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Saturday, June 28th, 2008

Subject: atkins diet recipes
Posted by:manka193.
Time:8:07 pm.

I would like to thank you for visiting and reading this article. The topic has been cautiously researched and attested for your benefit.

Many aspects have been covered in this article so that you can earn from an wide research.

So you’re going on the Atkins Diet. It’s not necessarily your first diet and until you try this, you can’t be certain that it will be your last diet attempt. Everything you’ve well-tried out so far has failing you and you’re on the brink of giving up diet altogether. Of course this has been the case many a time before and in time you’ve still found yourself going on diet after dieting without too much remorse.

Now until now you live in the desire that with the Atkins Diet recipes that you have tucked firm in your purse, that you’ll be able to beat your track record of yo-yo dieting. You head on home full of exhilaration and plans to buy that little black dress you’ve had your eye on now for a few months. You won’t go out and get it instantly of course, no that would justjinx your diet efforts, but with the help of the Atkins Diet recipes you shouldn’t have too long to wait.

By the time you get home and sit in your kitchen going through the lists of food you’re allowed to eat you’re wondering what you got yourself into. Most of these things you have utterly no idea of how you’re going to cook, and also they don’t sound half as likeable as Joe’s pizza pie from around the corner.

Despair hits you and you kiss that little black lop goodbye, there’s no way you can live off these foods, and you don’t even think you could prepare them if you did go out and buy them. That’s when divine guidance strikes you, of course enough, and you remember the Atkins Diet recipes that you have which are now burning a hole in your purse.

You had put the two things in two different compartments of your avowedly cavernous pocketbook and had totally bewildered about the Atkins Diet recipes which you had. Your happiness levels arise again and you can see the black wearing apparel within your grasp again. So now you manikin down and make a list of the foods that you’ll need to start out on one of your very first Atkins Diet recipes.

The very thing you need to do though is take all that lovely high carb foods with which your cupboards are stuffed, to the nearest protection and make a salubrious contribution of foods. It doesn’t matter what the family says, they’re all going on the Atkins Diet with you.

Next you hightail it to the supermarket and buy the things off your food list which you’ll need to cook the first meal on your Atkins Diet recipes list. And along the way you’ll stop off at the little dress shop round the corner and promise the little black garb displayed so prominently in the window, that you’ll be its owner before long!

Thank you for Taking you time to read through this selective information if you’re interested in gather more knowledge please continue to search this site.

I hope you enjoyed reading material this clause and found the entropy useful and interesting.

About the Author:

Michael Malega presents several Atkins Dieting articles for your information. You can see Michael's net position here atkins diet recipes

Ok. chinese food
Comments: Touch the Stars.

Monday, June 16th, 2008

Subject: Healthy Eating Made Easy - easy steps to a healthier you
Posted by:manka193.
Time:6:07 pm.

Healthy eating means enjoying a variety of foods in the right portions. There is room for all types of food; each one adding its own goodness. Having a varied diet ensures you get all nutrients you require to stay healthy and bursting energy.

We said enjoying; meaning you will have the benefit of an increased feeling of well being; and meaning you won't need to give up any favorite foods, keep just for treats anything not bringing in essential nutrients or health benefits.

The first step you should take for healthy eating is balancing your food needs and lifestyle. It is a simple equation: energy in must equal energy out. Eating more leads to excessive weight gain. Eat less and you'll feel tired.

Everyone could benefit from more fruits and vegetables. They provide essential vitamins and minerals, and the all important antioxidants. Start simple. Take the five a day challenge first. When you have reached your five a day goal, you can think of the seven a day, or nine a day. It is not that difficult. There are many ways to add fruit or vegetables to a meal.

At breakfast, you can top cereal, granola, muesli or pancakes with fresh berries or dried fruit. Fruit compote is a great sweetener for yogurt, and healthy too. Grapefruit, banana, or apple slices are great on toast. Whatever you eat, remember: don't skip breakfast.

Try to swap fruit for cookies or pie as snacks. Dried fruit makes an excellent snack with lots of fiber. Always include fresh fruit in packed lunches. Salads, any season, are another good lunch option.

At dinner, ask for extra vegetables, as pizza toppings or with pasta. Add carrots, leeks, and onions to casseroles. Use pureed vegetables to thicken gravy. Frozen vegetables are almost as good as fresh; use them when you are pressed for time.

