Papers by ayse aycicegi dinn

Elektronik sosyal bilimler dergisi, Apr 15, 2016
How the cultural values of individualism and collectivism influence depression in Asian heritage ... more How the cultural values of individualism and collectivism influence depression in Asian heritage college students was investigated using questionnaire methodology. Results replicated the existing finding of greater report of high parental control and depressive symptoms among Asian American students compared to European American. Higher reports of depressive symptoms were linked to failures of personal achievement in both groups, but family control and vertical collectivism were associated with depressive symptoms only for Asian Americans (especially males). Values related to vertical collectivism were endorsed by Asian Americans twice as frequently as they were by European Americans. Because vertical collectivism emphasizes duty and subordinating of one's own goals to those of authority figures, it may be a risk factor for depression for Asian Americans, as they often must integrate family expectations of goal subordination while living in a society which values individual expression and following one's own path. Questionnaires additionally included exploratory questions to assess students' own views about what experiences can cause depression. Both groups cited failures of personal achievement as likely causes of depression, while only Asian Americans cited family control as likely to cause depression.

Elektronik sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jan 26, 2016
Women have higher rates of depression and report more depressive symptoms than men, in diverse so... more Women have higher rates of depression and report more depressive symptoms than men, in diverse societies and contexts. Typical explanations make reference to hormonal aspects of being female, and to women's lower social status, which occurs in every culture. However, gender differences are absent or reduced in rural contexts and in non-Western cultures. The current paper sought to contribute to the literature on both gender differences and urban-rural differences in depression with data from a rapidly developing society, Turkey. The Beck Depression Inventory was administered to college students in rural and urban regions of Turkey, along with questions about personal achievement, parental control, and individualism-collectivism scales. Males and females reported similar amounts of depressive symptoms in both urban and rural areas, with symptom report being lower in the urban sample compared to the rural sample. These findings cast doubt on the proposal that women are inevitably more depressed than males. It is useful to consider what factors exist in Turkish society, or in the lives of Turkish college students, that equalize stressors for males and females.

Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 2017
With the aim of making both cross-cultural and within-Turkey comparisons of young adults’ percept... more With the aim of making both cross-cultural and within-Turkey comparisons of young adults’ perceptions of their parents’ child-rearing practices with regard to acceptance, psychological control and firm control, the Children’s Report of Parent Behavior Inventory (CRPBI-30; Schludermann and Schludermann, 1988) was administered to 271 U.S. and 921 Turkish university students. Turkish respondents, from 3 distinct geographical areas of Turkey (Metropolitan, West and Central-East Anatolia), also completed a measure of horizontal and vertical collectivism. Acceptance scores were similar across cultures, while parents in Turkey were rated higher on psychological control and U.S. parents were rated higher on firm control. Acceptance was negatively related to both types of control scores in both cultures. Regional differences within Turkish culture were found in the impact of factors such as sex of parent, sex of child, educational level of parents, and level of vertical collectivism in predicting parental acceptance and control scores.

HUMOR, 2018
Appreciating the humor in jokes involves incongruity-detection and resolution, which requires goo... more Appreciating the humor in jokes involves incongruity-detection and resolution, which requires good language skills. Foreign language comprehension is challenging, including interpreting words within their sentence context. An implication is that jokes in a foreign language will be more difficult to understand and therefore probably less humorous, compared to native language jokes. To study this question while preserving humor across translations, jokes were selected from Turkish and English websites to minimize language play and cultural references. Turkish university students rated both Turkish and English jokes for humor. Humor for foreign language jokes was positively correlated with ease-of-understanding of specific jokes and also by the individual-differences characteristics of English proficiency and likely career investment (e.g., preparing for a future career as English teacher or translator). We propose the proficiency X investment theory: Foreign language jokes will be exp...

Brain Stimulation, 2017
Introduction: Understanding the function of the thalamic oscillatory neural activity is essential... more Introduction: Understanding the function of the thalamic oscillatory neural activity is essential for developing and improving interventions for neuropathic pain. However, there has been a lack of investigation on the relationship between the thalamic oscillations and pain relief in patients with neuropathic pain. This study aims to identify the representative neural oscillations related to pain relief by thalamic stimulation, and develop a quantitative model to predict pain relief by integrating characteristic measures of the neural oscillations. Methods: The measures of thalamic local field potentials (LFPs) recorded post-operatively in thirteen patients with neuropathic pain were screened in three dimensional behaviour space according to the rhythm, balancing, and coupling neural behaviours, and correlated with pain relief. An integrated approach based on principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple regression analysis is proposed to integrate the multiple measures and provide a predictive model. Results: This study reveals distinct thalamic rhythms of theta, alpha, high beta and high gamma oscillations correlating with pain relief. The balancing and coupling measures between these neural oscillations were also significantly correlated with pain relief. Moreover, the study provides a quantitative approach for predicting pain relief. The correlation between the predicted and actual pain relief achieved 0.85, between the predicted and actual post-operative VAS achieved 0.89. Discussion: These findings will be valuable for optimizing neuromodulation as well as providing biomarkers for developing adaptive stimulation strategies.

