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your home for everything Oranje Eftal!

Journal created:
on 11 July 2008 (#16066929)
on 27 January 2013
Posting Access:
All Members
A place for fans of the Dutch national football team

Welcome to the_orangerie. This is a little corner of the internet for all things fannish relating to the Dutch national football team. Primarily, this means an archive for fanfiction, but also includes news items and visual material such as icons, banners and the occasional picspam. Discussion of Dutch players in foreign leagues is also welcome, as many people follow the Premier League / La Liga / Serie A etc.

Token disclaimer: If you are underage, or are uncomfortable with adult content (read: men doing naughty things with each other), then perhaps you might not want to linger here. We can be a, shall we say, lively group of fans. Otherwise, enjoy.

Also, it should be clear that the authors do not know any of the people they are writing about and make no assumptions about their sexuality. That's why it's called fiction.

The Rules

These are pretty straightforward and common sense. Please read them carefully BEFORE you post. And ♥ them.


Please use the following format when posting fic:

*Please include a header with any fics you post. It should include the following:

Rating: (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17)
Pairing: (include the full names, not just surnames, with no nicknames or pairing names)
Warning: (if appropriate) (e.g. death fic, non-con, rape, angst, knife kink, etc.)
Disclaimer: (example: This story is complete fiction...)
Summary: (not mandatory but encouraged)

*After your header, please put the actual story behind an lj-cut.

*Entries should be tagged with the relevant players' names, type of post (fic, icons, etc), and if appropriate, the setting (ie World Cup 2006, Euro 2008). The community's tags will function as archive and search tool and it's much easier to find what you're looking for if it's been appropriately tagged.

*Use a beta reader. English is not everyone's first language, so please use proper grammar and spellcheck before posting. If you are submitting fic that has not already been posted or archived elsewhere (such as footballslash), then you may want to have someone look over it before hitting post. I am more than happy to beta for spelling and grammar, and if other members wish to volunteer, that would be fabulous and I will include your names here if agreed.


*As with fic, images should be put behind an LJ cut. If they are not worksafe, or if it's a major picspam, please indicate this in the post or the text of the LJ cut.

*DO NOT HOTLINK. Ever. If you want to take pics, right click, save and host at your own server. Photobucket provides free photo hosting if you need it.

*Give credit whenever you take images.

Other Stuff:

*If you post a direct link to your own journal or community, it must be to an open, unlocked post. This goes for fic or image posts.

*The default language of the community is English. If you are posting articles or links to sites in other languages, please provide a summary or translation if at all possible.

*If you wish to advertise your community or site, please contact us first. Spam will be deleted.

*Our styles for the community and for this profile are from refuted, as modified by huntingjanuary and aka_centimetre2.

*Currently this community is open to all, but if any abuse or other inappropriate activity goes on, we will ban those responsible.

And as the lovely mods of euroslash have already said so well: "This should go without saying: be nice and polite to each other and respect different tastes and opinions. Don't flame, troll or start any wars. We all might fancy different clubs and players, but since we're all here for the pretty and slashy we should get along just fine and deal with each other in a mature way."

Anything we've missed? Drop your mods (austengirl and aka_centimetre2) a comment and we'll fix it.


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