The Silent University
The Silent University is an autonomous knowledge exchange platform by and for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. It is led by a group of lecturers, consultants and research fellows. Each group is contributing to the programme in different ways which include course development, specific research on key themes as well as personal reflections on what it means to be a refugee and asylum seeker. This platform will be presented using the format of an academic program.
In 2012 the Silent University has involved those that have had a professional life and academic training in their home countries, but are unable to use their skills or professional training in the UK due to a variety of reasons related to their status. Working together, the participants have developed course topics connected to their qualifications.In 2013 the Silent University will be extended beyond the UK. Tensta Konsthall will host the Silent University in Stockholm.
The Silent University aims to address and reactivate the knowledge of the participants and make the exchange process mutually beneficial by inventing alternative currencies, in place of money or free voluntary service. The Silent University’s aim is to challenge the idea of silence as a passive state, and explore its powerful potential through performance, writing, and group reflection. These explorations attempt to make apparent the systemic failure and the loss of skills and knowledge experienced through the silencing process of people seeking asylum.
Supervisors: Pelin Tan, Ahmet Öğüt, Behnam Al-Agzeer, Dr. Nazar Pola, Geraldine Takundwa, Mulugeta Fikadu, Carlos Cruz, Dr. Ali Kaviani, Francesco Ponzo, Loveness Sibanda, and Uvindu Kurukulasuriya
Address: http://thesilentuniversity.org/
Twitter: @SilentUni
In 2012 the Silent University has involved those that have had a professional life and academic training in their home countries, but are unable to use their skills or professional training in the UK due to a variety of reasons related to their status. Working together, the participants have developed course topics connected to their qualifications.In 2013 the Silent University will be extended beyond the UK. Tensta Konsthall will host the Silent University in Stockholm.
The Silent University aims to address and reactivate the knowledge of the participants and make the exchange process mutually beneficial by inventing alternative currencies, in place of money or free voluntary service. The Silent University’s aim is to challenge the idea of silence as a passive state, and explore its powerful potential through performance, writing, and group reflection. These explorations attempt to make apparent the systemic failure and the loss of skills and knowledge experienced through the silencing process of people seeking asylum.
Supervisors: Pelin Tan, Ahmet Öğüt, Behnam Al-Agzeer, Dr. Nazar Pola, Geraldine Takundwa, Mulugeta Fikadu, Carlos Cruz, Dr. Ali Kaviani, Francesco Ponzo, Loveness Sibanda, and Uvindu Kurukulasuriya
Address: http://thesilentuniversity.org/
Twitter: @SilentUni
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Books by The Silent University
The book contextualizes this initiative within a broader picture of migration policies, critical pedagogy, artistic involvement and institutional engagement. It also hopes to be an introduction for all those who might want to get involved in the Silent University—as contributors, lecturers, students in the existing branches, or by initiating new SUs wherever they are needed: a need which is becoming urgent in more and more cities and countries all around the world.
June 2016, English/German
ISBN 978-3-95679-245-8
Articles by The Silent University
I grew up in a place where civil war was part of daily life, where safety in public space was divided into day and night, into wide roads and back streets, mountains with cages or fields with burned trees. It was normal to have military tanks patrolling in the heart of town with heavily armed Special Forces. Working as a journalist in a newspaper was dangerous enough to have one assassinated in the middle of the street during daytime. Listening to music in your native language was considered a crime. Imagine a place where primary school kids were investigated for taking part in a painting competition about the International Day of Peace. Growing up in circumstances of radically militarized everyday life with very limited resources, I am not coming from a place where worldviews of “Western moralism”or ethics as “conventional wisdom” were taken for granted. I am coming from a place where I learned the importance of consciousness—more importantly, collective consciousness—when one is isolated both culturally and politically.
Conference Presentations by The Silent University
What are commons?
What’s putting commons in danger?
How can we fight for the commons?
What could be our commons?
- Knowledge Production under Regimes of Oppression
Workshop, at Concrete Tent / DAAR, 11-13 Sept.2015
Campus in Camps/Tree School/ MAU Architecture Graduate Studies/The Silent University.
