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How to add and manage seating venues and locations for your WordPress events?

Are you looking to add customizable seating layout options to your venues?

Here’s a small guide on how you can add customisable seating arrangement options to your venues and locations.

We’ve already published a guide on how to configure the Standing option in the venues and locations. In this article let’s explore another way to customise the seating arrangements using the EventPrime plugin.

Also, we have already discussed How to Showcase Event Location Details of Your Venues. Here, we will focus on the seating arrangement method in the Seating type option.

Configuring Seating Arrangements for Your Venues

To create a Venue using EventPrime, please visit the ‘Venues’ page from the EventPrime WordPress Dashboard menu.

After clicking, you will be directed to a page where you can find details of other venues on the right side. On the left side, you can create a new venue by adding the necessary information.

Then, come to the seating type option.

In the dropdown, you will notice there are two options, Standing and Seating. Select the seating type arrangement. 

Select ‘Seating’ as seating type and update the venue.

Now, go back to venue page, where you can see an icon in seat plan of particular venue so click on it.

Now, you will see seating plan where you can add “Add New Seating Plan”

After clicking on “Add New Seating Plan”, you will be able to select few options to customize seating plan. Some options are:

  • Seat Plan Name: Here, you can assign a specific name to this seating plan.
  • Available Colour: Specify the color of the icon representing available seats in both the seat plan dashboard and the seat selection view for users.
  • Booked Colour: Specify the color of the icon representing seats that have already been booked in both the seat plan dashboard and the seat selection view for users.
  • Reserved Colour: Specify the color of the icon representing reserved seats in both the seat plan dashboard and the seat selection view for users.
  • Selected Colour: Specify the color of the icon representing selected seats in the seat selection view for users.
  • Area Name: Enter the name of the seating area.
  • Seating Capacity: This refers to the total number of individuals that can be accommodated in the venue.
  • Rows: Indicate the number of rows present in the seating area.
  • Columns: Specify the number of columns present in the seating area.

Fill out these details based on your requirements and preferences.

Once done, click on Create Area.

A mockup of your customised seating arrangement will appear. 

Below the arrangement, you have 4 more options, i.e., Add/Remove aisles, Reserves, Reset current selection, and Select scheme. 

Customise the arrangements according to your needs and then click on Save

This is how you can configure the seating arrangement method in the seating type option.


Hopefully, using this article, you’ll be able to add and customize seating layout options on your venues and locations.

Moreover, there is another article that covers the customization of standing layout options.

Both together can enhance the experience of your events and take them to the next level without a lot of work.

We would highly encourage you to check out our premium extensions that will give you total control over your events.

Have a question? Reachout to the EventPrime Community for help here.

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