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Mar 17
Disinformation is a weapon—but so is knowledge.

Over the past week, we’ve broken down 24 propaganda tactics used to manipulate public opinion.

Here’s a full list.

Bookmark this thread. 🔽 #FightDisinformation
1️⃣ The Big Lie – Repeat a massive falsehood until it becomes “truth” #BigLie

2️⃣ Rotten Herring – Create fake scandals to distract from real issues #RottenHerring

3️⃣ Appeal to Fear – Use fear to override logic & push bad policies #AppealToFear
4️⃣ Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD) – Spread vague threats to erode trust #FUD

5️⃣ Victimization Propaganda – Aggressors pretending to be victims #VictimizationPropaganda

6️⃣ Scapegoating – Blaming others to avoid accountability #Scapegoating
Read 10 tweets
Mar 17
This is one of the stranger and more gripping tales of a software rivalry I've heard of recently: accusations of a mole, a "honeypot" trap and the alleged spy fleeing when confronted. (It's in today's @dealbook newsletter)

It involves two HR competitors, Rippling and Deel 🧵
Rippling today sued Deel, accusing it of a "brazen act of corporate espionage." The suit says Deel managed to plant a spy in its Dublin office, who systematically combed through Rippling's Slack channels, obtaining confidential competitive information.
Rippling said it caught the alleged spy by sending a letter to three top Deel executives mentioning a Slack channel ... only it was one that was created for the "honeytrap" plot.

It worked, according to the lawsuit. Except the employee has refused to give up his phone.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 17
What if a debate wasn’t about facts or policies—but just calling opponents names?

Name-calling is a propaganda tactic that uses labels, slurs, or insults to discredit people without engaging their ideas.

The goal? Shut down thought with emotion. 🧵

How it works

🔹 A person or group is attacked with negative labels
🔹 No real argument is given—just insults to trigger bias
🔹 People reject the target without thinking critically

👉 If an argument starts with insults, it’s not an argument
Ex: Political Smears

🔹 “Radical leftists!” “Fascist right-wingers!” “Elites!”
🔹 Reality: Oversimplifying erases real debate
🔹 Impact: People fight labels instead of discussing policies

👉 If leaders only attack opponents, they’re hiding weak ideas
Read 10 tweets
Mar 17
Calm on the weekend, panicked on Monday🧵

Over the weekend, many optimistically think “I’ll follow the rules next week,” but when Monday’s market opens, anxiety takes over as they scramble to avoid losses.
The “win-loss game” complicates even simple actions.
↓Thread1/5 Image
Weekend😙 vs Monday😭

😙 “I’ll definitely follow my rules from now on”
😭 “I don’t want to accept losses, so I’ll break the rules”

😙 “I’ve solved all the issues from last week”
😭 “I end up causing the same problems and reacting the same way”

😙 “I have a clear plan for the trades I should take”
😭 “I only realize afterward that none of those trades should have been taken”

😙 “Feeling optimistic”
😭 “Feeling rushed and despairing”

😙 “Risk management is crucial”
😭 “I’ll increase my position size to recover losses”

😙 “If the chart does this, I’ll trade”
😭 “Should I really enter here?”

😙 “Results don’t matter; the process and consistency do”
😭 “I hate this outcome, so I’m going to rethink the process”

If you do not open the charts, nothing goes wrong.
The problem arises once the market opens and you start watching the charts.
You forget everything you decided beforehand and do whatever feels good “in the moment.”
Only after it is all over do you realize the gravity of what you have done.
You yourself are the greatest risk.
These things happen because you are viewing trading as a “win-loss game.”

The mindset of your “weekend self,” as listed above, is precisely probabilistic thinking.
However, your “Monday self” is playing the “win-loss game.”
This means you have only an intellectual understanding of probabilistic thinking, which is to say you have not truly understood it at all.

You still do not fully believe that following your rules consistently leads to success, nor do you completely trust your own system.
You do not understand how losses and consecutive losing trades become averaged out within a large sample size.
Instead, you remain convinced that the outcome of each individual trade is what really matters.

As long as you fail to transform the mistaken belief that “winning or losing is what truly matters,” you will always be at the mercy of each trade in front of you and never act consistently.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 17
AI now codes better & faster than humans!

This tool writes, debugs, and optimizes code instantly.

Here's how:
Introducing CodeLLM from @abacusai - AI Code Editor that combines Sonnet 3.5, Gemini, and Qwen.

Create a video outlining CodeLLM at

[1] An AI-assisted Code Editor with predictive auto-complete codellm.abacus.ai/priyank
[2] Creating new features
Read 10 tweets
Mar 17
This man heals what doctors can't.

Dr. Joe Dispenza.

This renowned neuroscientist & psychologist believes that the real cause of cancer, addiction, and depression is uncontrollable stress.

Here are 5 ways stress secretly controls your life—and how to break free: 🧵 Image
75–90% of doctor visits in the U.S. are due to emotional or psychological stress.

