EventPrime Starter Guide
This starter guide offers you all the information you need to get started with EventPrime version 4 and above. For deeper insights into individual features and how to modify them to suit your business needs, be sure to check out individual feature guides.
Hello there! If you’re already familiar with EventPrime, you’ll be happy to know that the version 4 comes with even more advanced features and improvements. As you must be aware, with Event Prime you can easily create and manage events, customize event types, venues, performers, and more. Plus, the plugin provides you with detailed reports and analytics to help you analyze your sales data. If you haven’t updated to the latest version of Event Prime yet, make sure to do so to take advantage of all the new features. And if you’re new to Event Prime, don’t worry – we’ve got a quick and easy-to-follow Starter Guide to help you get started in no time.

Accessing Your Events

After you have successfully installed and activated the EventPrime plugin, accessing your events is easy. Just click on the EventPrime menu item located in the admin menu. You will be directed to the page which lists all the events (Fig 1) that have been created on your website. From here, you can manage your events, create new ones, edit existing ones, and delete events that are no longer required.
If you haven’t created any events so far, the events table will appear empty. To create a new event, click on the Add New button located at the top of the Events page. This will open a new page with options to configure your new event.
Creating A New Event

1. Title and Description
After clicking the Add New button, you will be redirected to the Add New Event page. You will find this a familiar sight if you have created blog posts or pages on your website in the past. The title field is for adding the event’s title. The large editor area will be the content or description of your event. You are free to use combination of rich text and images in this area.
Below the editor, you will find a tabbed section named Event Settings which provides additional fields to store event properties. Let’s discuss these tabs.
2. Date and Time

The first and most important among these is the Date and Time tab . Here you can set the event start and end date (and the respective times if you want). Or you can choose to hide the date and time by checking the box next to the corresponding fields, if you haven’t decided them yet. Remember, you can always come back to edit this later.
If you choose to hide the start date, you will be presented with an additional input-box to enter a custom text. This text will replace the start date on the event page. You can use this feature to show text like “To Be Decided” instead of the date to your visitors. See these screenshots for comparison.

A word about the Additional Dates feature
Additional Dates allow you to save multiple dates for an event which are not related to the event’s start and end dates. For example, rehearsal, practice, sale starts etc. This is not to be used as internal event schedule. Since you can name these dates, they can essentially act as date variables. These date variables are very useful while creating bookings and offers where you need to map them with certain dates without the need to re-enter same dates again and again, or change dates for multiple tickets from single input-box.
3. Tickets
The next tab section, name Tickets , is for creating and managing the booking system for your event. There are 3 possibilities:

Option Label | a. Turn Bookings Off | b. Turn Bookings On | c. Third-Party Bookings |
Purpose | If you are using this event only for informative purposes, you can turn the bookings off and the users will not see any booking information on the event page. | If you choose to turn the bookings on, you will have the option to use EventPrime’s comprehensive ticket creation system to create tickets for this event. | If you choose Third-Party Bookings, your bookings will be handled by an external website selected by you. |
Additional Action | No additional action needed | Create Tickets | Enter third-party URL |
If you have selected option c, you can skip the next section.
Using the Native EventPrime Booking System
If you select option b, you will be presented will additional options to fine-tune pricing for your event.

One-Time Event Fee is added once to the total booking amount during the checkout. This can also act as entrance fee, cover charge etc. Check Allow Cancellation to let users cancel their bookings after completion. When turned on, users will see a cancellation link on their booking details page.

By default, ticket sale status for each event is visible on frontend event listings. This is in form of a horizontal bar or plain text. Selecting Hide Booking Status will hide it for the current event.

Below the first 3 options, in the ticket creation area, you will see two buttons:

- Add Tickets Category
- Add Ticket Type
Creating Ticket Category
Ticket Categories act as buckets for ticket types. It is also possible to add ticket types without assigning parent categories. You can also mix and match both. Ticket categories allow you to organize complex ticketing structures. If you wish to use a single pricing, you can safely ignore categories and just add a single ticket type.

