? ?
Journal created:
on 10 July 2005 (#7687169)
on 2 January 2009
Leeds, United Kingdom
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Welcome to the

This community will be used to advertise new jewellery designs, collect ideas, discuss custom orders and track order status of items bought from The Realm of Dreams.

Any posts made to this community should be about products relating specifically to the Realm of Dreams. Your enquiries, ideas and pictures of you wearing your jewellery from the Realm of Dreams :)

If any good samaritans would like to advertise my site on their journals/communities, please do so! Feel free to hotlink the images below.

amber, amethyst, amethyst jewellery, amethyst jewelry, ankh, ankhs, anklets, anubis, aphrodite, art, astarte, beads, black, black and white stripes, black madonna, black rose, black roses, blodeuedd, bracelets, bridget, butterflies, ceridwen, chains, circlets, crone, czech glass, demeter, design, diana, digital art, diy jewelery, diy jewellery, dragonflies, dragons, drawing, earrings, ebay, edwardian, fantasy, fine art, flourite, gaia, gemstone jewellery, gemstones, goddess, goddess jewellery, goddess jewelry, goddesses, goth, goth auctions, goth jewellery, goth jewelry, gothic, gothic auctions, gothic headdresses, gothic jewellery, gothic jewelry, graphics, haemetite, hand coding html, hand-coding, hand-coding html, hand-made jewellery, hand-made jewelry, handfasting, handfasting jewellery, handfasting jewelry, handmade jewellery, handmade jewelry, headdresses, hecate, hematite, hippy jewellery, hippy jewelry, html, html coding, innana, isis, jet, jewellery, jewellery making, jewelry, jewelry making, kali, lapis lazuli, maiden, maiden/mother/crone, making jewellery, making jewelry, memory wire, moon goddess, moon goddesses, moonstone, mother, mythology, nature, nature jewellery, nature jewelry, necklaces, neo-edwardian, neo-victorian, one-of-a-kind jewellery, one-of-a-kind jewelry, onyx, ooak jewellery, ooak jewelry, osiris, pagan, pagan deities, pagan goddess, pagan goddesses, pagan headdresses, pagan jewellery, pagan jewelry, paganism, painting, pentacle, pentacles, pentagram, pentagrams, persephone, photoshop cs, rhiannon, roses, scarlet, silver, slave bracelets, spiral goddess, spiral goddesses, swarovski crystals, the fates, tim burton, traditional art, triple goddess, triple moon goddess, triple moon goddesses, unusual jewellery, unusual jewelry, victorian, victoriana, w3c, web design, wicca, wiccan, wire jewellery, wire jewelry, wire sculpture, wire wrapping, wreaths
