Article by Tekletsadik Belachew

ሪፓርተር , 2021
ደራሲው በምስጋና ገጻቸው፡ በአማርኛና በእንግሊዝኛ የተጻፈ ‹‹ላለፉት ኩሩዎችና በአሁኑም ዘመን ፈልሳፊ ለሆኑት ኢትዮጵያውያን ደራሲው ይህንን መጽሐ... more መቅድም
ደራሲው በምስጋና ገጻቸው፡ በአማርኛና በእንግሊዝኛ የተጻፈ ‹‹ላለፉት ኩሩዎችና በአሁኑም ዘመን ፈልሳፊ ለሆኑት ኢትዮጵያውያን ደራሲው ይህንን መጽሐፍ በአድናቆት ያበረክታል። For the proud Ethiopians of the past and the creative of the present.›› በማለት አስፍረዋል፡፡
እንደ ዳሳሹ አገላለጽ፣ ሌቪን በመቅድማቸው ያንፀባረቁት ፍጹም ብርቅዬና ድንቅዬ (Exoticization) ማለትም ከሌላው ጋር በጥቂቱም ቢሆን መመሳሰል የሌለው አድርጎ ማሰብን ነው። (The motive which lies behind any scholar’s effort to characterize an exotic culture is ultimately aesthetic.)
‹‹ያንድ ምሁር ብርቅዬ ባህልን የማጥናት ጥረቱ ሥነ ጥበብ ላይ መሆን አለበት›› (ገጽ vii)። ሁሉም ባህል ውስጥ ልዩ ልዩ እንደስጦታ መታየት የሚችሉ ውበቶችና ድክመቶች እንደመገለጫዎች ይኖራሉ። አንድ ባህል ግን ከራስ ወይም ከአጥኚው ፈጽሞ የተለየ አድርጎ ማሰብ ወደጥግ ለመውሰድና ከሰብአዊነት ድንበር ማስጠጋት አደጋ አለው።
“I freely admit to having been seduced by the charm of traditional Amhara life.” (ገጽ vii)። በአማራ ባህል መማለሌን በግልጽ አስታውቃለሁ። የሰዎቹ የአየሩ ጠባይ ውበት ወደመካከለኛው ክፍለዘመን እንደወሰደው ይናገራል። ይህ በአሁን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ መካከለኛ ዘመንንና አውሮፓን የመናፈቅና የመፈለግ አባዜ (ኖስታልጂያ) ይመስላል።
ተስፋውን ሲገልጽም፣ “In so doing I trust that my words will not be taken as the preaching of an omniscient Western to backward congregation.” (Ix). ሌቪን ይህን በማድረጌ ቃሎቼ ሁሉን አዋቂዎቹ ምዕራባውያን ለኋላ ቀሩ ማኅበረሰብ እንደ ስብከት እንደማይወሰዱ አምናለሁ ብለው ያሉት ተሳክቶላቸው ይሆን? ይህ የዚህ ግምገማ ትኩረት ይሆናል ይላሉ አቶ ተክለጻድቅ።
Journal of African Christian Biography, 2020
IBMR, 2021
Ethiopian Qene (traditional and living oral poetry) intertwines biblical interpretation with the ... more Ethiopian Qene (traditional and living oral poetry) intertwines biblical interpretation with the observation of nature and critique of current events. It is always delivered as improvisation. It is performed in traditional schools, as well as at liturgical and social events. It contains metaphors, rhymes, and rhythm. It includes important values and is useful for theological studies and biblical hermeneutics.

Africa Development, CODESRIA_Africa Development / Afrique et Développement, Special Issue on: ‘Emergence’ on Screen and on Stage / Numéro spécial sur : « Émergence » à l’écran et sur scène (2017), 2018
Abstract: This article focuses on key themes in Haile Gerima's Imperfect Journey, which, despite ... more Abstract: This article focuses on key themes in Haile Gerima's Imperfect Journey, which, despite being one of the most important African documentaries, is often neglected by film critics and historians. 1 Abba Gerima, the traditional playwright, dramatist, historian, and epic-poet, is discussed through selectively translated passages from two historical masterpieces that he originally wrote in Amharic and English translations. Abba Gerima's and Haile Gerima's historical and artistic texts are critically examined across history, aesthetics and the three mega themes of Imperfect Journey in order to understand how Abba Gerima's vision is carried forward in the cinematic works of Haile Gerima.
