It' been a while since i've posted in this poopshoot. I didn't even relized people still use this. Hey anyone interested in going to the club called Beige?
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It' been a while since i've posted in this poopshoot. I didn't even relized people still use this. Hey anyone interested in going to the club called Beige? <if you don't know what it is look it up online> It's in New york. I figured I should post it cuz for some reason, maybe for some really far fetched reason it's Loretto related? NO it's not at all, I just thought it'd be funny.
WHere is everyone? Seriously, on myspace people from Loretto find me and add me as their friends, but I tell ya, it's not my friends from when I went there. These are people that I never hngout with and never crossed their path. You, know the type. THe "popular people". Apparently I'm cool enough online to be their friends.
WEll hey you people from LHS Class of 2004 add me if you have myspace cuz I'm on that more than this.
so do it!
WHere is everyone? Seriously, on myspace people from Loretto find me and add me as their friends, but I tell ya, it's not my friends from when I went there. These are people that I never hngout with and never crossed their path. You, know the type. THe "popular people". Apparently I'm cool enough online to be their friends.
WEll hey you people from LHS Class of 2004 add me if you have myspace cuz I'm on that more than this.
so do it!
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