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Journal created:
on 7 June 2005 (#7361048)
on 7 December 2006
LJ's Next Top Model Cycle 3
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
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Do you think YOU have what it takes in order to be a top model? Then give this a try. This community is intended for ANTM fans that feel they have what it takes to make it in the modeling industry. The open auditions will last until the judges/mods feel as though there are enough girls to continue the competition. In the event that one of the selected contestants drops from the competition, open auditions will be held to replace her. Each person that auditions MUST fill out the application, and place it behind an LJ cut. The Cut code is (lj-cut text="wordshere") but use <>, not (). Once the finalists are chosen, they will be given a theme every week in which they will have to post pictures of themselves pertaining to the theme. One girl will be eliminated each week. You're not just considered for your beauty, but your attitude, creativity, and personality all play in the decision to make you "top model". Title your application "I Am the Next Top Model". Please use your own pictures. Frauds will be banned. This site does not actually offer any modeling contracts, and is created solely for fun.

Contestant’s Application

Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Magazine:
Favorite Food:
Please post 3-5 CLEAR pictures (one of which must be a FULL body shot, and another must be a salute) of yourself. Please only apply if you have access to a camera (preferably a digital, but a webcam will do), can be an active participant in the weekly themes, and can handle criticism.

Judges Panel is Full

All potential judges must fill out this application. Because so many people are interested in judging, it is impossible for everyone to be one. If you are not chosen to be a regular judge, we may need you as a guest judge, so please keep tabs on the community. Though potential judges are not in the actual competition, we ask that they provide us with at least one CLEAR picture of themselves in their application.

Judge Application

Describe your personality. Make it as short, or long as you want:
Do you actually watch the show?
If yes, who is your favorite judge on the show? If no, why not?
Which judge would you say you are most like?
Which judge is your least favorite?
What do you think it takes in order to be a top model?
What do you think are the qualities that make a good judge?
Do you actually have these qualities?
Make the subject of this entry "Make Me a Judge, Please"
Post your picture.

Further Rules

Each time we require someone to post a picture we expect the pictures to be new. We as judges want to see your progression as a "model".

We ask that the judges not be biased in their deliberation.

Please be kind and courteous to everyone in this community.

Applicants, please remember that this is a competition, and that the judges are here to critique you. We really are here to help you, and we don't want you to take anything we say as a total negative. We will use constructive criticism. Please take our advice and learn from it. We are only human, and are stating our opinions. Don't let the things we say damage or discourage your performance in this competition.

Please do not promote other communities here.

Good luck to everyone!

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Credit for the layout goes to breathnomore at wounded_designs.

Kahlen Rondot Supporters
adrianne curry, amanda swafford, america's model, america's next top model, america's top model, ann markley, anna bradfield, antm, april wilkner, beau quillian, bethany harrison, brandy rusher, brita petersons, brittany brower, camille mcdonald, cape town, cassie grisham, catie anderson, christina murphy, competition, covergirl, cycle 4, cycle 5, danilo, ebony haith, elyse sewell, empress minnie, eric nicholson, eva pigford, fashion models, fashion shows, flatotel, ford models, giselle samson, haute couture, heather blumberg, img modeling, j. alexander, janice dickinson, jay manuel, jenascia chakos, jennipher frost, julie titus, kahlen rondot, katie cleary, keenyah hill, kelle jacob, kesse wallace, kimora lee simmons, kristi gromment, leah darrow, ljs next top model, lluvy gomez, los angeles, magdalena rivas, mercedes shelba-shorte, michelle deighton, modeling, models, naima mora, new york city, next top model, nicole borud, nicole panattoni, nigel barker, noelle staggers, nolé marin, norelle van herk, paris, project runway, rating communities, reality shows, reality t.v., reality t.v. shows, reality television, reality television shows, reality tv shows, rebecca epley, robin manning, runways, sara racey-tabrizi, sarah dankelman, sephora, shandi sullivan, shannon stewart, supermodels, tatiana dante, television without pity, tessa carlson, the_top_model, the_top_model2, the_top_model4, tiffany richardson, toccara jones, tokyo, top model, twiggy, tyra banks, upn, voting, xiomara frans, yaya da costa johnson, yoanna house