Cet article porte sur les thèmes clés du Voyage imparfait de Haile Gerima, qui, bien qu’étant l’un des plus importants documentaires africains, est souvent négligé par les critiques de cinéma et les historiens. Abba Gerima, le dramaturge traditionnel, historien et poète épique, est décrit à travers des passages, traduits de manière sélective, de deux chefs-d’œuvre historiques initialement écrits en amharique et traduits en anglais. Les textes historiques et artistiques d’Abba Gerima et de Haile Gerima seront examinés de manière critique à travers l’histoire, l’esthétique et les trois méga thèmes du Voyage imparfait pour comprendre comment la vision d’Abba Gerima est reflétée dans les œuvres cinématographiques de Haile Gerima.
Africa Study Bible, 2017
Points to Remember
• Christianity is not a Western religion. Africans gave their lives to spread ... more Points to Remember
• Christianity is not a Western religion. Africans gave their lives to spread the faith and preserved
it in their writings and lifestyle.
• Remember your African Christian ancestors. You stand in the never-dying river of their living
tradition. They show us a faith that lives on and give us a legacy for both the head and the heart.
• Tell early African Christian stories of faith, martyrdom, and intellectual life to your children
and your grandchildren!
• Learn from and copy the ancient wisdom, boldness, and humility of the Church Fathers and
Mothers of early Africa.
Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South, 2018
Edited by Mark A. Lanham Lamport. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
International Bulletin of Mission Research - IBMR, 2017
For sixteen centuries, Christian faith has been interacting with Ethiopian culture. This setting ... more For sixteen centuries, Christian faith has been interacting with Ethiopian culture. This setting offers rich resources for theological vocabulary insofar as it is embedded in African images and symbols, poems, hymns, and chants. Since the material world holds an important place in Ethiopian religious expressions, four dominant symbols found in nature—fire, water, soil, and oil—deserve particular attention. The reflections given in this article are predominantly drawn from study of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. We show that various values are discernable in the four symbols mentioned here, as well as in the cross, the central Christian symbol.
Christian traditions in Ethiopia are among the oldest in the world.
This selectively annotated bibliography on Haile Gerima is designed for
scholars and emerging res... more This selectively annotated bibliography on Haile Gerima is designed for
scholars and emerging researchers of his vast cinematic-intellectual corpus.
The bibliography references primary sources by Gerima himself from
films, book chapters, and essays, for example. It also references secondary
sources that might otherwise be quite difficult to locate on the works of
Haile Gerima, such as journal articles, monographs, newspaper features,
theses, and film reviews. These resources exist in multiple languages, too,
particularly French and Amharic as well as English. For some of the entries,
a brief description is provided to preview the content of the work. It is
hoped that this bibliography will serve intellectuals across different fields
and offer a handy tool for the examination of Haile Gerima’s forty-year career
in African cinema.
Mekane Yesus Seminary - Graduates Bulletin, 2007
Do Christian work ethics guarantee economic progress? Who need work ethics? With whom am I workin... more Do Christian work ethics guarantee economic progress? Who need work ethics? With whom am I working? And for whom am I working?
