? ?
09 August 2010 @ 07:26 pm
[Who is this woman searching anxiously down the aisles? A little lost, apparently. She doesn't leave home often enough to visit libraries in the first place (or....anywhere else, really), and even if she did this feels nothing like the library she would want.]

Matthew? Lucien?

[Pauses. Then, sounding just a bit frustrated:] Who is in charge here?
08 August 2010 @ 11:52 pm
Tony didn't know when the sound stage for Darkest Night had started looking like a public library, but there it was.  Or there he was anyway.  Whether anyone else was there seemed to be the question of the moment.

"Hello?  Peter?  Amy?"
03 August 2010 @ 02:32 pm
Let's kick this thing off with a meme so that people can get to know each other before diving into the dressing room.


                                                                                      Post with your characters
                                                                                        Respond to others with the characters that their
                                                                                           book characters absolutely have to meet and why
                                                                                        break 4th Wall

                                                                        For  Example:  Maybe Edward from Twilight absolutely has to meet
                                                                        Bram Stoker's Dracula

                                                                             You don't have to actually be playing the characters you reccomend
                                                                              that others should meet.  Maybe it will inspire someone else to
                                                                              pick them up.  Have fun!
Tags: ,
02 August 2010 @ 08:36 pm
Ms. Finkle was not having a good day.  She'd dusted the circuits and cleaned up some misplaced books on level three of the Library Catalogs, but it still seemed like nothing at all was getting done, for as soon as she turned around, another book would pop itself open without a moment's notice and then she would have to start all over again.  Alice in Wonderland kept trying to have tea with Dracula.  She could tell by the bloodstained teacups with little shortbread fingers left out where just anyone could knock them over and make a mess.  It was very frustrating.

While she was carefully tugging the ladder on its squeaky wheels over to the next bookshelf, one of the volumes tumbled off the top shelf and spilled a wide field of golden wheat and bright sunlight all over the place.  Ms. Finikle gave a little shriek and covered her eyes with her sleeve from the sudden brightness.

"Rightly sorry, ma'am," said a deep, drawling voice and she peeked through her fingers up at a man dressed in dusty brown leather astride a pinto.  "I didn't mean to startle you none.  But can you tell me where to find the outpost?  My Milly's gettin' awful thirsty."

He patted his horse fondly. 

Ms. Finkile started to point towards the Western section, then squinted at his slightly feathery hair and his lack of shirt under his leather vest and pointed towards the Romance section instead.  He tipped his hat to her and then took off.

She watched his hair whip back in the wind and sighed heavily.  She'd have to go search for the program now.  She hoped that whichever woman waiting for him at the outpost with her dress pulled down around the shoulders would at least have the decency to keep the noise down while she looked.
02 August 2010 @ 08:15 pm
The problem with the Library System is that it's not without a few glitches, random barcode issues and the like.  Ms. Finkle does the best she can but she's only one person (and not very well paid at that).  So, naturally, there will be times when the simulation randomly decides to put everyone into The Jungle Book or mixes the genres so that everyone is now in the Harlequin Romance section, or the Western Section.

Basically this is an excuse to have events that bolster the creativity and imagination of the players.

Participation in glitch events is not mandatory by any means, and no one needs to acknowledge or take part in the events if they would rather not.  It's only there for those who wish to take part.

Events will fall somewhere between every two weeks and every month.  If your post is taken place in a certain event, please put the name of the event in your subject bar.

Ideas for events can be offered here.  Just comment to this entry.
02 August 2010 @ 08:05 pm
Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Where is this library?

Nowhere.  Or, conversely, everywhere.  The Library is virtual, and thus, does not really exist in any real location.  The characters can wander through their own worlds, other character's worlds, and the Library itself if they wish.

2.  Are characters trapped in the library?

Nothing is physically keeping them there, however, they are holograms.  If they stray too far from the Library's doors, they will start to fade away, and they won't be able to make contact with anything outside.

3.  Do the characters know they aren't real?

Well that's up to you, really.  But I don't think most characters would take it well, being told they're fictional holograms, do you?

4.  Can I bring my anime characters into the library?

No.  But manga characters are allowed, and so are characters who are from graphic novels, comic books, etc.  Characters must be from some form of written media in order to exist in the library.

5.  Can my characters touch or feel things inside the Library?

Of course.  Everything inside the Library is a simulation but that includes the characters, so of course they can feel and touch and interact with other simulations as if they were real.

6.  Are AU characters allowed?

It's possible that difference versions of the same character exist.  So, yes.

7.  Are duplicate characters allowed?

Of course.  The library loves having backup copies.

8.  Who is Ms. Finkle?

The Head Librarian, and the one who runs the Library at the moment.  She keeps it clean of viruses as best she can, and tries to fix the glitches in the system.

9.  Isn't this an awful lot like a Dr. Who plotline?

Shhhhhh.  No talking in the Library.

10.  What if my character is dead?

Books never die.  Send them in.

11.  Do I need to apply to play?

Nope.  Just toss your characters in.

12.  How do I tag posts?

You tag them with the name of your canon and then your character's name, like so:

The Chronicles of Narnia:  Aslan

13.  Prose or Comment Spam?

Both please.  Use whatever you're comfortable with.

14.  Sex, Drugs, Violence?

Place those under a cut with adequate warnings when posting please, or if a thread starts to turn NC-17, then place that in the subject title.
02 August 2010 @ 07:47 pm
Contact the mods by PM or by posting a comment here.  Anonymous commenting is permitted.  IP tracking is off.