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The Stone Lanes

A Gormenghast Fanfiction Community

Journal created:
on 23 July 2004 (#3923419)
on 8 June 2012
Gormenghast, United Kingdom
Posting Access:
All Members
Welcome to the only Livejournal community dedicated to Gormenghast fanfiction! Because this is a fanfiction list, this will contain Alternate Universe depictions, smut, comedy, drama, and other things that Mervyn Peake did not write. If this sort of thing offends you in any form, there are discussion groups for fans of the original work that would be more suited to your tastes. Otherwise, we welcome your drabbles, your fics, your silliness, and even the occasional fangirling/fanboying.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery. We love Peake and the universe he created.

Rules of the Community:

1. This should go without saying, but just in case: no RPS or RPF (real person slash or real person fiction.) This community is for fanfiction involving the characters of Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast novels, not the actors that played in the BBC miniseries. There are plenty of RPS/RPF communities out there that would appreciate works of that sort.
2. Drabbles, short stories, chaptered pieces, and novel-length works are all allowed. If you are posting a piece longer than 100 words, please use a LJ-CUT. If you have any questions regarding how to do this, check the Livejournal FAQ.
3. Slash, het, and general pieces are all allowed.
4. When giving a rating to your pieces, be sure to state why you gave it this rating. (E.g.: Rated PG-13 for brief violence and suggested nudity.)
5. Templates for the pieces will be as follows:

Name of Piece:
Canon: (Movie, novel, or both.)

6. No flames. Period.
7. Regarding NC-17 pieces: NC-17 pieces are allowed in this community. However, please clearly mark them as such, make the entry readable to friends only, and please place them behind a LJ-CUT regardless of length.
8. New: 2 Sept 2004 Community advertisements are allowed ONLY if the community pertains to Gormenghast in some way. In other words, advertise communities dealing with JRM, Mervyn Peake, BBC Miniseries, Brit Lit, various Gormenghast 'ships, British authors, fantasy literature, etc. etc. etc., but don't expect us to be excited over your new ratings group or a board pertaining to gerbils. In fact, if the mods deem your community advert too terribly off topic, we shall delete your post. Simple as that.

Moderators: _geekie_ and lady_isabella.

Featured Writers:
Daisy Doo
Want to be a featured writer? Post a fanfiction piece to this community!

Official Mascots:
Do you roleplay a Gormenghast character? Let us know!

Related Links:

Do you like this community? Do you post your fanfiction here? Feel free to nab this banner! ABSOLUTELY -NO- HOTLINKING.