Review by Tekletsadik Belachew
ሪፖርተር Ethiopian Reporter, 2023
ርዕሱ ‹‹ተስፋዬን ፍለጋ ከ፬ ኪሎ እስከ ቬሮና›› ሰምና ወርቅ ያለበት፣ ማርቆስ ተግይበሉ ከልጅነቱ አንስቶ ተስፋዬ ማን ነው? እውነተኛው መጨረሻውስ? እና... more ርዕሱ ‹‹ተስፋዬን ፍለጋ ከ፬ ኪሎ እስከ ቬሮና›› ሰምና ወርቅ ያለበት፣ ማርቆስ ተግይበሉ ከልጅነቱ አንስቶ ተስፋዬ ማን ነው? እውነተኛው መጨረሻውስ? እና መሰል ጥያቄዎችን አዝሎ፣ ፍለጋውን ቦግ ጭልም እያለ ግን ጨርሶ ተስፋ ሳይቆርጥ የጉዞ ታሪኩን አካትቶ ስለገጣሚ ድምጻዊ አርቲስት ተስፋዬ ገብሬ (ቴስ) ያጠናውን፣ የታዘበውን በግልጽነትና በቁጥብነት ከአዲስ አበባ አንስቶ እስከ ቬሮና (ሌሎች የተጓዘባቸውን ሥፍራዎችን ጨምሮ) ያለውን የሕይወት ስንክሳር የሚተርክ ውብ መጽሐፍ አበርክቶልናል። ልክ በመጽሐፉ መግቢያ እንዳለው በጭውውት መልክ የቀረበ ግሩም ትረካና በውስጡ ብዙ ታሪኮች የታጨቁበት ድርሰት ነው። መታሰቢያውን በርካታ ታሪኮችና መዝገቦችን ቅርስ አድርጋ ላቆየችውና በቸርነት ላጋራችው ለተስፋዬ የቀድሞ ባለቤት ለአንጀሊና ነው። ‹‹የምትወደውን ባሏን በሞት ከተነጠቀች ከአራት አሠርታት በኋላም ጋቢውን ለብሳ ለምታነባው አንጄላ ፒዚጌላ ይሁን›› ይላል። ተገቢ መታሰቢያ።
African Studies Review , 2023
Scholars of Africa cinema may already be familiar with Teklatsadik Belachew’s earlier work on Eth... more Scholars of Africa cinema may already be familiar with Teklatsadik Belachew’s earlier work on Ethiopia’s most internationally famous filmmaker, Haile Gerima, whose films about his motherland include Harvest: 3000 Years (Mirt Sost Shi Amit, 1976), Imperfect Journey (1994), Adwa: An African Victory (1999), and Teza (2008). His feature-length films on the African-American experience include Bush Mama (1976), Wilmington 10—USA 10,000 (1978), Ashes and Embers (1982), and Sankofa (1993). In Stories from the Fireplace: Theological Meditations on Haile Gerima’s Cinema, Tekletsadik Belachew takes his research in a new direction by using Gerima’s films as inspiration for his own theological meditations.

Journal of African Christian Biography, 2023
This multi-disciplinary study examines the works of Ethiopian scholar and filmmaker Haile Gerima ... more This multi-disciplinary study examines the works of Ethiopian scholar and filmmaker Haile Gerima from a theological perspective. The author was inspired to write this book because of “the persisting, provoking and lingering representation of Africa as ‘the radical other’ through intellectual and artistic media” (xxi). Historians, anthropologists, and missionaries create and recreate Africa’s otherness in film and other texts. The “Afro-pessimistic” history of (mis)representations can be traced in travelogues, cartography (mapmaking), anthropozoology (human zoos), and the
Hollywood types of conventional cinema (zoo-keepers) (57). By engaging with African cinematic discourses, Belachew tries to demonstrate the kind of positive role African Christian theology can play in the pursuit of human dignity and flourishing. He creates a counter narrative against Afro-pessimist films, which frequently perpetuate inferior images of the African other ...
Asia Journal of Theology, 2019
“[Bradley Nassif] successfully relates the 4th to 6th century desert wisdom to contemporary urban... more “[Bradley Nassif] successfully relates the 4th to 6th century desert wisdom to contemporary urban dwellers in the 21st century by illustrating key virtues and their relevance across time and cultures. For those who are familiar with the desert literature, this volume offers spiritual insights and a Gospel-centred interpretation of virtues. For novices, whether Orthodox or Evangelical, the book provides an excellent introduction to Desert spirituality. I highly recommend Nassif’s contribution, both as an introductory textbook for classes in church history and for purposes of spiritual formation such as adult Bible studies in churches. It would be especially ideal for fostering devotional practices during Lent.”