On clicking the “Add Ticket Category” button, you will see a pop-up with 2 input fields.
Ticket Category stores the name of the category you are creating. This is visible on the frontend and therefore you can use it to represent a level of hierarchy in your seating structure. For example, a ticket category named Dress Circle can have ticket types based on rows of seats in the front front of a concert hall.
Total Quantity/Inventory defines the total number of combined tickets from all child ticket types belonging to this category.
Once you have entered values in both these fields, you can click Add button to close the pop-up. When you Update this post, the values will be saved.
Creating Ticket Types

When you click on the Add Ticket Type button, another pop-up will appear, providing you with a multitude of customizable fields. This allows you to specify the name and description of the ticket type, giving you the flexibility to provide detailed information to your buyers. You can even add a custom icon for each ticket type.
Moreover, you have the freedom to determine the quantity of tickets available and set their respective prices. You can quickly introduce extra add-ons fees or optional features if you offer them by adding as many as you like. This allows you to offer a range of options and enhance the ticket purchasing experience.
To further refine your ticket sales, you can specify the exact date and time when tickets will become available. You also have the option to set a minimum and maximum number of tickets that buyers can book per order, ensuring a smooth and manageable ticketing process.

In addition to the previous features, EventPrime offers even more customization options to enhance your ticketing experience. You have the ability to restrict the visibility of tickets, granting access only to specific user roles if needed. By clicking on the options dropdown button, you will unlock a plethora of additional customizable features, allowing you to fine-tune your ticketing setup.
One notable feature is the ability to apply special offers and discounts to your tickets. This enables you to create promotional campaigns, reward loyal customers, or incentivize early bookings. By leveraging these offers, you can attract more attendees and maximize ticket sales for your event.
EventPrime empowers you with a comprehensive set of tools to create a dynamic and tailored ticketing system. From controlling ticket visibility to implementing enticing offers, you have the flexibility to optimize your ticket sales strategy and ensure a seamless and enjoyable ticket purchasing experience for your audience.
Adding Offers to the Tickets
When creating an offer, you have the ability to specify the offer title, providing a clear and catchy description of the discount or promotion. Additionally, you can provide a detailed offer description, enabling you to communicate the value and benefits of the offer to your target audience effectively. On the other hand, you can also choose to hide the offer from the event page.
To add a sense of urgency and create a time-bound offer, EventPrime allows you to set the offer’s start and end dates and times. This way, you can precisely control when the offer becomes available and when it expires. By leveraging time-limited offers, you can create a sense of exclusivity and encourage potential attendees to make a booking decision promptly.
You can choose between flat discount or percentage. When there are multiple offers applicable for a booking, you can define if the offers are stacked or only one of them applies. You can also set a maximum discount limit when all offers are applied to a booking.
With EventPrime’s robust offer customization feature, you have the tools to create irresistible promotions that attract attendees and boost ticket sales. By leveraging the offer title, description, duration, and categorization, you can effectively communicate the value of your offers and create a sense of excitement around your event.
Using Third-Party Booking System
The purpose of option c is to allow you to use EventPrime for listing events, while using another site for booking completion. To make such an arrangement work, you will usually need a specific URL from the booking site which allows bookings for this event. Enter this URL in the new input-box which will appear on selecting option c. You can additionally open the booking site in a new browser tab by checking Open in a new browser.
If you choose this option, the event page will still show Book Now button. Clicking on this button will take the user to the third-party website.
4. Repeat
If you want to repeat the event at fixed intervals, you can use the Repeat tab section. The repeat section of the Events is designed to be greatly flexible. The admin can allow an event to be repeated at the fixed intervals. There is an option to define those intervals as – Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.
