Last time
we learned how we’re going to lower row types and made some row addendums for IR
and Type
Today, we’ll update lower_ty_scheme
, using those addendums, to generate types for Evidence
Quick Refresher
Here’s a quick rundown of the stuff we’ll need from types/rows .
First up is our Type
enum Type {
Fun(Box<Self>, Box<Self>),
Label(Label, Box<Self>),
This is our base Type
plus Prod
, Sum
, and Label
wraps a row making it a product type.Sum
wraps a row making it a sum type.Label
is how we create a singleton row from a type.
, our star of the show, is defined as:
enum Row {
Rows can either be open or closed.
Open rows represent unsolved rows, like variable type Type::Var
Recall that RowVar
is just like TypeVar
but is solved to a Row
(instead of a Type
A ClosedRow
represents a solved row using a mapping from fields to types:
struct ClosedRow {
fields: Vec<Label>,
values: Vec<Type>,
We can think of a ClosedRow
as a HashMap<Label, Type>
We don’t store it that way so that we can maintain a specific order of fields
, and to easily compare fields
without values
As we’ll see today, storing them separately also makes it easy to erase labels.
Alongside our Row
enhanced Type
, TypeScheme
also receives some enhancements:
struct TypeScheme {
unbound_rows: BTreeSet<RowVar>,
unbound_tys: BTreeSet<TypeVar>,
evidence: Vec<Evidence>,
ty: Type,
Our Row
enhanced type scheme tracks unsolved row variables in unbound_rows
It also contains our old friends from base TypeScheme
: unbound_tys
and ty
tracks unsolved type variables, like unbound_rows
is our Type
; the core of our scheme.
, our other addition, stores unsolved row combinations.
With the introduction of row constraints, we introduce the possibility to fail solving row constraints.
When this occurs, we turn them into evidence and stash them in the type scheme, just like row and type variables.
Accordingly, Evidence
enum Evidence {
RowEquation {
left: Row,
right: Row,
goal: Row
That’s everything we need to lower. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
A short visit from lower
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All our books are kept, in order even, we’ll crack open lower
briefly to see how lower_ty_scheme
is used now:
fn lower(ast: Ast<TypedVar>, scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> (IR, Type) {
let lowered_scheme = lower_ty_scheme(scheme);
todo!("We'll cover the rest later.");
What’s a lowered_scheme
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That doesn’t seem too bad.
used to return a tuple, now it returns whatever lowered_scheme
fn lower_ty_scheme(scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> LoweredTyScheme {
// You already know this isn't gonna look the same
is a LoweredTyScheme
that makes sense.
But I don’t know what a LoweredTyScheme
struct LoweredTyScheme {
scheme: Type,
lower_types: LowerTypes,
kinds: Vec<Kind>,
ev_to_ty: BTreeMap<ast::Evidence, Type>,
Here we go.
Our first clue of the changes we need to make.
Previously, we only returned a (Type, LowerTypes)
We have two new return values: ev_to_ty
and kinds
And let me just say, it was smart of you to name them instead of just tossing them in a bigger tuple.
That’s what I would’ve done.
tracks the Type
we generate for each evidence in our scheme.
This will be the function parameter type we add per unsolved evidence.
tracks the Kind
of each TypeVar
produced by lowering our ast::TypeScheme
Technically we could have done this last time, but it was pointless when we only had one Kind
With two Kind
s, the kind of each TypeVar
actually matters.
Updates to lower_ty_scheme
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Constructing our ty_env
remains steadfast as the first thing we do in lower_ty_scheme
fn lower_ty_scheme(scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> LoweredTyScheme {
let mut kinds = todo!();
let ty_env = todo!("Use kinds to do this");
is a Vec<Kind>
that allows us to track our Kinds more carefully.
Because our TypeScheme
tells us how many variables to expect, we can pre-allocate a Kind
for each variable:
let mut kinds = vec![Kind::Type; scheme.unbound_tys.len() + scheme.unbound_rows.len()];
defaults to Kind::Type
, and we update each entry as we build our ty_env
is constructed the same way as last time, but now we handle both row and type variables:
let ty_env = scheme
.map(|(i, tyvar)| {
kinds[i] = tyvar.kind();
(tyvar, TypeVar(i))
We have to pick an order for our type variables and row variables.
Either row then type or type then row.
