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[May. 13th, 2005|11:53 pm]
The Daily Show Shorts Community


[mood |sleepysleepy]
[music |Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet]

This community has been very quiet recently, so I wrote this. Sorry, it doesn't relate to the current challenge at all.

Pairing: Rob/Ed
Rating: um...PG, maybe?
Comments: I recently had my wisdom teeth out, so if this is extraordinarily bad, blame the pain medication. Actually, that applies if this is extraordinarily good, too. o_0

It must be his eyes, and the way they light up when someone laughs at one of his stupid jokes.

It must be the way he acts; so awkward and insecure sometimes, just like a teenager.

It must be his mouth. The way he can laugh and smile, and suddenly all of that insecurity is gone. The way he frowns when he concentrates.
The way he bites at his lower lip, and Rob can’t help but lean over and touch that mouth with his.

It must be the sound he makes that makes Rob kiss him again.

It must be.


[User Picture]From: st_raoul
2005-05-14 06:25 pm (UTC)

Pain meds + Rob/Ed = lovely. Thanks for posting.
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[User Picture]From: turkeyanne
2005-08-27 01:05 am (UTC)
I'm totally on wisdom tooth pain meds right now, so I understand.
It does seem to get the slashwriter juices flowing, doesn't it?
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[User Picture]From: shmadyle
2005-08-27 02:51 am (UTC)
heh, definitely.

o_0 Is that... prom!Rob??
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[User Picture]From: turkeyanne
2005-08-27 06:01 am (UTC)
I think of it as "OMGhair!Rob"
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[User Picture]From: shmadyle
2005-08-27 01:46 pm (UTC)
hahahaha! I didn't even notice. I just thought "God, Rob looks young!" The hair didn't even register. o_0
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