Count whole grain cereals as an excellent source of fiber, which will keep you satisfied for longer, leaving less room for fatty foods. Fiber in your diet will significantly reduce your risk of disease; it is worth it. Whole grain cereals are also an important source of B vitamins, the ones
that help to extract energy from food.

Most of us should reduce the amount of fat we have. Low fat and control are the key words. Switch to unsaturated oils - olive oil is best- if you have not already done so. Add salad to your sandwiches and skip the butter. Try cottage cheese and jelly on toast, instead of butter. There is really no need for butter if the topping is moist.

Cottage cheese or low fat yogurt with herbs and spices make wonderful toppings for salads or baked potatoes. Try a baked potato topped with cottage cheese and chives for lunch or supper.

Lower the amount of salt you have, aiming for one tea spoon a day maximum, including salt in processed food. Herbs and spices will give flavor and aroma, reducing the need for salt.

Drink 6 to 8 cups of liquid every day. One cup of juice adds to your fruit and vegetable count. One cup of milk will boost your calcium intake. One or two cups of tea, or coffee, provide antioxidants. Nevertheless, drink water the most. Sodas should be just an occasional treat. If you like
alcohol, have small amounts regularly, always with food. A moderate consumption is 1 cup wine or 2 cups beer for women, 2 cups wine or 3 to 4 cups beer for men in a day. Regularly does not mean daily; there is no need to drink alcohol every day.

Now that you have a healthy diet, remember to eat at steady intervals during the day, to keep your stamina. There are only two more factors to include for maximum benefit: exercise and sleep. Be sure to get enough sleep, around 7 hours -anything between 6 and 8 hours- for adults. Teenagers need more sleep hours than full grown adults, and children even more. Keep moving when you are awake. Though exercise is not food, consider it equally essential to your well being; we will never stress enough the importance of exercise in any healthy diet.

How much you will have to change your habits depend on how you eat now, but it is worth. Healthy eating will lead to more energy, weight loss -keeping it off- and prevention of disease. Plus healthy eating is delicious and fun when it is done right.

About the Author: Anne Ehmer is passionate about food. Non-stop travelling between Europe and United States has somehow afforded Anne time to develop her unique skills in cooking. Her stimulating ideas and recipes are registered in her web sites All Foods Natural and World Food and Wine.

Comments: Touch the Stars.

Thursday, November 24th, 2005

Posted by:yll.
Time:5:53 pm.
call for submissions!
anouncing a non-profit anthology of poetry/prose/artwork slated for mid-january publication.

moth in a bottle is expected to be at least twenty-five pages long and will be sold for charity. please see [m] press for details. if you do nothing else for charity this season, do this.
Comments: 1 Fallen Dream - Touch the Stars.

Friday, May 13th, 2005

Posted by:sweetnesp.
Time:9:21 pm.
Mood: hot.
Oh come in my to my home. I invite you to sit upon my love seat of purist black. I'll bring you red wine to intoxicate your senses as I tell you of me. I is all I care about. Me. Myself. That is all I know. I'll sit with you in my sitting room made of marble and gold. You'll wonder what it is about me that makes me so sensual. You will wonder what my mystery is as I stare at you. The misshapen spell braught on by heavy black lace and the sugar coated gloss of my friendship. I shall befriend you and kiss you're forehead as I smell your breath.

I dress in black for the wage of sin still dooms me. I sit near you, doomed and full of malice. My lips are as crimson spider's pinchers. I lean in and scrape at yours ever so gently. You pull away and look straight ahead, not wanting to look in to me.

Sweat breaks out upon your neck, sweat I want to lick. You're not terrified, just uncomfortable. Why am I staring at you this way, you think. What satisfaction can I give her, you ask yourself.

I want the satisfaction of my passion. I want the satisfaction of the heat that slowly burns me to leave and journey through my lips to yours. Can't you see, I'm an animal for you. I'd bend in ways you never knew a person could for you. I'd drink poison and only drink the antidote if you cammanded. I'd walk naked within our mansion, with nothing but jewels for you.

But don't ask for my love. Love is not a word I know, for I am cursed throughout this world with blindness. I can never fully see love, only the silky shadow that hovers silently after each lover's climax.

My heart is beating fast, I'm gripping the black velvet pillow, I just want to be near you. Tell me I'm your fortress of desire and I'll never let you regret it.

