internationaal onderzoek blijkt dat circa 20% van de vrouwen die een abortus hebben ondergaan lijdt aan ernstige mentale gezondheidsproblemen. De onafhankelijke counseling van vrouwen na onbedoelde zwangerschap zou daarom aanzienlijk moeten worden uitgebreid.
Summary - The current abortion legislation and practice show inconsistencies. These inconsistencies regard the determination of an emergency situation, the discussion of alternatives to abortion and the reciprocal provision of information, both by the doctor or nurse and by the woman. International research makes clear that some 20 percent of the women who have had an abortion suffer from severe mental health problems. The independent counselling of women after an unintended pregnancy should therefore be expanded substantially.
Journal of community medicine & health education, Oct 20, 2017

Sinds de legalisering van abortus is het aantal abortussen in veel landen aanzienlijk gestegen. G... more Sinds de legalisering van abortus is het aantal abortussen in veel landen aanzienlijk gestegen. Gebruik makend van het filosofisch werk van Paul Ricoeur, wijst Ward Biemans SJ op verscheidene inconsistenties in de abortuswetgeving van het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Nederland. Er wordt geschat dat naast fysieke problemen elk jaar circa 42,000 Britse en 6,000 Nederlandse vrouwen lijden aan langdurige mentale gezondheidsproblemen na abortus. Na een bespreking van de belangrijkste ethische overwegingen, beargumenteert Biemans dat menselijke embryo’s een intrinsieke waardigheid hebben, ook al moet die waardigheid nog tot ontplooiïng komen. Hij geeft tevens een beschrijving van de theologische opvattingen over abortus door de eeuwen heen, vanuit katholiek perspectief. Hij pleit voor een betere en ruimere hulpverlening voor vrouwen die onbedoeld zwanger zijn en indien mogelijk voor hun partners.

Since the legalisation of abortion took place, the number of abortions has risen considerably in ... more Since the legalisation of abortion took place, the number of abortions has risen considerably in many countries. Making use of a philosophical framework developed by Paul Ricoeur, Ward Biemans points at several inconsistencies of the current British and Dutch abortion legislation.
It is estimated that besides several physical problems, each year some 42,000 British and 6,000 Dutch women suffer from long-term mental health problems after procured abortion. Discussing the main ethical considerations, Biemans argues that human embryos possess an intrinsic human dignity, even if this dignity still needs to flourish. This book further provides an overview of theological reflections on abortion throughout the centuries, mainly from a catholic perspective. Recommendations are made to expand and improve the available care for women with unintended pregnancies and possibly for their partners.
Other by Ward Biemans SJ
Katholieke Stichting Medische Ethiek, 2024
Geactualiseerde paragraaf uit het Handboek Katholieke Medische Ethiek, onder redactie van Mgr. dr... more Geactualiseerde paragraaf uit het Handboek Katholieke Medische Ethiek, onder redactie van Mgr. dr. W.J. Eijk, Dr. L.J.M. Hendriks en Dr. J.A. Raymakers, met een nieuw gedeelte over de effecten van abortus op de mentale gezondheid.
Sommario in italiano del libro 'The heart and the abyss. Preventing Abortion'
Book Reviews by Ward Biemans SJ
Heythrop Journal, 60, 4: 657-658, 2019
Book review by Zenon Szablowinski
In: The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Vol. 18, Is. 2, Summer 2018, p. 371-372.
Papers by Ward Biemans SJ
Argumenten worden naar voren gebracht om de gespecialiseerde hulpverlening na onbedoelde zwangerschap aanzienlijk uit te breiden. Allereerst wordt een korte situatieschets gegeven van het vóórkomen van abortus in Nederland. Daarna wordt ingegaan op het huidige hulpaanbod voor onbedoeld zwangere vrouwen. Vervolgens wordt gekeken naar de risico’s en effecten van abortus op de mentale en fysieke gezondheid van vrouwen. Tenslotte worden drie ethische argumenten gepresenteerd ten gunste van gespecialiseerde hulpverlening na onbedoelde zwangerschap, betreffende de intrinsieke waardigheid van het menselijk embryo, het gelijkheidsbeginsel en de autonomie van de vrouw. Bij gespecialiseerde hulpverlening dienen alle relevante opties en omstandigheden na onbedoelde zwangerschap aan bod te komen.