The ordering we pick isn’t important, but we must maintain the same order here and in lower
The order we’ll choose is types and then rows.
needs to hold two types of variables now: ast::TypeVar
and ast::RowVar
is a simple wrapper enum to allow this (like TyApp
enum AstTypeVar {
It provides a single helper method kind()
impl AstTypeVar {
fn kind(&self) -> Kind {
match self {
AstTypeVar::Ty(_) => Kind::Type,
AstTypeVar::Row(_) => Kind::Row,
We found this method used in the construction of ty_env
is set to the kind of each AstTypeVar
At the end of this, we have our ty_env
and our kinds
Our next step, lowering our type, is unchanged on the surface:
let lower = LowerTypes { env: ty_env };
let lower_ty = lower.lower_ty(scheme.ty);
Diving into lower_ty
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If we dive into lower_ty
, we encounter some new changes.
Before the new, let’s remember the basic structure of lower_ty
fn lower_ty(&self, ty: ast::Type) -> Type {
match ty {
// ...some cases
We add a case to lower each of our ast
row types.
Let’s start with Label
to ease us in:
ast::Type::Label(_, ty) => self.lower_ty(*ty),
Easy enough.
We erase the label and then lower ty
Next, we tackle Prod
and Sum
as a duo:
ast::Type::Prod(row) => Type::prod(self.lower_row_ty(row)),
ast::Type::Sum(row) => Type::sum(self.lower_row_ty(row)),
They both call out to lower_row_ty
wraps it in an IR Prod
wraps it in an IR Sum
Fair enough, but –
What’s lower_row_ty
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, as we can hopefully glean from the name, lowers an ast::Row
into Row
fn lower_row_ty(
row: ast::Row
) -> Row {
match row {
ast::Row::Open(var) => Row::Open(self.env[&AstTypeVar::Row(var)]),
ast::Row::Closed(closed_row) => Row::Closed(self.lower_closed_row_ty(closed_row)),
If we have:
- An
row, we look up it’s index and turn it into aTypeVar
. - A
row, we call out to another new helperlower_closed_row_ty
We still haven’t figured everything out though. We have to go deeper.
One Level Deeper into lower_closed_row_ty
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Context clues tell us that lower_closed_row_ty
turns a ClosedRow
into its IR compatriot.
Peering into its innards reveals no surprises:
fn lower_closed_row_ty(
closed_row: ast::ClosedRow
) -> Vec<Type> {
.map(|ty| self.lower_ty(ty))
We erase the fields
of our ClosedRow
, implicitly, and lower each type in values
to produce a Vec
of IR types.
It took some diving, but that’s all are changes in lower_ty
, and it’s row related descendants.
We’ll pass through lower_ty_scheme
, briefly, on our way to lower_ev_ty
, do not collect $200:
fn lower_ty_scheme(scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> LoweredTyScheme {
// ...picking up where we left off.
let lower_ty = lower.lower_ty(scheme.ty);
let mut ev_to_ty = BTreeMap::new();
let ev_tys = scheme
.map(|ev| {
let ty = lower.lower_ev_ty(ev.clone());
ev_to_ty.insert(ev, ty.clone());
Each evidence of our scheme is lowered into a type using lower_ev_ty
These types serve two roles:
- We map our evidence to this type in
. - We collect this type into
, aVec<Type>
Link to heading
Finally, we reach the main thrust of our work today.
As we learned last time, each evidence becomes associated with an IR
term in lowering.
doesn’t generate this term itself, but the type of this term.
Unsolved evidence becomes a function parameter of our lowered IR
We don’t have to provide a value for the function parameter (that’s the caller’s job), but we do have to provide our parameter a type.
’s signature is modest:
fn lower_ev_ty(
evidence: ast::Evidence
) -> Type {
The final returned type mirrors the shape of evidence’s term:
fn lower_ev_ty(
evidence: ast::Evidence
) -> Type {
todo!("We have some work before we return that type");
Before we can generate that Type
, we have to assemble a super team of Type
s to help us:
let ast::Evidence::RowEquation { left, right, goal } = evidence;
let left = self.lower_row_ty(left);
let (left_prod, left_sum) = (
let right = self.lower_row_ty(right);
let (right_prod, right_sum) = (
let goal = self.lower_row_ty(goal);
let (goal_prod, goal_sum) = (
We lower each row in evidence
Each of those rows is then wrapped in both a Prod
and Sum
Our lowered rows are used to type each component of our evidence, starting with concat
let concat =
Pretty straightforward. concat
takes in a left_prod
and a right_prod
returning a goal_prod
Probably by concatenating left_prod
and right_prod
, but that’s none of our business right now.
is more involved:
let branch = {
let a = TypeVar(0);
Type::fun(left_sum.clone().shifted(), Type::Var(a)),
Type::fun(right_sum.clone().shifted(), Type::Var(a)),
is complicated because it takes in two functions, and returns a third function.
