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Journal created:
on 21 April 2008 (#15418205)
on 2 July 2009
The Barber-Horne House (ca. 1916)
Burlington, North Carolina, United States
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Adventures in the restoration of a 1916 bungalow
This blog tells the ongoing story of our love affair with an old house. The Barber-Horne house was built in 1916 by the Barber family, who sold the house in 1943 to S. Allen Horne, aka "Tink the Tailor." The tailor shop was located in the front two rooms of the house. Tink and his family lived in the other ten rooms, which Tink redecorated in the early 1940s. Tink's second wife, Dollie, lived in the house for thirty years after her husband's death before finally moving into a nursing home at the age of 98 (she passed away a year later). My husband and I bought the house in February of 2008 and are gradually returning it to its original splendor, with the Art Deco era as our inspiration. Please join us as we explore the history of our beloved abode!
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