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themeadows, posts by tag: uc battery charger - LiveJournal
I think it's time to dust things off here and start a new project. Who's with me? It's hard to believe it was 2008 since I last updated. Sad, but true. It's also hard to believe that it's also how long it is since I've pursued this hobby. Hopefully things haven't changed too much since I last did this ;)

Project X: The Intelligent Battery Charging Station - Part 1

We use a lot of rechargeable batteries in our household. The majority are AA's that get used in the toys for the kids, and we also have a handful of AAA's that get used in remote controls and what not. I have a bad habit of forgetting to check on the recharging process of the batteries. It doesn't take long for the batteries to deplete if I don't remember to take them from the charger once the process has completed.Additionally, we have a baby monitor that has a built in charging stand that tends to reduce the life expectancy of the batteries in the monitor.

The cheap battery charging stations we have don't do a great job of charging. They're very slow, don't alert me when the job is done, don't discharge the batteries very well (that I can tell) and have no means to tell me the condition of the batteries being charged. These all sound like good reasons to build my own charging station.

More behind the cutCollapse )

Current Mood: chipper chipper

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