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General Settings

The Filter Menu in Team Showcase Pro helps you control how teams are displayed and filtered on the frontend. Below is a detailed guide to each option.

1. Filter Menu Align

Customize the appearance of the filter menu to match your website design.

Menu Alignment
  • Choose where to position the filter menu:
    • Left – Align the menu to the left.
    • Center – Centers the menu on the page.
    • Right – Align the menu to the right.

2. Show/Hide All Button

  • Toggle the visibility of the “All” button, which allows users to view all items in the grid.
  • Options:
    • Show: Displays the “All” button in the filter menu.
    • Hide: Removes the “All” button.

3. All Button Text

  • Customize the text for the “All” button.
  • Default: “All” (Can be changed to any custom label).

4. Menu Background

  • Set the background color for the filter menu.
  • Click on “Select Color” to choose a custom color.

5. Menu Font Color

  • Define the font color for the filter menu text.
  • Click on “Select Color” to set a custom text color.

6. Menu Border

  • Set a border color for the filter menu.
  • Click on “Select Color” to customize the menu border appearance.

7. Menu Active Background Color

  • Choose the background color for the active filter menu item.
  • Click on “Select Color” to define the active menu background color.

8. Menu Active Font Color

  • Set the font color for the active filter menu item.
  • Click on “Select Color” to choose a custom active font color.

9. Menu Hover Background Color

  • Define the background color for the filter menu when hovered over.
  • Click on “Select Color” to select a hover background color.

10. Menu Hover Font Color

  • Set the text color for the filter menu when hovered over.
  • Click on “Select Color” to customize the hover font color.

11. Border Radius

  • Adjust the border radius of the filter menu buttons to control their rounded corners.
  • A higher value will create more rounded edges, while a lower value will keep the buttons square.


The Grid Settings panel provides full customization of the filter menu, including alignment, button visibility, colors for background, text, borders, hover effects, and active states. You can also set a custom label for the “All” button and adjust the border radius for a polished look.


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