A Support Group for Writers' Journal
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A Support Group for Writers

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Pimping [08 Jan 2009|11:05am]

[ mood | chipper ]

Good morning!

I'm not entirely sure how many of you role-play, but I just opened a new advert community here on LJ. Group, and individual ads are allowed. If you're interested in looking for new people to join your game, or just looking for new people to write with come look around. Also, pass around the link! I just made the group today, and it needs people!!


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High Roller [10 Nov 2008|06:17pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Title: High Roller
Author: totallygay81
Fandom: The Dresden Files (Books)
Characters: Harry, Thomas and Bob
Rating: G
Spoilers: Blood Rites
Summary: Harry, Thomas and Bob on a boring Saturday night.
Notes: I haven't writen a Dresdenverse fic before, be gentle. :)

High RollerCollapse )

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[30 Apr 2008|10:15am]

[ mood | bored ]

Hey everyone!

Clearly it's been a while, but with the end of the spring semester and the start of summer drawing near, I thought it would be fun to start a game by way of celebrating some form of a freedom.


Weekly Drabble Contest.

Prompts will be given weekly, and sometimes there will be more than one prompt, for more than one fandom.

The drabbles must be at least 100 words but no more than 200.

What you get out of it:

Every drabble posted is worth five points, and occasionally there will be a bonus word/phrase worth twenty points if used within the drabble.

At the end of each week, whoever has the most points will be awarded an icon/graphic of their choice, and the opportunity to come up with a maximum two prompts for the next week's challenges.

Prompt(s) for this week

Fandom: None
Prompt: Double Dare
Bonus word/phrase: Serendipity

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HELP! [07 Nov 2007|10:52am]

[ mood | annoyed ]

I wrote the start the soemthing beautiful but I am stuck. I hate that. It is too good to toss. I just don't know where to go. I just want to make a short story of it... Help?

The SupriseCollapse )

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Slash RPing fun [14 Sep 2007|01:04am]

[ mood | sleepy ]

I am pretty much looking for any sort of Slash one on one rping situation. Fandoms i am willing to slash in:

Buffy: Xander/Spike, Xander/Andrew (Maybe even Xander/Angel) Angel/Spike, Angel/Wes
Friends: Chandler/Joey
Queer as Folk: Brian/Michael

If there's a fandom/pairing you don't see, just ask and I might be open to rping that.

I happen to have a Xander journal and an Angel journal already set up: xander_zeppoboi and brooding_king

OR...if you'd rather, I have Yahoo messneger, my screeneame for that is: renthead_boi81

My email--in case you'd rather do an email rp--is: [email protected]

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Seeking Collaborative Writing [04 Jul 2007|01:07pm]

About me:

-American, but I am open to creative criticism as far as my English characters go.
-I have been writing/role-playing for a little under ten years. My experience ranges from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Harry Potter to original concept games including but not limited to schools for misguided youths, and fairy tales. My strengths lie within the realms of the supernatural, preternatural and magical.
-I'm fairly laid back and due to my current situation, I am almost always online, so don't hesitate to contact me. I will get back to you fairly quick.

What I'm Looking For:
A Polite Cut For LengthCollapse )
If interested, please don't be afraid to contact me here or at:

Messengers: Y!ID: Caustic.Facade
Google: RavenMcCain

Email: [email protected]

XPosted in several comms
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Tales of a Would-be Hostage: Completed Firefly: Mal/River Fic [25 May 2007|12:56am]

Title: Tales of a Would-be Hostage
Author: thefalloficarus @
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters (except Marisol); I just like to play with them. Joss is Boss though, and don't you forget it! ;)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Mal/River, Simon/Kaylee
Spoilers/Warnings: Completely Alternate Universe. River never went to the Academy, certain characters have WAY different backgrounds.
Summary:AU: River Tam was a prodigy, an Ace Alliance Pilot and captain. Malcolm Reynolds was a man on the edge. Completely Alternate Universe.
Note: It's done!! Yay me and sorry for the wait all! Also… sorry about the cheese in this chapter.. it's a tad more on the corny side then I like, but it's done in sort of the way I'd hoped for, so yay me! Thank you so much to luxuria_oceanus,diamondinsanity, faithfulriver26, whitemoonflower, and all the commentors who had helped me bring this to fruition. Mucho amounts of love.