essays by Tekletsadik Belachew

Queen of Sheba _40 Bible in Africa Studies, 2024
Ethiopian literature and art, especially the epic “Kebra Nagast” (KN, The
Glory of the Kings) re... more Ethiopian literature and art, especially the epic “Kebra Nagast” (KN, The
Glory of the Kings) reserves a unique place for the Queen of Sheba, the
biblical figure who went to visit King Solomon (1 Kings 10), and was
praised by Jesus for her search of Wisdom (Matthew 12:42). The way this
fascinating figure has been described and understood in Ethiopian texts,
starting from traditional Ethiopian biblical commentaries, is worth
studying. While the references to the Queen of Sheba in Ethiopian
literature are difficult to exhaust due to their extraordinary abundance,
this essay will focus on the Bible and the KN in terms of theology and
hermeneutics. It will explore the gender constructions and roles
associated with Queen of Sheba, and interrogate her story for possible
feminist models it offers. While the paper will highlight that Queen of
Sheba is constructed within patriarchal thought, the paper will
particularly explore how the story of the Queen Sheba embodies
theological leadership that transgresses gender-based dualisms and
hierarchies to offer liberating paradigms for all members of the
community. Accordingly, it has three parts: 1) Riddles of Wisdom: The
Queen of Sheba in the Bible; 2) The daughter of Wisdom, thirsty for
Wisdom: The Queen of Sheba in the Kebra Nagast; and 3) Theological
Virtues: Insights from the Narrative of the Queen of Sheba for African
Women Theologies.
Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress: Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs., 2021
Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Orthodox and Evangelical Approaches to Discipleship and Christian Formation., 2021
Abstract/Intro only attached.

This chapter is an exploration of the religio-cultural symbolisms of Haile Gerima’s three Amharic... more This chapter is an exploration of the religio-cultural symbolisms of Haile Gerima’s three Amharic films, Harvest: 3,000 Years (1976), Adwa: An African Victory (1999), and Teza/Morning Dew (2008).1 In the past, most critics
have failed to study these films adequately for various reasons, often being unaware of their pervasive religio-cultural and oral folkloric symbolisms. Complete commentary on the symbolisms in the films of Haile Gerima demands more space and time than provided here. Thus, a brief illustration of selected religio-cultural symbolisms will be made in conjunction with interpreting the deeper meaning of the films using selected filmic texts, relevant theories, and interviews with the filmmaker and related Amharic oral and written literature.2 This chapter is divided according to diverse thematic structures of symbolisms. Before the discussion turns to the textual analysis of thematic structures of symbolisms, however, a
brief intellectual and biographical introduction to the filmmaker and his work, inspirations, and methodological suggestions shall follow.
Article by Tekletsadik Belachew
ደራሲው በምስጋና ገጻቸው፡ በአማርኛና በእንግሊዝኛ የተጻፈ ‹‹ላለፉት ኩሩዎችና በአሁኑም ዘመን ፈልሳፊ ለሆኑት ኢትዮጵያውያን ደራሲው ይህንን መጽሐፍ በአድናቆት ያበረክታል። For the proud Ethiopians of the past and the creative of the present.›› በማለት አስፍረዋል፡፡
እንደ ዳሳሹ አገላለጽ፣ ሌቪን በመቅድማቸው ያንፀባረቁት ፍጹም ብርቅዬና ድንቅዬ (Exoticization) ማለትም ከሌላው ጋር በጥቂቱም ቢሆን መመሳሰል የሌለው አድርጎ ማሰብን ነው። (The motive which lies behind any scholar’s effort to characterize an exotic culture is ultimately aesthetic.)