After several visits and collaboration with Campus in Camps and DAAR working on the potentialities of commoning practices in refugee camps and developing transversal pedagogical modalities; we worked in three days working workshop on presenting cases from Southeast Anatolia (Turkey) spatial practices and focusing on practices in Al Fawar refugee camp and Dheisheh refugee camps. Is architecture after destruction and revolution possible? How autonomy and institutionalism take part in our practices? Organized by Alessandro Petti, Pelin Tan, Sandi Hilal, Isshaq Albarbary as a upcoming wider collaboration between architecture faculty of Mardin and Campus in Camps initiations; Ayat Al Turshan (Director of Women center of Al-Fawar), David Harvey (CUNY), Katya Sander (artist) and her students, grad.students architects Önder Duyan, Yahya Aydın, Yıldız Tahtacı, Nese Akkaya, Elif Ebru, Medya Aydın, Melike Elik.
First day gathering opened with a public forum in Concrete Tent, discussing what does "autonomy" nowadays means in our practices by Pelin Tan, David Harvey, Sandi Hilal and Yıldız Tahtacı. The relation between autonomy and infrastructure after destruction and the labor in the day after is crucial as we want to define any autonomy of an emancipatory movement. What is the role of architects and planners? These start up discussion led to design the presentations and topics in the following days.
Second day started, with a presentation by Ayat Al Thursan, my friend who is from Al Fawar refugee camp and is the new executive director of the Women center that initiates projects and activities in the Square and at the center. Women liberation and movements in both places such as in a Palestinian refugee camp and in Diyarbakır-Mardin were in common in most cases. Urban commons as the leading role of women centers, cooperative structures are the main bones of the activities and visibility of women in public spaces. Elif gave information of her research on women cooperatives and centers in Diyarbakır and they function.
Third day took part in DAAR office; research by Melike and Pelin on Rebuilding Kobene and questioning how architecture is possible after revolution, what is autonomy in that perspective? Önder, a practicing architect from Mardin presented an analyse on his village and its relation to panopticon and military base. Yahya, presented his village Goderne in Silvan which burned and evicted several times by military and now it is under threat of waterdams. By the presentation of Sandi and Alessandro about their practice and projects we got more deeper what is the role of architects in decolonization of territorities and what are forms and pedagogy for it.
Book comes soon.
Η συνέλευση στοχεύει στο να παρουσιάσει τις δραστηριότητες του Silent University και να συζητήσει τις δυνατότητες να σχηματιστεί και να τρέξει συλλογικά το Silent University Athens Assembly ξεκινώντας απ το 2016.
Ελάτε μαζί μας να φέρετε τη διάλεξη και το πρόγραμμα σας
Στέκι: Τσαμαδού 13, Εξάρχεια, Αθήνα, 210-3813928
17:00-23:00 καθημερινά,
منصة جامعة الصامت تعمل كجهد جماعي لابتكار طرق تربوية بديلة وأشكال تضامن جديدة وذلك من خلال تبادل المعرفة وتبادل الأفكار لإنهاء منهجيات الاستعمار في ظل ظروفنا المليئة بالفتن والخلاف . يتم عرض اللغات من خلال الاحتياجات مثل اللغات العربية والكردية واليونانية
تهدف هذه الورشة إلى تقديم أنشطة جامعة الصامت ومناقشة الإمكانيات لتشكيل وتشغيل بشكل جماعي جامعة الصامت - الجمعية أثينا ابتداء من عام 2016
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Silent-University-133281320158501/?fref=ts
Twitter: @SilentUni
Email: [email protected]
Steki: Tsamadou 13, Exarheia, Athens, 210-3813928
Η πλατφόρμα Silent University λειτουργεί σαν συλλογική προσπάθεια ανακάλυψης εναλλακτικών παιδαγωγικών τροπικοτήτων, μορφών αλληλεγγύης μέσω μοιράσματος γνώσης και κατιδεασμού (brainstorming) απο-αποικιακών μεθοδολογιών στις συνθήκες διαφωνίας. Οι γλώσσες επιτελούνται ακομα και μέσω αναγκών, όπως Αραβικά, Κουρδικά, Ελληνικά.
