
Historic Buildings

There are over 100 buildings and structures at the Historic Dockyard of which 47 are Scheduled Ancient Monuments, protected by law. The Dockyard is run on a principle of preservation through reuse. Some buildings are open to visitors, others are occupied by residential tenants, businesses and faculties of the University of Kent.

Historic Buildings

47 scheduled ancient monuments

The Historic Dockyard is a site of international maritime heritage significance. 80 acres (32 hectares) in size it has over 100 buildings and structures – the majority of which were constructed between 1704 and 1855.

Today – the most complete Dockyard of the Age of Sail in the world – its fine architecture and, for their time, technically advanced buildings and structures are a joy to behold and enjoy.

For generations the dockyard was a secret and secure site – now it is available for visitors to explore. Discover the world that lies behind the dockyard wall.

Our historic buildings


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