Quick like lightning, beautiful like glittering silver, your sex appeal has stunned me. You leave me on the cold marble floor, where my eyes are quietly recalling how you raped me.

I felt it deep, I held it deep and forever I will carry it with me like a small treasure chest of scars from you. And I'll go out through out the world, never forgetting what you did and how I felt.

Even now, in my age, my eyes flutter if I see a pure form. My mind flowers with ideas and sick things that a good and just person would think not of. You have left your mark on me and I--you.

When my traveling is complete, I will journey back to our mansion door and wrap upon it. In my firs and skantily clad bathingsuit I'll show up on your stoop. My hands will bear the years of my wonderings with gold and white gold rings to show you. You'll suck every one off me and welcome me home to the nursery of our evilhood. We'll make "love" on the piano, the paintings, the floors, the rugs, the beds--anything and everything we will mark with our "love". Even in the garden we'll rub up in the dirt and rip out the flowers by their roots. In the water fountains we'll drown each other then kiss every extremity until we are revived.

An empress you'll make me and worship me as you should. Kiss my toes as you paint them red. We'll drink the fair wine of each other until at last we are spent and then we will resort to the ashes we are.

All in good time you'll slowly remember to forget me and I'll never suspect you. I'll awake cold, naked and alone. The splashes from your juices won't even be dry on my skin before you leave me.

And when I know you're gone, my palace shall break, my hair will extend out of my skull and I will rot in my heaven of desire.

But oh my "lover" you must know that I knew this would happen all along. In the bottom prisms of my mind, I knew you would leave me. I knew and know and won't forget. I'll fiend innocense of your plan until you've deflowered me but I know now, if you read this, I am well aware of the notions of you.

And still... if you come to me, I'll kiss you with my spider red lips and caress you until you scream and moan for me to continue.

Oh God, wrap me in a dark sheet and place black rubies upon my head and neck. Cursed. Cursed I am.
Comments: Touch the Stars.

Wednesday, April 13th, 2005

Posted by:selkie_showers.
Time:9:27 pm.
I had a poem published in a local newspaper called Women's Voices. A major acomplishment, my friends assure me, but you should see the shit they print.

The brush of the broom as I sweep away
All these things
Long strands of hair tangled in the bristles
These the hacked off braids of kidnapped children
Sweep into neat little piles
The confiscated jewels of nomadic royalty
A soft, quiet sound, of things being put into
Order, everything in its place
Russian massacres and an Asian tower
Guarding the secrets of immortality
From the junk catalogues now tucked neatly into
Recycled bags, reused as toilet paper for the children
I am The Nanny
Washing the grease of religion from the dishes of
Temples. The sacred knowledge shall be scrubbed
Away with ancient sponges and swirl down into the drain
The sponges had pasts, once
Growing in marine forests, soft and porous
Time etched in their purpose
Now, simply the tools of bliss
Infants, all – cared for by War, Hope, and Indifference
And I, the Nanny, the impartial judge
Not blind but with seven senses
Including reason, song, and a knowing smile
Sweeping the dust out to make room for the children’s
Messy, violent games
Comments: 2 Fallen Dreams - Touch the Stars.

Friday, March 18th, 2005

Posted by:sweetnesp.
Time:7:01 pm.
Mood: gloomy.
Drop off
Just let yourself fall off
It doesn’t matter
You’re full of it you know
Just full of piss and vinegar
Kiss the ground
Touch it I say
Let it thrive on this sickness
Poison the earth with you
Grow a deserting flower forest of your mirk
I’ll get lost in it
Basking in the glory of your shadows
I’d fall forever through the dark after you
Leave me now before I don’t want you to
Can’t you see what you’ve done
You’re just a killer
And you feed just for the feed
Switch it off and take it off
Let down your hair
I’m not going to leave you
So shut it up
Get used to me
Comments: 6 Fallen Dreams - Touch the Stars.

Tuesday, September 14th, 2004

Posted by:rajawen.
Time:9:09 am.
You will hear thunder and remember me,
And think: she wanted storms. The rim
Of the sky will be the colour of hard crimson,
And your heart, as it was then, will be on fire.

all in days ahead, it will all come true,
when, for the last time, I take my leave,
And hasten to the heights that I have longed for,
Leaving my shadow still to be with you.
Comments: Touch the Stars.