Η συνέλευση στοχεύει στο να παρουσιάσει τις δραστηριότητες του Silent University και να συζητήσει τις δυνατότητες να σχηματιστεί και να τρέξει συλλογικά το Silent University Athens Assembly ξεκινώντας απ το 2016.
Ελάτε μαζί μας να φέρετε τη διάλεξη και το πρόγραμμα σας
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Silent-University-133281320158501/?fref=ts
Twitter: @SilentUni
Email: [email protected]
Στέκι: Τσαμαδού 13, Εξάρχεια, Αθήνα, 210-3813928
17:00-23:00 καθημερινά,
منصة جامعة الصامت تعمل كجهد جماعي لابتكار طرق تربوية بديلة وأشكال تضامن جديدة وذلك من خلال تبادل المعرفة وتبادل الأفكار لإنهاء منهجيات الاستعمار في ظل ظروفنا المليئة بالفتن والخلاف . يتم عرض اللغات من خلال الاحتياجات مثل اللغات العربية والكردية واليونانية
تهدف هذه الورشة إلى تقديم أنشطة جامعة الصامت ومناقشة الإمكانيات لتشكيل وتشغيل بشكل جماعي جامعة الصامت - الجمعية أثينا ابتداء من عام 2016
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Silent-University-133281320158501/?fref=ts
Twitter: @SilentUni
Email: [email protected]
Steki: Tsamadou 13, Exarheia, Athens, 210-3813928
The Silent University / Sessiz Üniversite’nin Prensip ve İstekleri:
1.Herkesin eğitme hakkı vardır
2. 2. Mülteci ve sığınmacıların geçmişlerindeki üniversite eğitimleri acil olarak tanınmalı ve onaylanmalıdır.
3. 3.Dil kısıtlamaları yapmadan bilgiyi etkinleştirmek
4. 4.Hukuki kısıtlamaların ötesinde bilgiyi etkinleştirmek
5. 5.Katılımcılığa dayalı kullanıcılık
6. 6.Sanatsal pedagojik pratiklerde sıklıkla kullandığımız “proje” ve “atölye” gibi terminolojilerin terk edilmesi.
7. Pedagojik pratikler uzun vadeli angajmanlı sorumluluk, özveri ve birliktelikle devam etmelidir.
8. Bizler, dünyadaki mülteci mücadeleleri ve kolektifler ile dayanışma içinde hareket ediyoruz.
9. Marjinal bölgeler, yerellikler arası bilgi üretimi ve çatışma kentleri bizim için önceliklidir.
10 Merkezileşmiş, otoriter, baskıcı ve mecburi eğitim yerine, merkesizleşmiş, katılımcı, yatay ve otonom usuller içeren eğitimden yanayız.
11. Sınır politikalarının kısıtlamalarının ötesinde eylemlilik içinde olmak.
12. Bürokrasi yerine Adhokrasi.
13. Eylemlilik bilgisi ancak asamblaj metodları ile üretilebilinir.
14. Sömürgesizleştirme pedagojilerinin devrimi.
The book contextualizes this initiative within a broader picture of migration policies, critical pedagogy, artistic involvement and institutional engagement. It also hopes to be an introduction for all those who might want to get involved in the Silent University—as contributors, lecturers, students in the existing branches, or by initiating new SUs wherever they are needed: a need which is becoming urgent in more and more cities and countries all around the world.
June 2016, English/German
ISBN 978-3-95679-245-8
I grew up in a place where civil war was part of daily life, where safety in public space was divided into day and night, into wide roads and back streets, mountains with cages or fields with burned trees. It was normal to have military tanks patrolling in the heart of town with heavily armed Special Forces. Working as a journalist in a newspaper was dangerous enough to have one assassinated in the middle of the street during daytime. Listening to music in your native language was considered a crime. Imagine a place where primary school kids were investigated for taking part in a painting competition about the International Day of Peace. Growing up in circumstances of radically militarized everyday life with very limited resources, I am not coming from a place where worldviews of “Western moralism”or ethics as “conventional wisdom” were taken for granted. I am coming from a place where I learned the importance of consciousness—more importantly, collective consciousness—when one is isolated both culturally and politically.