‹‹ያንድ ምሁር ብርቅዬ ባህልን የማጥናት ጥረቱ ሥነ ጥበብ ላይ መሆን አለበት›› (ገጽ vii)። ሁሉም ባህል ውስጥ ልዩ ልዩ እንደስጦታ መታየት የሚችሉ ውበቶችና ድክመቶች እንደመገለጫዎች ይኖራሉ። አንድ ባህል ግን ከራስ ወይም ከአጥኚው ፈጽሞ የተለየ አድርጎ ማሰብ ወደጥግ ለመውሰድና ከሰብአዊነት ድንበር ማስጠጋት አደጋ አለው።
“I freely admit to having been seduced by the charm of traditional Amhara life.” (ገጽ vii)። በአማራ ባህል መማለሌን በግልጽ አስታውቃለሁ። የሰዎቹ የአየሩ ጠባይ ውበት ወደመካከለኛው ክፍለዘመን እንደወሰደው ይናገራል። ይህ በአሁን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ መካከለኛ ዘመንንና አውሮፓን የመናፈቅና የመፈለግ አባዜ (ኖስታልጂያ) ይመስላል።
ተስፋውን ሲገልጽም፣ “In so doing I trust that my words will not be taken as the preaching of an omniscient Western to backward congregation.” (Ix). ሌቪን ይህን በማድረጌ ቃሎቼ ሁሉን አዋቂዎቹ ምዕራባውያን ለኋላ ቀሩ ማኅበረሰብ እንደ ስብከት እንደማይወሰዱ አምናለሁ ብለው ያሉት ተሳክቶላቸው ይሆን? ይህ የዚህ ግምገማ ትኩረት ይሆናል ይላሉ አቶ ተክለጻድቅ።
Cet article porte sur les thèmes clés du Voyage imparfait de Haile Gerima, qui, bien qu’étant l’un des plus importants documentaires africains, est souvent négligé par les critiques de cinéma et les historiens. Abba Gerima, le dramaturge traditionnel, historien et poète épique, est décrit à travers des passages, traduits de manière sélective, de deux chefs-d’œuvre historiques initialement écrits en amharique et traduits en anglais. Les textes historiques et artistiques d’Abba Gerima et de Haile Gerima seront examinés de manière critique à travers l’histoire, l’esthétique et les trois méga thèmes du Voyage imparfait pour comprendre comment la vision d’Abba Gerima est reflétée dans les œuvres cinématographiques de Haile Gerima.
• Christianity is not a Western religion. Africans gave their lives to spread the faith and preserved
it in their writings and lifestyle.
• Remember your African Christian ancestors. You stand in the never-dying river of their living
tradition. They show us a faith that lives on and give us a legacy for both the head and the heart.
• Tell early African Christian stories of faith, martyrdom, and intellectual life to your children
and your grandchildren!
• Learn from and copy the ancient wisdom, boldness, and humility of the Church Fathers and
Mothers of early Africa.
scholars and emerging researchers of his vast cinematic-intellectual corpus.
The bibliography references primary sources by Gerima himself from
films, book chapters, and essays, for example. It also references secondary
sources that might otherwise be quite difficult to locate on the works of
Haile Gerima, such as journal articles, monographs, newspaper features,
theses, and film reviews. These resources exist in multiple languages, too,
particularly French and Amharic as well as English. For some of the entries,
a brief description is provided to preview the content of the work. It is
hoped that this bibliography will serve intellectuals across different fields
and offer a handy tool for the examination of Haile Gerima’s forty-year career
in African cinema.
Review by Tekletsadik Belachew
Hollywood types of conventional cinema (zoo-keepers) (57). By engaging with African cinematic discourses, Belachew tries to demonstrate the kind of positive role African Christian theology can play in the pursuit of human dignity and flourishing. He creates a counter narrative against Afro-pessimist films, which frequently perpetuate inferior images of the African other ...
essays by Tekletsadik Belachew
Glory of the Kings) reserves a unique place for the Queen of Sheba, the
biblical figure who went to visit King Solomon (1 Kings 10), and was
praised by Jesus for her search of Wisdom (Matthew 12:42). The way this
fascinating figure has been described and understood in Ethiopian texts,
starting from traditional Ethiopian biblical commentaries, is worth
studying. While the references to the Queen of Sheba in Ethiopian
literature are difficult to exhaust due to their extraordinary abundance,
this essay will focus on the Bible and the KN in terms of theology and
hermeneutics. It will explore the gender constructions and roles
associated with Queen of Sheba, and interrogate her story for possible
feminist models it offers. While the paper will highlight that Queen of
Sheba is constructed within patriarchal thought, the paper will
particularly explore how the story of the Queen Sheba embodies
theological leadership that transgresses gender-based dualisms and
hierarchies to offer liberating paradigms for all members of the
community. Accordingly, it has three parts: 1) Riddles of Wisdom: The
Queen of Sheba in the Bible; 2) The daughter of Wisdom, thirsty for
Wisdom: The Queen of Sheba in the Kebra Nagast; and 3) Theological
Virtues: Insights from the Narrative of the Queen of Sheba for African
Women Theologies.
have failed to study these films adequately for various reasons, often being unaware of their pervasive religio-cultural and oral folkloric symbolisms. Complete commentary on the symbolisms in the films of Haile Gerima demands more space and time than provided here. Thus, a brief illustration of selected religio-cultural symbolisms will be made in conjunction with interpreting the deeper meaning of the films using selected filmic texts, relevant theories, and interviews with the filmmaker and related Amharic oral and written literature.2 This chapter is divided according to diverse thematic structures of symbolisms. Before the discussion turns to the textual analysis of thematic structures of symbolisms, however, a
brief intellectual and biographical introduction to the filmmaker and his work, inspirations, and methodological suggestions shall follow.
