Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes. It really doesn't have any limitatons. However, this community has been set up for the over 30-somethings to mingle and get together to share their crafty ventures.
Things to keep in mind:
(1) Ideally, members should have been born sometime around or before 1970ish. The main purpose of this community is to provide a connection between that group of crafty folks who are old enough to know better but still young enough to do it. :D Exceptions can be made.
(2) Posts should be related in some way to creativity. Keep in mind that the definition of creativity is originality and expressiveness. This includes creative photography, writing, crafts, art -- just about anything original and/or handcrafted. Also, posts about other things creative and crafty, such as web links, craft book discussions, magazines, etc. are also encouraged.
(3) This is an adult community, and although you don't always have to act like one, you are asked not to be rude, crude, socially unacceptable, or any other negetive adjectives you can think of. Most have a shared computer and children, so please put anything that is questionable behind an LJ cut. If it is found offensive, you'll be notified so that you can correct the situation. If nothing changes within three days of being notified, the post will be deleted. Three strikes, and you're out.
(4) Please use LJ cuts when needed. Examples would be when a post is image heavy or the images are larger than 500 pixels either way.
(5) Most importantly: Have fun & get those creative juices flowing!