Friday, September 10th, 2004

Subject:feel the sting
Posted by:rajawen.
Time:11:01 am.
breathing the air that has escaped form your lungs.
you exhale into my heart
I breath in the love of your soul
the essence of you is all around me
I can feel your presence but you are nowhere near
Comments: Touch the Stars.

Tuesday, April 27th, 2004

Subject:Philadelphia Free Zine
Posted by:affectsofxero.
Time:3:46 pm.
I am from the suburbs of Philly and am going to produce a free zine for the area and i would like to place contribution from unsolicated or nonpublished writers. if anyone is interested please email me at [email protected] thank you.
Comments: 1 Fallen Dream - Touch the Stars.

Tuesday, April 8th, 2003

Subject:Not my normal style, but...
Posted by:sacred_ikon.
Time:12:19 am.

quiet twilight
i've made
and memories of the dance
the almost loves
they've made
those things that make us
only human.

i lie
next to you
the thoughts i've made
memory erases
all blemishes
and you more
perfect than what God made.

i've made
the memories of
the dances of almost loves
and next to you
i've made my peace
with those things
i lie in the bed
i've made
more perfect
and only human.

[April 8th, 2003]
[12:06 am]
Comments: 4 Fallen Dreams - Touch the Stars.

Friday, August 9th, 2002

Posted by:oni_kamui.
Time:8:01 pm.
Mood: blah.
Hey Kori, if you still read this stuff I just wanted to know....WHERE ARE YOU!? I havent heard from you in FOREVER! If you see this and have MSN messenger, my email is [email protected] and on AIM its EL337M4N.

Comments: 1 Fallen Dream - Touch the Stars.

Tuesday, July 30th, 2002

Subject:another forgetful moment.
Posted by:avery_skies.
Time:5:45 am.
oh and i forgot, hello sliceofme.
Comments: 2 Fallen Dreams - Touch the Stars.

Posted by:avery_skies.
Time:5:38 am.
is there anybody listening to the girl and her trusty gun?
she seems to be in pain and stung with hurt.
hurt from another being.
she keeps repeating to herself..
i'm just like everybody else, i'm just like everybody else.
i'm spoiled and relationship failure is the essence of me.
i'm pathetic.
Comments: 1 Fallen Dream - Touch the Stars.

Sunday, July 14th, 2002

Subject:Greetings, salutations and other such cheesy openings.
Posted by:phi_one_zero.
Time:1:40 am.
I just ran across this community, looks like a cool place inhabited by some cool people, so I thought I'd join. I just hope I'm cool enough to be here.

Check out my journal if you'd like to know more about me. I don't update it as often as I used to, but I'm always around checking on my LJ friends and communities.

It's good to be here. Or something.
Comments: 2 Fallen Dreams - Touch the Stars.

Saturday, January 12th, 2002

Subject:new commune!
Posted by:ex_watermark965.
Time:12:40 pm.
Mood: satisfied.
hey everyone! i'm chris, and i saw that this community had many interests that tie up with me. so i'd just like to introduce myself:) bye!
Comments: Touch the Stars.

Friday, December 21st, 2001

Posted by:lifesbrink.
Time:3:49 am.
this journal alive?
im not seeing alive!
Comments: Touch the Stars.

Wednesday, November 7th, 2001

Posted by:sweet_gee.
Time:2:57 pm.
hi sliceofme.
Comments: 3 Fallen Dreams - Touch the Stars.

Tuesday, November 6th, 2001

Posted by:slicesofme.
Time:7:17 pm.
Mood: happy.
Hey, i was just wondering what the music is that is playing here. i like it a lot, its pretty...
Comments: 3 Fallen Dreams - Touch the Stars.

Monday, November 5th, 2001

Posted by:oni_kamui.
Time:3:05 pm.
Mood: crazy.
Just wanted to post something! :P
Comments: Touch the Stars.

Sunday, November 4th, 2001

Subject:Hi Im new...
Posted by:slicesofme.
Time:11:19 pm.
Mood: curious.
I was looking for a community that had the same interests as me ( duh) and I came accross this one and a few others. The name really intrigued me ( cool name ) and then I saw that there were A Lot of the same interests I have. So I decided t jaoin. I hope you guys dont mind.
Well anyways my name is Abby and I wanted to say Hi.
Comments: 1 Fallen Dream - Touch the Stars.

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