ደራሲው በምስጋና ገጻቸው፡ በአማርኛና በእንግሊዝኛ የተጻፈ ‹‹ላለፉት ኩሩዎችና በአሁኑም ዘመን ፈልሳፊ ለሆኑት ኢትዮጵያውያን ደራሲው ይህንን መጽሐፍ በአድናቆት ያበረክታል። For the proud Ethiopians of the past and the creative of the present.›› በማለት አስፍረዋል፡፡
እንደ ዳሳሹ አገላለጽ፣ ሌቪን በመቅድማቸው ያንፀባረቁት ፍጹም ብርቅዬና ድንቅዬ (Exoticization) ማለትም ከሌላው ጋር በጥቂቱም ቢሆን መመሳሰል የሌለው አድርጎ ማሰብን ነው። (The motive which lies behind any scholar’s effort to characterize an exotic culture is ultimately aesthetic.)
‹‹ያንድ ምሁር ብርቅዬ ባህልን የማጥናት ጥረቱ ሥነ ጥበብ ላይ መሆን አለበት›› (ገጽ vii)። ሁሉም ባህል ውስጥ ልዩ ልዩ እንደስጦታ መታየት የሚችሉ ውበቶችና ድክመቶች እንደመገለጫዎች ይኖራሉ። አንድ ባህል ግን ከራስ ወይም ከአጥኚው ፈጽሞ የተለየ አድርጎ ማሰብ ወደጥግ ለመውሰድና ከሰብአዊነት ድንበር ማስጠጋት አደጋ አለው።
“I freely admit to having been seduced by the charm of traditional Amhara life.” (ገጽ vii)። በአማራ ባህል መማለሌን በግልጽ አስታውቃለሁ። የሰዎቹ የአየሩ ጠባይ ውበት ወደመካከለኛው ክፍለዘመን እንደወሰደው ይናገራል። ይህ በአሁን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ መካከለኛ ዘመንንና አውሮፓን የመናፈቅና የመፈለግ አባዜ (ኖስታልጂያ) ይመስላል።
ተስፋውን ሲገልጽም፣ “In so doing I trust that my words will not be taken as the preaching of an omniscient Western to backward congregation.” (Ix). ሌቪን ይህን በማድረጌ ቃሎቼ ሁሉን አዋቂዎቹ ምዕራባውያን ለኋላ ቀሩ ማኅበረሰብ እንደ ስብከት እንደማይወሰዱ አምናለሁ ብለው ያሉት ተሳክቶላቸው ይሆን? ይህ የዚህ ግምገማ ትኩረት ይሆናል ይላሉ አቶ ተክለጻድቅ።
Cet article porte sur les thèmes clés du Voyage imparfait de Haile Gerima, qui, bien qu’étant l’un des plus importants documentaires africains, est souvent négligé par les critiques de cinéma et les historiens. Abba Gerima, le dramaturge traditionnel, historien et poète épique, est décrit à travers des passages, traduits de manière sélective, de deux chefs-d’œuvre historiques initialement écrits en amharique et traduits en anglais. Les textes historiques et artistiques d’Abba Gerima et de Haile Gerima seront examinés de manière critique à travers l’histoire, l’esthétique et les trois méga thèmes du Voyage imparfait pour comprendre comment la vision d’Abba Gerima est reflétée dans les œuvres cinématographiques de Haile Gerima.
• Christianity is not a Western religion. Africans gave their lives to spread the faith and preserved
it in their writings and lifestyle.
• Remember your African Christian ancestors. You stand in the never-dying river of their living
tradition. They show us a faith that lives on and give us a legacy for both the head and the heart.
• Tell early African Christian stories of faith, martyrdom, and intellectual life to your children
and your grandchildren!