Another option available in Repeat this event is the ability to set a specific event to repeat at regular intervals. Additionally, you can specify the number of occurrences for the repeated event. Another possibility is to generate a prefix or suffix title to differentiate the repeated events. This feature helps in properly sorting the events.
5. Checkout Fields
The Checkout Fields section has two major sections Attendee Fields and Fixed Fields. Both have their own settings which helps during the time of checkout. In the attendee fields, the admin can set the attendee fields to get information for all attendee like name, email id, age, DOB, etc. Once set, this form is generated for each attendee as step 1 during the checkout. User is requested to fill details of each attendee before completing the checkout.
Fixed Fields allows to set the booking field for once per booking like Terms and Conditions. Our plugin allows adding external link for Terms and Conditions or it can be put in the format of tex.
Event Types
EventPrime allows you to create and assign different types to your events through the “Event Types” section on the navigation bar. This is particularly useful when you have events of different categories or themes. You can customize the event type name, slug, description, background, and text colors according to your preferences. For instance, if you’re hosting a music event, you can create an event type called “Music Festivals” and assign it to all music-related events. This helps you to easily categorize and manage your events.
Event Type is same as Categories
EventPrime uses WordPress’ core structure to establish relationship between Event Types and Events. Therefore, Event Types are to Events, what Categories are to Posts. Currently, EventPrime does not supports nestled categories but we have plans to add this in future.
Similar to event types, EventPrime also provides the option to create and manage venues through the Venues tab in your WordPress dashboard. This feature allows you to customize and add new venues to your website. To create a new venue, simply click on the “Add New” button, and you will be directed to a page where you can fill in various fields such as the Name, Slug, Description, Location, Venue types, and Social page links.
Moreover, you can add images of the venues to make them visually more appealing on your website. The Venue section allows you to manage and edit the details of the venues easily, such as changing the Name, Description, or location of a venue. You can also add multiple venue types to a single venue, making it easier for your users to find the events that interest them.
the Venues feature in EventPrime provides you with the ability to create and manage different venues for your events with ease. It’s a great way to organize your events and make it easy for your users to find the information they need.
When you host an event, there are likely to be organizers involved. EventPrime offers features to view and manage the event organizers. You can access this feature by navigating to the Event Organizers section on your WordPress dashboard.
EventPrime allows you to customize the fields of the organizer as per your preferences. You can fill in details such as Name, Slug, Description, Email, Website, Image, Social links, and more. This high degree of customization enables you to provide a detailed and informative profile of the organizer.
Furthermore, you can also view the organizers associated with different events on the same page. This makes it easy to keep track of the organizers and their events in one place.
Overall, EventPrime’s organizer management feature is a valuable tool for event organizers. It enables them to conveniently view and efficiently manage their organizers with a high level of customization.
Performers are key persons or participants in an events. This can be combination of different roles like host, speakers etc. To view the performers, navigate to the Performers section on your WordPress dashboard.
If there are no performers added yet, the list will be empty. To add new performers, simply click on the Add Performers button located at the top of your dashboard.
Once you click on Add Performers, you will be taken to a new page where you can add the title of the performer and a description for their bio etc.
EventPrime also provides more advanced features through the performer’s settings. To access these settings, simply scroll down to the performer’s settings section.
In this section, you can customize the performer type, role, and personal information such as phone number, email, website, and social links.

