Papers by Ibtisam J . Mohammed

Journal of Language Studies, Oct 12, 2021
Writing in a foreign language is a big challenge that might affect EFL university student’s achie... more Writing in a foreign language is a big challenge that might affect EFL university student’s achievement in writing and this skill is described as a complex process because it includes both cognitive and metacognitive elements. However, EFL writing plays a central role in today's schools as well as colleges and is yet regarded as a challenging skill throughout academic life. PLEASE strategy has a better effect on the student’s achievement in writing when compared to the traditional method. The sample of this study consists of (52) students who are randomly chosen from second-year / Morning studies in English Department / Tikrit University for the academic year (2019-2020). The sample is divided into a control group with (51) students and an experimental group with (52) students. The experimental group had the students who were trained with PLEASE strategy and the control group had the students who were taught with the traditional method. A Pre and Post-tests have been conducted to show the effectiveness of PLEASE strategy . The data has been collected and treated statistically. The obtained results reveal that after adopting PLEASE strategy , the students` achievement in writing were found to be in a good manner and the coherence of the sentences have improved to a great deal. The students were able to bring out their ideas and concepts in a better way. Their fear of writing had completely gone. The grammar errors have been greatly eliminated as well .

Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, Nov 4, 2020
This study aims at exploring the debatable issue of learner"s differences in second language acqu... more This study aims at exploring the debatable issue of learner"s differences in second language acquisition (SLA, henceforth). Differences in learning are critical factors which faculty members should take into account in the process of learning and teaching second or foreign languages , also these differences influence learning processes and lead to different linguistic abilities and skills in the second language. Learners differ from each other due to biological, conditioned factors or unconscious forces, each learner is different from the other, and they have different personalities and styles. Some second language learners make rapid and apparent progress while others progress very slowly and with difficulties, in this respect there are several important areas where the learners may show differences from each other. These include: age, sex, aptitude, motivation, cognitive style, personality, and learning strategies.

Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, Mar 2, 2021
This study aims at exploring the debatable issue in a high-stakes testing situation which is desi... more This study aims at exploring the debatable issue in a high-stakes testing situation which is desirable for any test taker. It has been found that, beside content knowledge, test-taking behavior, such as risk-taking strategies, motivation, and test anxiety, is important for test performance. This study assumes that teaching test-taking strategies will result in increasing students' overall scores in their tests. It is also assumed that having such strategies will reduce the level of test stress and improve students' overall attitudes toward tests. Studies in this area often compare groups of test takers. They have for example found that high achievers tend to report using more effective test-taking strategies when compared to low achievers (Stenlund et al. 2017), that males are more prone to taking risks when answering test items (see, e.g., Baldiga 2014), and that females and low achievers seem to experience higher levels of test anxiety than males and high achievers (Stenlund et al. 2017). Findings like these can help understand and to some extent possibly explain performance differences that are often observed between manifest groups in achievement tests.
مجلة آداب الفراهيدي, 2021
This research investigated evaluation in instructional design. Evaluation is an integral part of ... more This research investigated evaluation in instructional design. Evaluation is an integral part of any model of instructional design. It is of three types: formative evaluation, summative evaluation and confirmative evaluation. Evaluators are interested in evaluating all aspects of instruction such as learning, learners, teachers, facilities, behavior and financial spending. It is worthy to mention that evaluation should take place at different phases within different times for instances Formative evaluation is used to provide feedback to designers as the instruction is "forming" or being "developed". Summative evaluation is conducted to determine the degree to which a completed instructional product produces the intended outcomes. Confirmative evaluation examines the success of instruction as it is used over time.

Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, Jun 24, 2019
This study aims at investigating the effect of the Magnet Summary Strategy on the achievement of ... more This study aims at investigating the effect of the Magnet Summary Strategy on the achievement of the second year university students in reading comprehension.The population of this study includes all the second year students of English Department /College of Education for Humanities / Tikrit University for the academic year (2017-2018). A sample of (30) students has been selected and distributed into two equal groups (experimental and control groups). They have been taught the same English passages for a period of fifteen weeks. The experimental group is taught by using the Magnet Summary Strategy. While the control group is taught by using the traditional method adopted by the instructor .The achievement test has been constructed and applied to the two groups of students, at the end of the experiment. The required data has been collected and treated statistically. Results show the superiority of the experimental group over the control group in their achievement in reading comprehension, which means that the Magnet Summary Strategy is an effective strategy for teaching reading comprehension .
مجلة آداب الفراهيدي, 2019
مجلة آداب الفراهيدي, 2022
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities, Jan 25, 2022
2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), 2019
With current rapid technology acceleration, and an enormous quantity of generated data. From, Clo... more With current rapid technology acceleration, and an enormous quantity of generated data. From, Clouds, networks, social media, and statistics. a novel technology appears to facilitate and come out with valuable knowledge that can be useful In all life levels, tasks and profitability returns. Massive quantities of data consider as assets for the government, enterprises, and even individuals. This paper aimed to presents a literature review regarding sentiment analysis and opinion mining recent applications area.
مجلة آداب الفراهيدي, 2022
Papers by Ibtisam J . Mohammed