Tiny Timmy Tokyo (slodwick) wrote in the_phonebooth,
Tiny Timmy Tokyo

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  • CLex-Supes Fic

    OK, you know how people say "LJ user: so and so gave me this great prompt/plot bunny/etc for this fic"? Well, I am humbly requesting input for my…

  • The Meteor Shower

    I needed to relieve the writer's block on the fluffy fic I'm writing for undermistletoe. This is what came out. Burnt by Corbeau Noir…

  • Free Fic! Free Fic! Come and get one!

    Ah, see I lost a night's sleep because of this. But it's finally out. My first offering to this strange new world. Please feel free to jump in. :)…

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  • CLex-Supes Fic

    OK, you know how people say "LJ user: so and so gave me this great prompt/plot bunny/etc for this fic"? Well, I am humbly requesting input for my…

  • The Meteor Shower

    I needed to relieve the writer's block on the fluffy fic I'm writing for undermistletoe. This is what came out. Burnt by Corbeau Noir…

  • Free Fic! Free Fic! Come and get one!

    Ah, see I lost a night's sleep because of this. But it's finally out. My first offering to this strange new world. Please feel free to jump in. :)…