Managing Bookings
Once your website visitors start booking tickets through your website, it is important to be able to easily view and manage these bookings. EventPrime provides an easy-to-use section specifically dedicated to viewing and managing bookings.
To access this section, navigate to the “Bookings” tab on your WordPress dashboard. Here, you can see a list of all bookings made on your website, along with details such as the event name, the customer’s name and email, the number of tickets booked, the total amount paid, and the status of the booking (e.g. pending, confirmed, canceled, etc.).
You can also filter bookings based on various criteria such as event name, date range, status, and more. This makes it easy to find specific bookings and manage them accordingly.
Additionally, you can view more details about a specific booking by clicking on it. This will show you a detailed view of the booking, including the customer’s contact information, the tickets booked, the amount paid, and any notes or comments associated with the booking.
EventPrime offers a Reports section that provides an analysis of all your bookings in one place. It includes information such as the booking count per date, gross sales, and more. You can access this section by navigating to the “Reports” tab on your dashboard. In this section, you can analyze all your bookings and even filter them based on the date and event type.
The Reports section provides you with crucial sales data such as gross sales for a specific period, average daily gross sales, bookings placed, tickets purchased, and coupons used. This data is presented in an easy-to-read format, making it simple for you to gain insights into your business performance.
The Reports section is a powerful tool to help you make data-driven decisions for your events. So if you want to stay on top of your bookings and optimize your event strategy, be sure to check out this section in EventPrime.
Now we come to the most important part for administrators, the section for Settings. Here, you will find all the necessary settings to modify both the front-end and backend views.
First is the general settings, here we can edit the preferred time format. You can enable/disable whether attendee names are required for the particular event. You have the choice to mark events with 0 fee as ‘Free’. The administrators have the option of allowing or disallowing the display of the unique QR code on each ticket.
The payment settings of EventPrime are straightforward. EventPrime core come with support for PayPal. More payments gateways can be added using extensions. Administrators can enter their default account information, enabling payments to be directly deposited into their account.
Next, is the email settings. Here you can manage to default Registration Email, Reset User Password, Booking Pending Email, Booking Confirmation Email, Booking Cancellation Email, Booking Refund Email, etc. Each type has defined recipients such as either user or admin. They can be managed and default drafts can be added to it.
The checkout fields in the settings section provide administrators with the ability to add new fields with specific labels and types. These fields are presented to the user during the checkout process when purchasing event tickets. By adding these custom fields, administrators can gather the necessary information upfront, streamlining the event planning and organization process. It also ensures that they have all the relevant details to accommodate attendees’ needs and preferences. They can easily configure and manage these fields, ensuring a smooth and efficient checkout process for users while collecting essential data for event management.
The language section of the settings in the EventPrime plugin makes our plugin very diverse. It allows you to change every label as per your business requirement. You can fill in whatever name you choose to show instead of default label, and it will reflect on your website.
You can modify frontend views rendered using shortcodes through Frontend Views. There are multiple settings in this section to customize your website in your way.
The Forms section is used to manage all the forms used by EventPrime on frontend.
This concludes our quick but detailed starter guide on how to manage your events business on your WordPress website.
Have a question? Reachout to the EventPrime Community for help here.
We are trying to change the font color on an actual event listing. How can we do this?
Thank you for using EventPrime!
We would like to share that you can conveniently achieve this by utilizing the Custom CSS option offered under the EventPrime’s settings.
If you require our assistance with the process or CSS snippet, feel free to write to us on Support – EventPrime.
Always happy to help!
is the plugin supports QR code for tickets
Thank you for using EventPrime!
We are pleased to inform you that with our “Event Tickets” extension you can generate tickets that have a unique QR code attached to them.
This QR code can be scanned with ease through any application available on the IOS store or the GooglePlay store, upon successful scanning of the QR code a URL to the respective booking will be produced to verify the booking details.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
I added a number of attendee fields, but they are showing up in the wrong order – there is no way to order the fields, so right now the first attendee field is “Zip Code” then “Address 2”. How do I adjust the order of the fields?
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Our team has taken note of your request and we would like to share that we will be incorporating the requested feature soon with our upcoming releases soon.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
What is the recommended size for featured images, so that they appear correctly in the front end (not cropped or stretched).
Thank you!
Thank you for your inquiry.
We recommend using images with a size of 1280 × 853 pixels and a 3:2 ratio for the best display on both the card view and the single event page. We have implemented this sizing on our demo site and found it to work well for maintaining image quality and display consistency.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
