and if we go down, we go down together..
? ?
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(True Believers)

[24 Aug 2005|04:03pm]


(True Believers)

[02 Oct 2004|01:58pm]

[ mood | thankful ]

I dont think you ever realize what is most important to you until its missing from your life. I really didn't realize how much i missed "us" until last night. There is something so comforting about being around you guys. I miss it, i really do. Tonite is gonna be fun simpily because you kids will be there. Its been a while since i've said this but i love you all so freakin much it's ridiculous and im thankful for each one of you beacuse i really dont know what i would do or will do without any of you.

(2 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[06 Sep 2004|10:23pm]

[ mood | giddy ]

remember stina.. you promised ;-)

(8 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

it's lame.. i know but... [29 Aug 2004|11:46pm]

[ mood | thankful ]

i'm actually sort of happy that even though all of this is happening to me.. it's bringing all of us together again.
you guys have no idea how much it helps to know that i have your support and love through this fiasco of events.
i'm trying to be strong... trying to learn from mistakes.

who said it best? pat benatar baby! "love is a battlefield." i went in without a shield.. got my heart blown to pieces... but you're all supergluing it back...

soon.. i'll be better than ever.

i am so serious when i say that i love you all.
i wouldn't know where i would be right now if it weren't for you guys.


(True Believers)

[25 Jul 2004|12:34am]


(1 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[05 Jul 2004|04:10pm]

this community is so dead.

(2 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

he winked!! [20 May 2004|11:05pm]

[ mood | sad ]

aw nique i'm soo sorry about sinbad... seriously all those times i've ran away from this dog... i've equally grown to love him. he was sincerely so fucking cool! it'll be okay love.. if you need to talk.. we're all here for you!

♥ stina

(2 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[12 May 2004|10:42pm]

[ mood | lonely ]

ummm.. monique gutierrez... i miss you! damn woman where the heck have you been? =[

(1 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[09 May 2004|01:02am]

hey stina.. i just want you to know that i'm always here, whenever you need me. everything will be okay.. you'll get though this. i love you.

(1 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[04 May 2004|11:41pm]


it's a shame my camera sucks.

(True Believers)

!@#(*$&@)#&$!!! [01 May 2004|08:12pm]

[ mood | sad ]

jesse i love you!

that is all.

oh .. yeah you little bitch you made me cry. but i still love you.

(1 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[30 Apr 2004|09:03pm]
Happy Birthday AMANDA!!

(4 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[25 Apr 2004|04:30pm]

Yeha so i dont know whats going on or why things are the way they are right now but all i do know is i wish that everyone can get over everything and that things will just get back to normal because i hate things being like this guys.

(True Believers)

hmm... [23 Apr 2004|09:14pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

its like 9:15pm..if im right..i've been listening to bright eyes since oh... 6:30pm meaning i've been on this streak for 3 hours and 45 minutes.

now technically one hour of bright eyes is enough to make me want to destroy something beautiful. but i've been quite calm. i'd award myself..but nothing of value is near me.

conor you have a beautiful voice.

i think its about time i got a life.. so.. what shall it be.. morrissey? yes yes. it's settled.

(1 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[21 Apr 2004|12:55am]

i was watching some taking back sunday videos right now.. live ones..

adam lazarra's stage presence is like.. whoa.
i miss them. a lot.

(True Believers)

stinaaaa!! [20 Apr 2004|09:29pm]

this party is old and uninviting
participants all in black and white
you enter in full blown technicolor
nothing is the same after tonight

and if the world would fall apart
in a fiction worthy wind
i wouldn't change a thing now that you're here
yeah, love is a verb here in my room

you enter and close the door behind you
now show me the world seen from the stars
if only the lights would dim a little
i'm weary of eyes upon my scars

incubus = sex

(1 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[15 Apr 2004|01:18pm]

i did one of these for all of you guys in here..

for phil and tres..

Your Guy Has Metrosexual Tendencies!

While your guy isn't straight out of GQ, he's a bit of a pretty boy.

And he enjoys an indie movie from time to time... so what?

You've got the best of both worlds, girlfriend - a manly guy who understands women.

Just make sure that he spends more on your dates than the salon.

Is He a Metrosexual? Take This Quiz :-)

and this is what jesse got :-/

Your Guy Doesn't Even Know Any Metrosexuals!

Your boyfriend is more hetero than John Wayne. End of story.

While it may be hard to get him to go dancing or shopping...

You know that he can always stand up for and take care of you.

Which is waaaay more attractive than a few well placed highlights.

Is He a Metrosexual? Take This Quiz :-)

now you three go here:

(1 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[08 Apr 2004|11:18pm]

sorry if my other entry wasn't so convincing.. but i sincerely had the best time with you guys tonight. i love you both!


(2 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[14 Mar 2004|10:03am]

[ mood | happy ]

i just wanted to say that...throughout the entirety of the night..i seriously sat there thinking about how much i love you guys..and how happy you really make me!

i could be having the worst week evver , but one night on the town with you guys and its like a complete 180 and i'm soooo sooo appreciative to have you kids in my life.

you really made tonight memorable for me, and no matter what kids.. i'm always always gonna be there for you!

<333 all of you soo much!
stina... you can find me in da club ;)

(2 will have their friends till they die /// True Believers)

[07 Mar 2004|08:28pm]

this is a yahoo personals ad.


i don't think i'd use if it i thought i'd meet people like that guy.

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