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A Career With The Cloudveil

Now Hiring Awe-Inspiring People

We think working at The Cloudveil is one of the finest jobs in Jackson Hole. Sure, we’re biased, but here’s why.

We offer competitive wages and benefits packages, but the real difference is our culture: one that’s based on trust, responsibility, empathy and knowledge. It’s the welcoming, caring and helpful attitudes that exude from all levels of our team. It’s the pride we take in our operations. Through the insightful servicing of our guests, we help them fall in love with Jackson Hole, fostering a strong sense of stewardship over this incredible community and environment.

We empower our staff to be leaders in the hospitality industry, and to bring their passion and pride to work every day. We’re always looking for staff members who, like us, have a deep love of Jackson Hole’s history, dynamic beauty and lifestyle, and want to share it with our guests.

Below you’ll find our current openings as well as those across our sister properties in Jackson, WY and Fort Collins, CO.