The first 20+ registrants for one of my events didn’t receive their booking confirmation email. It looks like there is no means of re-sending booking confirmations, right? Would be a kind of obvious thing to include – like the ability to re-order fields in a registration form or maybe even be able to save a draft without it automatically publishing to the site when it’s not ready.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We have given the response of your first query on our support forum
We’re aware of the issue and are working on adding the ability to re-send booking confirmations, re-order fields in a registration form, and save drafts without automatic publishing. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to improve our services.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
how can I order the Performer in performer view?
Thank you for support ;)
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Currently, the performers are displayed based on the order in which they were added, with the first performer added being displayed first. We have forwarded your request to our planning and development team for further consideration and action.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Is it possible to set a total quantity of tickets on a ticket category but have them shared across ticket types within that category?
I’m wanting to list an event with max 500 tickets sold between adult and child tickets. Every order MUST have at least one adult ticket but overall, I don’t mind if we sell 400 adult tickets and 100 child or the inverse.
Thank you for reaching out.
Currently, the requested feature is unavailable. However, we have analyzed and added the feature to our road-map list. It may be included in one of our upcoming versions.
Note that the features implementation is driven by user demand and on first come first basis, so we cannot give a timeline at this point. We will mention the feature in the change log on our plugin page at WordPress.Org, once it’s available.
Appreciate your feedback!
Hi there,
Is it possible to send confirmation e-mails to guests who added their e-mail address? Thanks for your support.
Thank you for reaching out.
In EventPrime, you can utilize the “Events->Email” feature, which allows you to send emails to multiple email addresses. Additionally, this feature automatically populates the email field with the email addresses of those who have booked the event, making it convenient to send confirmations.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
how can I disable the “create account” during check-out? The participants don’t have to register on the website or the event tool for the event, they just have to book a seat.
Thanks for using EventPrime. I hope you are having a wonderful day!
The Guest Bookings extension is designed to streamline the booking process by allowing attendees to register for events without the need to register or log in.
For more information please visit the following link: https://theeventprime.com/all-extensions/guest-bookings/
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Can you sell group tickets? i.e A VIP package that includes 10 tickets, allowing users to enter the name and email of the individual attendees in the group. Also, It would be one ticket, but have the 10 tickets included reduce the available tickets by 10?
Thanks for reaching out to us.
To achieve desired results please follow these steps:
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Is there an extension that allows us to customize the appearance better than traditional CSS, or a way to make this work within the Query Loop?
Thanks for reaching out to us.
The best way to implement custom CSS in EventPrime right now is through WordPress customizer. That being said, we have UI based design settings in our pipeline, and they will be introduced in a future release.
In the meantime, you can apply custom CSS by following these steps:
Go to “Appearance” in your WordPress dashboard.
Select “Customize.”
In the Customizer, find the “Additional CSS” section, usually located at the bottom left corner of the panel.
Paste your CSS snippets here.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
The confirmation emails to attendees and admin cannot be received. Why?
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We thoroughly tested the email functionality and confirmed that it is working fine at our end.
To investigate further, we recommend contacting our support team directly for further assistance. We are always happy to help. You can reach our official support through the following support contact link: https://theeventprime.com/support/.
Thank you for your understanding.
i buy the full package eventprime
i install everything, do the setup
but when i create a event, and all the seat
on my event page its show start from xx euros to xx euro, and when i clic BUY
i have a pop up say : No seat data found
But i already allow 3 seat category ( with 200 seats )
can you maybe tell me the problem or something i forgot ?
Thank you
After adding the venue in which seating plan is created on edit event page a seating plan metabox appears select the seat plan and update it. After that please follow the process given below.
If you are still experiencing issues, we recommend contacting our support team directly for further assistance. We are always happy to help. You can reach our official support through the following support contact link: https://theeventprime.com/support/.
Is there a way to display the most recent 3 or 4 events on the home page? I would then add a button which would then click through to the full calendar. I’d like something that we don’t need to maintain manually.
Thanks for using EventPrime. I hope you are having a wonderful day!
You can display the most recent 3 or 4 events on your homepage using the following shortcode:
[em_events view=”square_grid” show=”3″ upcoming=”1″ order=”desc/asc”]
You can adjust the show parameter to display the number of events you prefer as well as you can change this shortcode according to your requirements. Additionally, you can explore more shortcodes by going to Events -> Shortcodes.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