• Learn from and copy the ancient wisdom, boldness, and humility of the Church Fathers and
Mothers of early Africa.
scholars and emerging researchers of his vast cinematic-intellectual corpus.
The bibliography references primary sources by Gerima himself from
films, book chapters, and essays, for example. It also references secondary
sources that might otherwise be quite difficult to locate on the works of
Haile Gerima, such as journal articles, monographs, newspaper features,
theses, and film reviews. These resources exist in multiple languages, too,
particularly French and Amharic as well as English. For some of the entries,
a brief description is provided to preview the content of the work. It is
hoped that this bibliography will serve intellectuals across different fields
and offer a handy tool for the examination of Haile Gerima’s forty-year career
in African cinema.
Hollywood types of conventional cinema (zoo-keepers) (57). By engaging with African cinematic discourses, Belachew tries to demonstrate the kind of positive role African Christian theology can play in the pursuit of human dignity and flourishing. He creates a counter narrative against Afro-pessimist films, which frequently perpetuate inferior images of the African other ...
Glory of the Kings) reserves a unique place for the Queen of Sheba, the
biblical figure who went to visit King Solomon (1 Kings 10), and was
praised by Jesus for her search of Wisdom (Matthew 12:42). The way this
fascinating figure has been described and understood in Ethiopian texts,
starting from traditional Ethiopian biblical commentaries, is worth
studying. While the references to the Queen of Sheba in Ethiopian
literature are difficult to exhaust due to their extraordinary abundance,
this essay will focus on the Bible and the KN in terms of theology and
hermeneutics. It will explore the gender constructions and roles
associated with Queen of Sheba, and interrogate her story for possible
feminist models it offers. While the paper will highlight that Queen of
Sheba is constructed within patriarchal thought, the paper will
particularly explore how the story of the Queen Sheba embodies
theological leadership that transgresses gender-based dualisms and
hierarchies to offer liberating paradigms for all members of the
community. Accordingly, it has three parts: 1) Riddles of Wisdom: The
Queen of Sheba in the Bible; 2) The daughter of Wisdom, thirsty for
Wisdom: The Queen of Sheba in the Kebra Nagast; and 3) Theological
Virtues: Insights from the Narrative of the Queen of Sheba for African
Women Theologies.
have failed to study these films adequately for various reasons, often being unaware of their pervasive religio-cultural and oral folkloric symbolisms. Complete commentary on the symbolisms in the films of Haile Gerima demands more space and time than provided here. Thus, a brief illustration of selected religio-cultural symbolisms will be made in conjunction with interpreting the deeper meaning of the films using selected filmic texts, relevant theories, and interviews with the filmmaker and related Amharic oral and written literature.2 This chapter is divided according to diverse thematic structures of symbolisms. Before the discussion turns to the textual analysis of thematic structures of symbolisms, however, a
brief intellectual and biographical introduction to the filmmaker and his work, inspirations, and methodological suggestions shall follow.
A state that is neither hell nor heaven
A midpoint between life, death and after-death
Without breaking past, present and future
No absolution, no denunciation
Neither anathema; nor a benediction
Of cultural and environmental desertification
Whenever he speaks, he also lies
erasing memory, discarding the past
trashing the ancient, constructing brand new lies
and counter-images. He has been a prolific filmmaker since
the 1970’s.
Haile Gerima’s films are visually innovative translations of African folkloric orality, masks, art of weavers and Ethiopian Orthodox iconography. Orality and iconography are essential for theologizing in African contexts. Critical exploration of an iconoclastic stance contributes towards human flourishing. False or idolatrous representations deserve an iconoclastic response of demystification or “breaking toys”. The agency of the self in its dialogical modes and the practices of image-making, image-gazing and image-breaking, opens possibilities towards enabling a more God-glorifying view and practices of human-dignity.
In light of Gerima’s cinematic storytelling, this study bridges
theology and cinema, doctrine and social actions as praxis, a unity and reflection of theory blended with practical actions, incarnation with social justice, divine and human iconography, worship and activism.
Alessandro Jedlowski
Institute of Political Sciences, Bordeaux
coeditor of “Cine-Ethiopia: The History and Politics of Film in the Horn of Africa(Michigan State University Press, 2018).