Several arguments are presented for a substantial expansion of specialised care after unintended pregnancy. First, a brief outline of the prevalence of abortion in the Netherlands is given. Next, the current available care facilities for women with an unintended pregnancy are discussed. Then the risks and effects of abortion on the mental and physical health of women are looked at. Finally, three ethical arguments in favour of specialised care are presented, regarding the intrinsic dignity of the human embryo, the equality principle and women’s autonomy. During specialised care, all relevant options and circumstances after unintended pregnancy need to be dealt with.
Summary - The current abortion legislation and practice show inconsistencies. These inconsistencies regard the determination of an emergency situation, the discussion of alternatives to abortion and the reciprocal provision of information, both by the doctor or nurse and by the woman. International research makes clear that some 20 percent of the women who have had an abortion suffer from severe mental health problems. The independent counselling of women after an unintended pregnancy should therefore be expanded substantially.
It is estimated that besides several physical problems, each year some 42,000 British and 6,000 Dutch women suffer from long-term mental health problems after procured abortion. Discussing the main ethical considerations, Biemans argues that human embryos possess an intrinsic human dignity, even if this dignity still needs to flourish. This book further provides an overview of theological reflections on abortion throughout the centuries, mainly from a catholic perspective. Recommendations are made to expand and improve the available care for women with unintended pregnancies and possibly for their partners.
Other by Ward Biemans SJ
Book Reviews by Ward Biemans SJ
Argumenten worden naar voren gebracht om de gespecialiseerde hulpverlening na onbedoelde zwangerschap aanzienlijk uit te breiden. Allereerst wordt een korte situatieschets gegeven van het vóórkomen van abortus in Nederland. Daarna wordt ingegaan op het huidige hulpaanbod voor onbedoeld zwangere vrouwen. Vervolgens wordt gekeken naar de risico’s en effecten van abortus op de mentale en fysieke gezondheid van vrouwen. Tenslotte worden drie ethische argumenten gepresenteerd ten gunste van gespecialiseerde hulpverlening na onbedoelde zwangerschap, betreffende de intrinsieke waardigheid van het menselijk embryo, het gelijkheidsbeginsel en de autonomie van de vrouw. Bij gespecialiseerde hulpverlening dienen alle relevante opties en omstandigheden na onbedoelde zwangerschap aan bod te komen.
Several arguments are presented for a substantial expansion of specialised care after unintended pregnancy. First, a brief outline of the prevalence of abortion in the Netherlands is given. Next, the current available care facilities for women with an unintended pregnancy are discussed. Then the risks and effects of abortion on the mental and physical health of women are looked at. Finally, three ethical arguments in favour of specialised care are presented, regarding the intrinsic dignity of the human embryo, the equality principle and women’s autonomy. During specialised care, all relevant options and circumstances after unintended pregnancy need to be dealt with.
Summary - The current abortion legislation and practice show inconsistencies. These inconsistencies regard the determination of an emergency situation, the discussion of alternatives to abortion and the reciprocal provision of information, both by the doctor or nurse and by the woman. International research makes clear that some 20 percent of the women who have had an abortion suffer from severe mental health problems. The independent counselling of women after an unintended pregnancy should therefore be expanded substantially.
It is estimated that besides several physical problems, each year some 42,000 British and 6,000 Dutch women suffer from long-term mental health problems after procured abortion. Discussing the main ethical considerations, Biemans argues that human embryos possess an intrinsic human dignity, even if this dignity still needs to flourish. This book further provides an overview of theological reflections on abortion throughout the centuries, mainly from a catholic perspective. Recommendations are made to expand and improve the available care for women with unintended pregnancies and possibly for their partners.