After some updates on upcoming events, I found that the draft events cannot be made published (even I clicked “Publish” button). Please help, as the events are going to host in July 2024.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We understand that this issue might be due to some local environment conflict. We tried replicating the problem under various test conditions but found the functionality to be operational on our end. To further assist you, we recommend deactivating any additional plugins and retesting the system.
If the issue persists, we recommend contacting our support team directly for further assistance. We are always happy to help. You can reach our official support through the following support contact link: https://theeventprime.com/support/.
For an event with a maximum number of participants I should put different prices for adults and children. The number of participants is fixed no matter whether they are adults or children. For example, if the maximum number of participants is 10, it does not matter if there are 5 adults or 5 children or 9 adults and 1 child. The important thing is that together they do not exceed the maximum number. How can I do this?
Thank you very much
Thank you for sharing your detailed requirements with us.
With EventPrime, you can create multiple ticket types with different price points. Each ticket type has its own booking limit and operates independently of other tickets. When setting up multiple price points, it’s essential to specify the minimum number of associated seats for each ticket type.
The query by Jonathan Harper above (April 29, 2024 at 5:40 pm):
Is it possible to set a total quantity of tickets on a ticket category but have them shared across ticket types within that category?
is a very valid concern for me. I suspect he is engaged in a similar exercise to me, and the importance of different ticket types (Adult, Child, Disabled etc) with regard to the number of tickets you are legally allowed to sell according to your licence is paramount.
I’m putting a site together which includes event management and ticket sales as a feature, and I am very impressed with the plugin so far (in that I’ve read this starter guide). I’m loving what EventPrime promises. There are a couple of issues I would want to address (the order of Performers (perhaps add an editable ‘position’ field, or even a day/position or day/time combo for multi-day events?), and form field rearrangement as examples), but the ‘one quantity-multiple ticket types’ issue may be a deal breaker for me. I can think of a couple of workarounds but they would involve some hassle.
I am a few months away from launch so I have the time to explore alternative solutions (including writing my own), but if you could indicate if, and estimate when, these possible upgrades could be made?
Hello Jonathan- Thanks for your great feedback and information about your system requirements.
We will need further details about how you envision the quantity sharing or sync across ticket types within a given category. We highly recommend you to open a ticket with us to discuss it further. We may be able to suggest an approach to achieve it, if feasible.
As for the performers related question, currently, those are listed based on their entry order within the plugin. We understand that it may be quite useful in certain scenarios to have an option for performers to be listed alphabetically too. We are always adding meaningful features and improvements to our plugins, and will consider this as well.
Is it possible to select custom dates for the multi dates or does it have to be only by daily, weekly, monthly auto allotments?
We are pleased to confirm that this option is available.
To select custom dates, please follow these steps:
You can also select “Custom Dates” from the dropdown to specify the exact dates you need for your multi-date events.
Nevermind, found the option in the drop down where days, weeks, etc was
Hey guys,
Once people book for an event, is there a way to reschedule their booking if they change?
Thanks for reaching out to us.
You may want to allow cancellation for users in such cases, so that they book again for another event. Direct rescheduling is restricted to avoid workflow issues with the booking metrics.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Just adding my request for different types of tickets within the same event.
It would be useful to have qty 100 and adult, child and disabled tickets set from the total qty. As we don’t know how many of each it’s difficult to set different options.
Also when selecting the seats for the ticket a select all might be worthwhile. Whilst we have 70 seats, I can see it being rather annoying for people with more and doing it for each event.
Rest of plugin seems great so far.
Just think the adult, child options could be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Restricting sales for something that a fair few people have mentioned in the comments.
Thanks for reaching out to us.
With EventPrime, you can create multiple ticket types with different price points. Each ticket type has its own booking limit and operates independently of other tickets. When setting up multiple price points, it’s essential to specify the minimum number of associated seats for each ticket type.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Hi guys,
I would like to change the frontend language entirely to another language to serve the local customers. The plugin thankfully allows some changes already but I would also want to change the names of the weekdays, months etc. How can I do this?
Thanks in advanced!
We are going to launch a release to allow the complete translation of the language on the frontend. Tentative timeline for the update to go live is within next month itself.
can i have the demo data of the plugin?
If you are interested in experiencing the look and feel of EventPrime, we have a demo site available for it.
Please feel free to go through it, and let us know if you still have any questions.
I am running my first event with all the new features of the updated event prime. I have an event published and processed 2 different purchases using a coupon that gave %100 discount, just as a test. The 2 different emails I inputted did not receive a booking confirmation email, with tickets. Please advise on how to fix this? Thank you!