Not only does this complicate the types of our inputs, but we’re burdened with ensuring all three of our functions return the same type.
We don’t know our return type ahead of time.
We’re forced to introduce a type variable to ensure all our functions return the same type.
usage like this is never before seen.
All our previous usages were at the top level of a Type
, thanks to TypeScheme
coalescing all our type variables.
When we have a ty_fun
inside other Type
s, like in branch
, we must take some precautions.
This is because our types are using Debruijn Indices
With Debruijn Indices, when we place a type inside a ty_fun
we have to adjust the indices within.
Our indices now have to skip over one extra ty_fun
node to reach their binding ty_fun
is responsible for this adjustment of type variables.
It increases each type variable by one.
We shift each type embedded within branch
’s type to account for the ty_fun
With branch
out of the way, prj_left
and inj_left
are much simpler:
let prj_left =
Type::fun(goal_prod.clone(), left_prod);
let inj_left =
Type::fun(left_sum, goal_sum.clone());
takes in our goal_prod
and projects it into a left_prod
goes the opposite direction taking a left_sum
and injecting it into the larger goal_sum
Their compliments, prj_right
and inj_right
, exhibit a symmetry:
let prj_right =
Type::fun(goal_prod, right_prod);
let inj_right =
Type::fun(right_sum, goal_sum);
Every member of our super team is present, we can assemble our final evidence type:
fn lower_ev_ty(
evidence: ast::Evidence
) -> Type {
// ...We did some work before we return that type
That maps directly onto our example layout. Evidence is a big tuple with a function for each operation we want to perform on a row. We’ll add some tests, but surely it wouldn’t map that directly if it was wrong.
Returning to lower_ty_scheme
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Returning to lower_ty_scheme
, we’ll use our evidence types to add parameters to our overall term type:
fn lower_ty_scheme(scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> LoweredTyScheme {
// We saw this earlier
let ev_tys = ...;
// But now we use it to add params to our lower_ty.
let evident_lower_ty = Type::funs(ev_tys, lower_ty);
Here is where we put the passing in Evidence Passing.
In the AST evidence is passed implicitly, but in lowering we’re more explicit, turning each unsolved evidence into a function parameter.
We need to pay attention to the order of our function parameter types.
They have to be in the same order as scheme.evidence
, so callers pass evidence terms to the right types.
Once our type has all its evidence parameters, it needs TyFun
s for its variables:
let bound_lower_ty = kinds
.fold(evident_lower_ty, |ty, kind| Type::ty_fun(*kind, ty));
This hasn’t changed a lot since last time, but Kind
s matter now.
Accordingly, we use our kinds
vector to tell us what Kind
each TyFun
should have.
Finally, we package up everything we need in lower
and return it:
LoweredTyScheme {
scheme: bound_lower_ty,
lower_types: lower,
Returning to lower
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Once we’re in lower
, we immediately make use of our ev_to_ty
fn lower(ast: Ast<TypedVar>, scheme: ast::TypeScheme) -> (IR, Type) {
let lowered_scheme = lower_ty_scheme(scheme);
let mut supply = VarSupply::default();
let mut params = vec![];
let ev_to_var = lowered_scheme.ev_to_ty
.map(|(ev, ty)| {
let param =;
let var = Var::new(param, ty);
(ev, var)
Each evidence from our scheme gets a Var
Unlike other Var
s, these aren’t tied to any instance of ast::Var
They’re unique to the IR
This is noteworthy because it means we need a new function on VarSupply
: supply
generates a new Var
without requiring an ast::Var
, unlike supply_for
Its implementation is still uninteresting, but can be found in the full code
Our generated Var
s are collected into a vector params
and stored in map from Evidence
to the Var
is how we’re going to add a Fun
node for each evidence to our final IR
tells us the variable to reference for an evidence while lowering the AST
We use ev_to_var
to construct our new and improved LowerAst
let mut lower_ast = LowerAst {
types: lowered_scheme.lower_types,
solved: vec![],
let ir = lower_ast.lower_ast(ast);
Just like LoweredTyScheme
, it’s got some new fields as well.
We’re familiar with ev_to_var
We’ll use solved
for solved evidence during lower_ast
, more on that next time