What are commons?
What’s putting commons in danger?
How can we fight for the commons?
What could be our commons?
- Knowledge Production under Regimes of Oppression
Workshop, at Concrete Tent / DAAR, 11-13 Sept.2015
Campus in Camps/Tree School/ MAU Architecture Graduate Studies/The Silent University.
After several visits and collaboration with Campus in Camps and DAAR working on the potentialities of commoning practices in refugee camps and developing transversal pedagogical modalities; we worked in three days working workshop on presenting cases from Southeast Anatolia (Turkey) spatial practices and focusing on practices in Al Fawar refugee camp and Dheisheh refugee camps. Is architecture after destruction and revolution possible? How autonomy and institutionalism take part in our practices? Organized by Alessandro Petti, Pelin Tan, Sandi Hilal, Isshaq Albarbary as a upcoming wider collaboration between architecture faculty of Mardin and Campus in Camps initiations; Ayat Al Turshan (Director of Women center of Al-Fawar), David Harvey (CUNY), Katya Sander (artist) and her students, grad.students architects Önder Duyan, Yahya Aydın, Yıldız Tahtacı, Nese Akkaya, Elif Ebru, Medya Aydın, Melike Elik.
First day gathering opened with a public forum in Concrete Tent, discussing what does "autonomy" nowadays means in our practices by Pelin Tan, David Harvey, Sandi Hilal and Yıldız Tahtacı. The relation between autonomy and infrastructure after destruction and the labor in the day after is crucial as we want to define any autonomy of an emancipatory movement. What is the role of architects and planners? These start up discussion led to design the presentations and topics in the following days.
Second day started, with a presentation by Ayat Al Thursan, my friend who is from Al Fawar refugee camp and is the new executive director of the Women center that initiates projects and activities in the Square and at the center. Women liberation and movements in both places such as in a Palestinian refugee camp and in Diyarbakır-Mardin were in common in most cases. Urban commons as the leading role of women centers, cooperative structures are the main bones of the activities and visibility of women in public spaces. Elif gave information of her research on women cooperatives and centers in Diyarbakır and they function.
Third day took part in DAAR office; research by Melike and Pelin on Rebuilding Kobene and questioning how architecture is possible after revolution, what is autonomy in that perspective? Önder, a practicing architect from Mardin presented an analyse on his village and its relation to panopticon and military base. Yahya, presented his village Goderne in Silvan which burned and evicted several times by military and now it is under threat of waterdams. By the presentation of Sandi and Alessandro about their practice and projects we got more deeper what is the role of architects in decolonization of territorities and what are forms and pedagogy for it.
Book comes soon.
Η συνέλευση στοχεύει στο να παρουσιάσει τις δραστηριότητες του Silent University και να συζητήσει τις δυνατότητες να σχηματιστεί και να τρέξει συλλογικά το Silent University Athens Assembly ξεκινώντας απ το 2016.
Ελάτε μαζί μας να φέρετε τη διάλεξη και το πρόγραμμα σας
Στέκι: Τσαμαδού 13, Εξάρχεια, Αθήνα, 210-3813928
17:00-23:00 καθημερινά,
منصة جامعة الصامت تعمل كجهد جماعي لابتكار طرق تربوية بديلة وأشكال تضامن جديدة وذلك من خلال تبادل المعرفة وتبادل الأفكار لإنهاء منهجيات الاستعمار في ظل ظروفنا المليئة بالفتن والخلاف . يتم عرض اللغات من خلال الاحتياجات مثل اللغات العربية والكردية واليونانية
تهدف هذه الورشة إلى تقديم أنشطة جامعة الصامت ومناقشة الإمكانيات لتشكيل وتشغيل بشكل جماعي جامعة الصامت - الجمعية أثينا ابتداء من عام 2016
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Silent-University-133281320158501/?fref=ts
Twitter: @SilentUni
Email: [email protected]
Steki: Tsamadou 13, Exarheia, Athens, 210-3813928
Η πλατφόρμα Silent University λειτουργεί σαν συλλογική προσπάθεια ανακάλυψης εναλλακτικών παιδαγωγικών τροπικοτήτων, μορφών αλληλεγγύης μέσω μοιράσματος γνώσης και κατιδεασμού (brainstorming) απο-αποικιακών μεθοδολογιών στις συνθήκες διαφωνίας. Οι γλώσσες επιτελούνται ακομα και μέσω αναγκών, όπως Αραβικά, Κουρδικά, Ελληνικά.