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We understand that this issue might be due to some local environment conflict. We tried replicating the problem under various test conditions but found the functionality to be operational on our end. To further assist you, we recommend deactivating any additional plugins and retesting the system.
If the issue persists, Please contact to our support team directly for further assistance. We are always happy to help. You can reach our official support through the following support contact link: https://theeventprime.com/support/.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to offering the required solution.
Hi ,
Can you help me with this.
How to replace my QR code at top right section and I dont need any booking ,Only just resgistration button .
Thanks for reaching out to us.
To remove the QR code, please navigate to the “Events -> Settings” sub-menu under the “Frontend Views” tab please select the “Events” sub-tab and please disable the “Display QR code” option.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Great product; however, as an organisation, we do not need to collect purchasers’ tickets when they buy an event. How do we remove the address fields from the checkout page?
Thank you for reaching out to us. To remove the address fields, please follow these steps:
To remove the address fields, select the relevant tab and make the necessary adjustments.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
How do I change the default description font size in the various event views?
Thank you for reaching out to us.
To change the default font size, please follow these steps:
This change will apply to the font size throughout the frontend of your site, including event descriptions.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Is it possible to use the Type filters to filter the calendar views (month, week)?
Yes, you can achieve this using shortcodes. For more details on the available shortcodes, please go to EventPrime -> Shortcodes.
How is it possible that venue is shown in the single event on google map?
I already add API key for that, however google map is still not visible in the single event.
Thank you,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
We have checked at your end and found that it’s working as expected. If the issue persists, Please contact to our support team directly for further assistance. We are always happy to help. You can reach our official support through the following support contact link: https://theeventprime.com/support/.
I would like to allow user with author role to add events but I do not want them full administrator role access. How can I do this.
Thank you for reaching out.
To allow users with to add and manage events without providing them full administrator access, we recommend using the EventPrime Sponsors extension. This extension includes a role, EP Sponsor, which enables users to manage events while keeping their permissions separate from full administrative access.
For more information please visit the following link:https://theeventprime.com/all-extensions/event-sponsors/
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Hi guys, i’m having issues with paypal payment.
Payments are confirmed but no money in paypal and no money are taked from customer card.
Can someone help me please?
Thank you for writing to us!
We have rechecked the PayPal payments on our end and found it to be working as expected.
To better assist you and efficiently address the issue, could you please write to us on our support forum? By providing more details and accessing your specific case, we’ll be able to offer a tailored solution.
Our support team is ready to assist you promptly.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to resolving this matter for you.
I want to order the events on the ‘all events’ page from newest (future) to oldest events but I can’t find a solution. Is there some sort of a code which I should paste in the page? Please help!
p.p. The website I am working on is under Maintanence mode and I can’t share it at this moment.
Thank you!
To order events on your ‘All Events’ page, use this shortcode:
[em_events order=”asc”] for oldest to newest.
[em_events order=”desc”] for newest to oldest.
Simply add it to your page, and it will arrange the events as desired. Let us know if you need any assistance!
Is it possible to filter the front end (perhaps with a short code parameter) for events that still have tickets for sale?
Alternatively show a text in the event listing with number of tickets available or a SOLD OUT label similar to the one that shows on the details page? That way customers don’t have to check every day in a calendar manually to find recurring events that are still open during the year??
Hello John,
Currently, shortcode parameters for filtering events by booking status are unavilable. However, we appreciate your feedback and will evaluate its feasibility for future updates.
For displaying available ticket counts in event listings, you can adjust the “Booking Status Style” setting under EventPrime > Settings > Frontend View > Non-Calendar View Settings. Additionally, once ticket inventory is exhausted, the View Details/Buy Tickets button will automatically display “Sold-out”, which you can customize under EventPrime > Settings > Language.
I want to change the Color of the Buttons vom Yellow to black. How can I do this?
To achieve the desired result, please navigate to the “EventPrime -> Settings” sub-menu select the “Custom CSS” tab, and place the below-mentioned CSS in the TextArea:-
.emagic .ep-btn-warning {
–ep-btn-color: #fff;
–ep-btn-bg: #006288;
–ep-btn-border-color: #006288;
–ep-btn-hover-color: #fff;
–ep-btn-hover-bg: #036b94;
–ep-btn-hover-border-color: #006288;
–ep-btn-focus-shadow-rgb: 217, 164, 6;
–ep-btn-active-color: #fff;
–ep-btn-active-bg: #006288;
–ep-btn-active-border-color: #006288;
–ep-btn-active-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
–ep-btn-disabled-color: #000;
–ep-btn-disabled-bg: #006288;
–ep-btn-disabled-border-color: #006288;
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.