? ?
Journal created:
on 28 October 2001 (#380095)
on 11 March 2011
The Cloven Pine
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This community is open to everyone. This is a place of free expression and originality. There are no rules. There are no hindrances except the ones you create yourself.

This is the ideal habitat for those in search of meaning.
acting, alien ant farm, anger, anime, art, astrology, astronomy, atheism, baseball, being happy, black hair, blue eyes, books, boys, calligraphy, camping, candles, cheetos, chivalry, chocolate, clouds, coffee icecream, computer, computers, concerts, contemplating, cookies, cute,, dancing, daria, dark colors, day-dreaming, depression, disturbed, drama, drawing, dreaming, eating, fairies, falling in love, fantasy, fingernail polish, flying, food, friends, glitter, going on dates, good music, guys, happiness, hate, hatred, hershey kisses, hiking, i hate people, incubus, intelligence, internet, kahlil gibran, kissing, kittie, korn, languages, leonardo davinci, linkin park, love, macaroni and cheese, manic depression, marilyn manson, medieval ages, medieval torture, mermaids, movies, music, napster, net surfing, nice people, night, nihilism, nine inch nails, nirvana, novels, originality, painting, philosophy, photography, planets, poetry, princess mononoke, psychology, punk, quotes, rain, reading, red hair, renaissance, requiem for a dream, romance, romeo and juliet, sailor moon, sailor saturn, salvador dali, short stories, silence, singing, skateboarding, sleeping, smashing pumpkins, snow falling on cedars, spontaneity, star gazing, star-gazing, stars, surfing the net, sweet, sweet people, tattoos, techno, templars, the beach, the cell, the crow, the cure, the moon, the raiders, theatre, thinking, tool, traveling, typing, u2, van gogh, vans, walking, web design, what dreams may come