Brain Stimulation, 2017
There are surprisingly few studies investigating the effectiveness of transcranial direct current... more There are surprisingly few studies investigating the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) blinding protocols. The objective of the present study was to determine whether a commonly used DC stimulator (neu-roConn, Ilmenau, Germany) effectively blinds subjects participating in a single trial, double-blind/sham-controlled protocol. We investigated the question by analyzing blinding assessment in a double-blinded tDCS memory trial. Findings from that trial will be reported elsewhere (i.e., separate abstract submitted to the brain stimulation conference). Subjects were instructed to indicate whether they received 20 minutes of active-or sham-tDCS to determine whether blinding was successful. Participants were informed prior to the stimulation session that they would be assigned to an active-or sham-tDCS group. University students were assigned to genuine-tDCS (n ¼ 27) or sham-tDCS (n ¼ 26) groups. Subjects in the active-tDCS group underwent left DLPFC anodal/right frontopolar cathodal stimulation during a single tDCS session (2 mA, 20 minutes duration). During the sham session, genuine tDCS was delivered for the initial 30 seconds of the 20 minute session. The initial scalp sensations associated with tDCS (e.g., tingling) were experienced by participants receiving sham stimulation. Thus, the subject should be unaware of his/her group assignment. Analysis revealed that 29 of 53 subjects (54.7 %) correctly identified group assignment (binomial test, p ¼ .58). 22 of 27 subjects (81.4 %) in the active-tDCS group correctly identified group assignment (i.e., believed that they had received genuine tDCS), while only 7 of 26 (26.9%) participants in the sham group correctly identified group assignment (i.e., stated that they had received "sham" stimulation). Thus, 19 of 26 participants (73.0 %) assigned to the sham group believed that they had received genuine tDCS. Results support the use of the current blinding protocol in single trial, sham-controlled tDCS studies.

Elektronik sosyal bilimler dergisi, Mar 1, 2013
Oz Şehir yasami insanlara, ailelerine ve yakin arkadaslarina guvenme ihtiyacini azaltan kolaylikl... more Oz Şehir yasami insanlara, ailelerine ve yakin arkadaslarina guvenme ihtiyacini azaltan kolayliklar sunmaktadir. Bu arastirmada buyuk sehirde yasayanlarin kirsalda yasayanlara gore daha bireyselci ve daha az toplulukcu olacagini one suren sehirlesme hipotezi sinanmistir. Bireyselcilik, toplulukculuk ve ailecilik Turkiye'nin birkac sehrinde ve bir ABD sehrindeki (Boston) universite ogrencileri arasinda olculmustur. Şehirlesmenin bireycilikten cok grup ici otorite figurlerinin bireysel amaclarin onune gecmesi olarak tanimlanan dikey toplulukculugun dusuk duzeyleri ve ailecilikle (aile ici toplumsalcilikla) iliskili olarak degistigi bulgulanmistir. Ailecilik ve dikey toplulukculuk kirsal alanlara nazaran, genis kentsel alanlarda daha az kabul gormektedir. Bu iliskiler, sehir yasaminin hangi ozelliklerinin (gelir duzeyi, egitim duzeyi, dini inanc, aileyle yasamanin pek tercih edilmemesi) toplulukcu degerleri etkilemesine iliskin daha spesifik sorular sormak icin bir temel olusturmaktadir. Anahtar Kelimeler: bireyselcilik, toplulukculuk, modernlesme, kulturlerarasi psikoloji

Applied Linguistics, 2015
Does a native language suffer when students take all of their classes in a foreign language, even... more Does a native language suffer when students take all of their classes in a foreign language, even in their home country? Turkish students studying psychology, economics, or English literature with English as the language of instruction (N = 91) were studied across a three-year period. Test scores, word fluency measures, and self-ratings were broadly comparable with students enrolled in a standard Turkish curriculum (N = 74). However, differences were obtained among English literature students, many of whom anticipate careers as English teachers or translators. These students had lower Turkish entrance exam scores, and word fluency scores were higher in English than Turkish, while the reverse was found for all other students, including other English-medium instructed students. The self-assessed L1-Turkish writing abilities of the English literature students also declined slightly across the three-year study. We conclude that intense engagement with a foreign language may put the native language at risk for temporary attrition, but studying with a foreign-language as the medium of instruction does not.
Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2007

Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2020
ABSTRACT Turkish university students who had learned English via classroom instruction read six e... more ABSTRACT Turkish university students who had learned English via classroom instruction read six ethical dilemmas (three in English, three in Turkish) while skin conductance was recorded. Ratings of agreement with selfish actions were higher in the foreign language; agreement with ethical actions were higher in the native language. The skin conductance responses (SCRs) elicited by selfish statements were stronger than SCRs elicited by ethical statements, consistent with feeling anxious at violating ethical norms. The difference between SCR magnitudes for the selfish and ethical statements was smaller in the foreign language condition, consistent with somatic markers guiding action choices. In addition, SCRs were overall larger in the foreign language, suggesting an effort/stress response which swamped or obscured emotional signals elicited by the ethical vs. selfish content. Results indicate a role for dampening of the emotional contribution in foreign language decision making, due to the cognitive load and stress of reading/evaluating foreign language dilemmas.
Papers by ayse aycicegi dinn