? ?
18 December 2005 @ 11:54 am
It' been a while since i've posted in this poopshoot. I didn't even relized people still use this. Hey anyone interested in going to the club called Beige?
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It' been a while since i've posted in this poopshoot. I didn't even relized people still use this. Hey anyone interested in going to the club called Beige? <if you don't know what it is look it up online> It's in New york. I figured I should post it cuz for some reason, maybe for some really far fetched reason it's Loretto related? NO it's not at all, I just thought it'd be funny.

WHere is everyone? Seriously, on myspace people from Loretto find me and add me as their friends, but I tell ya, it's not my friends from when I went there. These are people that I never hngout with and never crossed their path. You, know the type. THe "popular people". Apparently I'm cool enough online to be their friends.

WEll hey you people from LHS Class of 2004 add me if you have myspace cuz I'm on that more than this.

so do it!
06 November 2005 @ 09:07 pm
Hey guys!

I misplaced my senior sweatshirt a few weeks back, and after many tries and numerous places, no dice :(. And thanks to Mrs. Schoff, I can order another one, and also for anyone else who is interested. so far, there's another person there's only 2 orders put in. Anyone else interested? Lemme know, k?


15 October 2005 @ 03:10 pm
Here is a little bulletin from myspace

Subject: Loretto students and alum
Body: Our drama teacher was fired last night. before her employment at loretto, she volunteered at Planned Parenthood. the administration found out a few weeks ago but decided to keep her on staff because she was a good teacher, no matter what she did in her past! well, the parent of a sophomore at loretto spends her days outside abortion clinics photographing everyone who enters and exits. she saw ms. bain and recognized her. she dug threw their records of people who went to these clinics and found pictures of my teacher. she knew the administration of loretto wasn't going to do anything about this so she called the bishop. he called loretto and told them they had to fire ms. bain. like the strong, independent women that they are, they refused. the bishop told them that if she was not fired by today, he would shut down loretto high school. they decided it in the best interest of the students to let her go. and do you know what the saddest part is? she worked at the clinic helping girls inside because the protestors would harrass them. the catholic church has gone too far. where will it end? this is bull. i feel so horrible for ms. bain! that's so rediculous.

i give my gratitude to loretto high school for fighting for her though, and for standing up to the bishop. i only wish there was more we could do!

thank you,
jackie koerner

We have a voice Loretto. I for one don't mind using it. Repost if you feel the same.
Current Mood: bitchybitchy
13 October 2005 @ 10:55 pm
I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest one here, considering I don't know most of you.
26 September 2005 @ 01:05 pm
I just shot a boogie out of my nose in the middle of the Taco Bell on campus.

I thought that was Loretto related
Current Mood: amusedamused
25 September 2005 @ 12:16 pm
la la la

A Gorilla appeared in Mr. Paras' Psychology class two weeks ago.

el fin
Current Mood: blahblah
Current Music: John Mayer - Comfortable
23 September 2005 @ 09:55 am
Aight, I revamped the format and made the community public.
Have at it. know...don't.
Current Mood: mellowmellow
04 July 2005 @ 11:45 pm
Son of a bitch.

I guess a gal can't steal a desktop wallpaper anymore without getting busted for it. Effing technology. Will fix layout later.

The sad part is that I don't even care to guess how long it's been like that...
Current Mood: tiredtired
26 February 2005 @ 10:08 pm
Yes... the word "sucks" has been banned from Loretto. It was "brought to our attention" by various teachers after one of those Friday morning faculty meetings or whatnot. And apparently Myspace, Livejournal, and Xanga have been blocked from all school computers... "Apparently" according to Mr. Reel. Once in a while someone gets on a computer and gets through, but other than that we're doomed to being bored in the computer lab.

Ah... such is life in a green plaid skirt.
Current Mood: contentcontent
Current Music: Eminem - Encore Album