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December 29th, 2005

02:44 pm - Mt Clemens Lofts
I was interviewed for this article regarding the River Bluff Lofts, I'm going to be moving into Phase II as soon as it's done, and could not possibly be more excited! Here's the article in the Detroit News:

Lofts Remake Mount Clemens
Current Mood: excitedexcited

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01:43 pm - Mechanical Bull Riding?
I know at one point there was that Desperado's place on N Gratiot that had a mechanical bull to ride... are they still open? are there any other bars in the area that have one? It not me, its um... for a friend! yeah :)

Any suggestions?

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October 18th, 2005

11:26 am
Name: amber
Age: 24
Current city of residence: bowling green, ky
High School and graduation year: mt clemens high 00
Relationship to The Clem: umm well i went to high school there, other then that nothing
Favorite Clem hangout: didnt have a fave
Least Favorite place in The Clem: school, but then again that isnt really a hang out
Current Mood: blahblah
Current Music: numb~linkin park

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August 18th, 2005

05:31 pm - Hellooo
Name: Trase
Age: 34
Current city of residence: Eastpointe
High School and graduation year: Eisenhower, 1988
Relationship to The Clem: My brother lives there and I am buying a loft and moving there next year
Favorite Clem hangout: Your Mother's Place
Least Favorite place in The Clem: The bronze statue of the old man and little girl playing checkers really squicks me out. :P
Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

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July 18th, 2005

10:25 am
Name:John Paul
Current city of residence:Grand Rapids,MI
High School and graduation year:Cass/Riverside Academy 1998
Relationship to The Clem:Lived there on and off for 10 years
Favorite Clem hangout:299 North, Railroad inn, Wilson's Cafe, The Emerald, Desperado's, The Boardwalk, Tressel, Clinton St.
Least Favorite place in The Clem:Macomb County Jail

Sup All!

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April 12th, 2005

09:58 pm - Hmm!
I've had this journal for over a year now. I'm getting sick of reading the same stuff all the time. My journal is friends only but I'm letting anyone from Michigan to get added that want's to get added.
Current Mood: gratefulgrateful

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10:40 pm - Detroit Style Punk
If you are interested in catching an awesome band...

St. Thomas Boys Academy

Saturday, April 23rd
@ The Magic Stick

Emergenza Semifinals

$12 Advance tickets ONLY

For more info see or contact Me!!

This show is for a chance for them to play in front of judges and potentially get a recording contract. They are a bunch of awesome guys, with a wicked sound, not to mention they are VERY talented. If you are free and want something cool to do, you might want to check it out!!

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April 10th, 2005

03:41 pm - New
Current city of residence:Macomb
High School and graduation year:I went to MCHS till 10th grade and went to Dakota 00
Relationship to The Clem: I lived there till I was about 16 since then I have lived in Macomb.
Favorite Clem hangout: Star Threatre, Downtown Sound ( no longer there) and Lakeside Mall.
Least Favorite place in The Clem: Didn't have one
Current Mood: boredbored
Current Music: realign - godsmack

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March 5th, 2005

05:22 pm - NEWBIE
Name:Mike Beers
Current city of residence:Mt. Clemens
High School and graduation year:Cardinal Mooney '99
Relationship to The Clem:Lived here all my life
Favorite Clem hangout:my
Least Favorite place in The Clem:crazy 8's probably

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October 2nd, 2004

04:53 pm - ohh bdubs.
Name: Sue
Age: 22
Current city of residence: Royal Oak/Clinton Twp.
High School and graduation year: 00'
Relationship to The Clem: used to live there. back in the day. i just hang out alot there now.
Favorite Clem hangout: BDUBS!!! im there every tuesday, thurs, and uhh sometimes saturday. ha. or sometimes more than that. i think i need to get a life. ;)
Least Favorite place in The Clem: i didnt like the g spot. maybe i was there on a bad nite. eventhough it was a saturday.

if you ever seen me at bdubs. say hi. and you will know im there cause im lil jon on the trivia. ;)

Current Mood: crazycrazy

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