Chapter List:
Prologue: The younger years - Chapter 2: Reunion - Chapter 3: Destiny in the Making - Chapter 4 A Man on the Edge: - Chapter 5: Realizations - Chapter 6: The dangerous one - Chapter 7: Trouble on the Horizon - Chapter 8: The Point of Danger - Chapter 9: Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal - Chapter 10: Out of Gas - Chapter 11: 9/10ths of the Law - Chapter 12: A Little Bit of Girl Talk - Chapter 13: Hell Hath no Fury - Chapter 14: Big Damn Chapter - Chapter 15: Moonbrained Star Girl - Epilogue: A Would-be Hostage and a Sometimes Theif
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Header [30 Apr 2007|07:27am]

Hey everyone, just your friend neighborhood...yeah ok, never mind. That would have never worked out. Just a quick note; the new header for the group has been chosen. The codes are still being...tweaked a bit but feel free to check it out =D
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Firefly: Mal/River: NC-17 Song-fic Suspended [25 Apr 2007|04:58pm]

[ mood | good ]

Title: Suspended
Word Count: 2000 ish
Author: hisalbatross aka thefalloficarus
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters; I just like to play
with them. Joss is Boss though, and don't you forget it! ;)
Rating: NC-17
Characters: River, Mal (Mal/River)
Spoilers/Warnings: Post-BDM
Summary: This is my first song fic and my first fic of the naughty contect. lol. thank you luxuria_oceanus for betaing it for me, and I'm sorry if it's not quite up to everyone's smut par, but I did try :) Oh and the song is Suspended- by Matt Nathanson

(Cause all I want to be is the minute that you hold me in)
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Header [24 Apr 2007|10:46am]

[ mood | crushed ]

These were the only entries we received for the new header. If you'd like to make another header, please feel free to do so. Until then comments will be screened, and please, only vote for one.

Graphics HereCollapse )

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Title: 1974 First Time [24 Apr 2007|10:37am]

[ mood | crushed ]

Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape/Sloane Wickham (oc)
Rating/Warning: NC-17 - Het sex
Word Count: 4108
Authors: (me)jossversejunky and a very talented writer, poni


About five scotches into the evening, Severus was feeling all right. The thick, smoky atmosphere of the small pub was aggravated by the sweaty throng of people crashing together, clamoring for drinks. All were trying to escape the vicious heat outside by downing anything cool and liquid they could find. Some were trying to create heat by dancing frenziedly to the music provided. All in all, it was a sufficiently festive atmosphere, but Severus was content to simply watch from the safe semi-seclusion of his corner booth.

Silly TeenagersCollapse )

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Renovation [16 Mar 2007|04:05pm]

To everyone still in this writing community, I want to thank you for sticking around. The next few days you'll notice the community will be going through a few changes. Stick around and stay tuned.
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[14 Feb 2007|11:26pm]

It's an original story community where you will have to write about your original characters. It's hard to explain. The profile explains it better! Check us out!
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[16 Sep 2006|10:34pm]

[ mood | creative ]

I've got some stories. These are original. I need some feedback to keep me going. Let me know what you think, ok?

This story is untitled so far. For now, Im calling it Taylor. 

Summary: A young woman finds out she is The Messanger of the Higher Powers, a vessel of heavenly powers to fight an old battle between good and evil. When a mysterious young man appears in the picture, Taylor must decide if he is good or evil, and if he is someone she wants permanetly in her life.

Part One: Taylor 
Summary: Taylor Grace finds out that life has an unexpected she might not be able to get over.

Part Two: Taylor

Taylor meets the mysterious Cade Gregory and finds out things arent always what they seem. 


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The Wolf [05 Sep 2006|02:04pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Title: The Wolf
Author: Lannie Ree
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: NA
Rating: PG-13
Authors Notes: This is first person piece about my OC Diane.

The WolfCollapse )

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RP Posts - I try my hand at The Dark Lord Voldemort.. [14 Aug 2006|11:50pm]

[ mood | tired ]

Title: Lucius Punishment
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Rating: None/G
Disclaimer: All Characters created by J.K Rowling. ( save Sloane- she belongs to Brina.)
Author’s Note: This bit is not really as funny as the last one I posted. in fact it is very disturbing and sad.

Lucius PunishmentCollapse )

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My first *photoshop* wallpaper [01 Aug 2006|11:07am]

[ mood | awake ]

I was finally able to get PSCS2. I'm still struggling with all the bells and whistles, but I thought I'd share my first completed project.

under hereCollapse )

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Pay Up [27 Jul 2006|06:30pm]

[ mood | giddy ]

Title: Pay Up
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Rating: None/G
Disclaimer: All Characters created by J.K Rowling.
Author’s Note: This was a post I made of an RP Brina and I am doing. I was pleased with is I felt the need to share.
Setup:Griffindor has just won the Griffindor V. Slytherin Game.

Pay UpCollapse )

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Love for the Game [24 Jul 2006|10:14am]

[ mood | giddy ]

Title: 100% Bludgered
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Rating: None/G
Disclaimer: Sloane Wickham is my own character simply placed in the realms so greatly created by J.K Rowling. 
Author’s Note: This piece is slightly random, and written for the sake of character personality development. 350 words exactly.

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Joss Whedon Brushes for PSP8 [19 Jul 2006|11:40am]

[ mood | creative ]

I made some brushes. I'm rather pleased with the results.

Set of 10.
- 3 from Buffy
- 3 from Angel
- 4 from Firefly/Serenity
Use them as you will no real need to credit. Just don't call them your own.Collapse )

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