The worst part?

Stress is addictive. The hormones. The rush. The chaos.

The result? Image
You cling to the toxic job. The draining relationship. The endless bad news.

And guess who profits?

Big Pharma.

When you're trapped in stress, they thrive.

Dr. Joe Dispenza is on a mission to rewire your brain, break the cycle, and set you free. Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 17

Democracy is under attack. As with the US, Italy is 1 of 5 European Govts undermining the rule of law ‘in nearly all aspects’, with changes to the judiciary & a “heavy intolerance to media criticism”, fueling Europe’s deepening “democratic recession”.

A report by Civil Liberties Union for Europe said Italy was one of five “dismantlers” – with Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania & Slovakia – that “intentionally undermine the rule of law in nearly all aspects”.

Hungary has long been an “electoral autocracy.”

“Europe’s democratic recession has deepened.”

The report highlights judicial systems subject to political manipulation, weak law enforcement against corruption, overuse of fast-track legislative procedures, harassment of journalists & growing restrictions on peaceful protests.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 17
Some propaganda doesn’t lie—it just uses vague, feel-good words to hide the truth.

Glittering generalities rely on emotional, noble-sounding slogans that have no clear meaning.

The goal? Make people support ideas without questioning them. 🧵
How it works

🔹 A big, inspiring phrase is used instead of facts
🔹 It triggers emotions like patriotism, pride, or morality
🔹 Because it sounds good, people accept it—without asking what it actually means

👉 If a slogan makes you feel, not think, it’s propaganda
Ex: Political Campaigns

🔹 “Make America Great Again”—Great how? For who?
🔹 “Hope & Change”—Change to what?
🔹 Impact: Vague promises make people project their own meanings onto them

👉 A good idea doesn’t need to be vague
Read 10 tweets
Mar 17
Today’s #manuscriptmonday is all about St. Patrick and our oldest copy of Patrick's Confessio in the Latin/Irish diglot, the Book of Armagh. (a 🧵)… Image
As a young man in the 5th century, Patrick was kidnapped from his home in Roman Britain and spent years enslaved as a shepherd in Ireland. He eventually managed to escape back to Britain, and then returned as a missionary to convert the Irish to Christianity. Image
Patrick describes his remarkable story himself in his Confessio, a form of autobiography. The Confessio survives today in only 8 manuscripts.

Our oldest copy of Patrick's Confessio exists in the Latin/Irish volume known as the Book of Armagh. Image
Read 6 tweets
Mar 17
🚨 The HL Whale: The $400M War

The trader that gamed Hyperliquid’s HLP vault strikes again!

Now locked in a $400M BTC short battle against Whales & Market Makers.

Here’s the full insane story. 🧵👇 (BREAKING: He just longed $HYPE.) Image
1/ The First Attack: HLP Manipulation

He started with $10M USDC, levered up and built a 141K ETH long ($271M).

Instead of selling normally, he withdrew collateral to force liquidation. HLP had to take over his position.

He walked away with $1.8M profit, HLP lost $4M.
2/ The Revenge Play: LINK Long & Binance Short

After losing $1M on his next attempt, he returned with a new plan. He went long $20M LINK on Hyperliquid while simultaneously shorting $20M LINK on Binance, creating a delta-neutral position.

If HL liquidated him, HLP would be forced to sell within 30 minutes, giving the market a chance to front-run the sell-off and push the price down.

As long as the price dropped by more than 1%, his Binance short would print, securing a profit. A pure liquidation attack.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 17
I want to entirely endorse what @owenjonesjourno says here. In the last 50+ years, in an attempt to understand the ecological and climate crisis, and our failure to address it, I have done a massive amount of reading and thinking, and what Owen says, is THE explanation.
All the world's major problems now, can be firmly laid at the door of the Western European history of colonialism, extractivism, and their whole perceived sense of superiority.

You see, Western European culture, wasn't really superior, that was delusion. It was ignorant.
The very idea, that you can have infinite growth in a finite world, stems from when Western European cultures, who had become detached from the natural world, colonized most of the world, thinking they knew best, and invented capitalism, the language of colonization.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 17
The Death of the Tory Party.

Has been a long and painful one.
It started with the Regicide of Thatcher.
Continued under Major.
It was then left in the wilderness for 13 long years under the Blair/Brown Gov't.
Even after the troubled Blair/Brown Govt's collapsed in 2010

the Tories couldn't secure a majority and teamed up with the LibDems.
The cause of Thatchers' demise was Europe. She was vehemently against Maastricht and was subsequently dethroned by the likes of Hezeltine and others. The pro-EU stance was evident.

John Major forced the Maastricht through the party and the commons. Despite originally saying he'd offer a vote on it, he backtracked.
That was in February 1992, and despite his treachery, he went on to win the election in April 1992, albeit with a measley 21 seat majority
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