Η συνέλευση στοχεύει στο να παρουσιάσει τις δραστηριότητες του Silent University και να συζητήσει τις δυνατότητες να σχηματιστεί και να τρέξει συλλογικά το Silent University Athens Assembly ξεκινώντας απ το 2016.
Ελάτε μαζί μας να φέρετε τη διάλεξη και το πρόγραμμα σας
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Silent-University-133281320158501/?fref=ts
Twitter: @SilentUni
Email: [email protected]
Στέκι: Τσαμαδού 13, Εξάρχεια, Αθήνα, 210-3813928
17:00-23:00 καθημερινά,
منصة جامعة الصامت تعمل كجهد جماعي لابتكار طرق تربوية بديلة وأشكال تضامن جديدة وذلك من خلال تبادل المعرفة وتبادل الأفكار لإنهاء منهجيات الاستعمار في ظل ظروفنا المليئة بالفتن والخلاف . يتم عرض اللغات من خلال الاحتياجات مثل اللغات العربية والكردية واليونانية
تهدف هذه الورشة إلى تقديم أنشطة جامعة الصامت ومناقشة الإمكانيات لتشكيل وتشغيل بشكل جماعي جامعة الصامت - الجمعية أثينا ابتداء من عام 2016
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Silent-University-133281320158501/?fref=ts
Twitter: @SilentUni
Email: [email protected]
Steki: Tsamadou 13, Exarheia, Athens, 210-3813928
The Silent University / Sessiz Üniversite’nin Prensip ve İstekleri:
1.Herkesin eğitme hakkı vardır
2. 2. Mülteci ve sığınmacıların geçmişlerindeki üniversite eğitimleri acil olarak tanınmalı ve onaylanmalıdır.
3. 3.Dil kısıtlamaları yapmadan bilgiyi etkinleştirmek
4. 4.Hukuki kısıtlamaların ötesinde bilgiyi etkinleştirmek
5. 5.Katılımcılığa dayalı kullanıcılık
6. 6.Sanatsal pedagojik pratiklerde sıklıkla kullandığımız “proje” ve “atölye” gibi terminolojilerin terk edilmesi.
7. Pedagojik pratikler uzun vadeli angajmanlı sorumluluk, özveri ve birliktelikle devam etmelidir.
8. Bizler, dünyadaki mülteci mücadeleleri ve kolektifler ile dayanışma içinde hareket ediyoruz.
9. Marjinal bölgeler, yerellikler arası bilgi üretimi ve çatışma kentleri bizim için önceliklidir.
10 Merkezileşmiş, otoriter, baskıcı ve mecburi eğitim yerine, merkesizleşmiş, katılımcı, yatay ve otonom usuller içeren eğitimden yanayız.
11. Sınır politikalarının kısıtlamalarının ötesinde eylemlilik içinde olmak.
12. Bürokrasi yerine Adhokrasi.
13. Eylemlilik bilgisi ancak asamblaj metodları ile üretilebilinir.
14. Sömürgesizleştirme pedagojilerinin devrimi.
which is taking place from October 2013 to May 2014
at Tensta konsthall, The Silent University, initiated by
artist Ahmet Ö üt, is established in Stockholm.
The Silent University is a university created from the
need to re-activate knowledge that has been silenced. It
involves people who have fled from their countries of
origin who, for different reasons, are not able to put
their knowledge to use here in Sweden.
The second base of the Silent University is in Stockholm. Through this application, the Silent University seeks financial support in order to sustain the continuity of the project in London and Stockholm, as well as introducing and activating it in Berlin and Paris where the aforementioned communities constitute significant parts of the society and agreements with local partners have been settled.