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suicide underground's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in suicide underground's LiveJournal:

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Monday, June 12th, 2006
2:35 pm
Save The Furries!
I don't know if this is okay,
but I didn't find that is was written as forbidden?

I've become a foster parent for two kittie families of BARC.

Until last night I had 2 nursing mothers & 6 babies(3 each).
As of 12:48am this morning, I lost one.
I spent all of yesterday & last night with her, but she just wasn't strong enough.

One of my kittie families is very sick. They contracted some sort of virus inside the shelter before I picked them up.... now they are battling for their lives. One of the kittens seemed healthy, & I seperated her out immidiately. She is doing well & has been adopted(so to speak) by my own kitties.

The remaining kitten & it's mother are very sick. Not doing well at all!

The mother is coughing & sneezing & is absolutely dripping mucus. Very dehydrated.
She is pretty miserable. She has stopped eating & as a result has stopped producing milk for the baby.
We'd essentially been force feeding her, but this stresses her out so, it's almost not worth it.

The baby is very hopefull, & can be coaxed to eat goats milk & wet cat food.
She still isn't intaking enough. She's catching her mother's illness.
Her dehydration has reached a level that causes horrible diarreah.
This means that none of the benifits of her eating is sticking.

They both need medication, IV fluids, & much much more.

BARC can/will only cover this for a moment.
They will provide some of the IV fluids & medication.
These animinals need much much more.

I'm asking all of you now, please help me!
I'm requesting donations from anyone & everyone.
Anything you can give. Everything helps!
Without this vital assistance, they will die too!

When making a donation, if you'd like updates on these babies...
Comment in your contact info. We can send you pictures & info of their(hopefull) progress.

Thank you!

if donate button fails,
you can donate via paypal to [email protected]

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005
1:33 pm
New Community-- Prayer For India!

Greetings one and all,

This community is being established for those who desire to pray for India, have a heart for India, who are Indian (living anywhere), are missionaries in India, or just want to check out what God is doing in that large region. The purpose of this community will be cultural exchange between regions of India (anything from Divali to Desi food recipes to religious/cultural study to Bollywood), understanding, keeping up with news and needs of India, and correspondences between all affiliated with India in some way.

I look forwards to seeing what God will accomplish as we all gather together with one purpose.
--- all welcome to join ---

++will be cross-posted++
Thursday, January 27th, 2005
11:04 pm

I am the moderator of the the_living. I am trying to find out who is the current moderator of suicide_freaks. The initial entry of suicide_freaks was by gabriel chockula (ex_arkangel603) who wrote in suicide_freaks, @ 2001-03-19 13:43:00

Thanks. Any assistance would be gratefully accepted. Please respond to this entry via the Comment.
Monday, June 14th, 2004
8:20 pm
hi! my name is liz, im 16, i live in miami and im colombian!!! if u like to get to know me better just add me and ill u back ;o)

Current Mood: cold
Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
7:11 pm
i never lived at all
i come to you
to cease the noise in my mind
i bring to you
their pain and sorrow
you rip open old wounds
tearing thru skin without a care
the scars that hid the pain
are bleeding afresh
i feel weakened
i panic
and they are torn
we leave numb
not knowing what or how to feel
confusion leads to chaos
and that reigns supreme
we come to you
to find meaning
and perhaps define our hectic lives
we bring words of hurt
words of lonliness
the realization comes
you will help
you will do something
you have to
we have to believe in something
we need to believe in you

Current Mood: uncomfortable
Friday, January 23rd, 2004
9:46 am
my sister sent me this one
-Steve Goodier

Read more...Collapse )

Current Mood: awake
Monday, January 19th, 2004
5:19 pm
im new
im lauryn. ive attempted suicide 4 times. no one will let me die. if there is anything you want to know about me ask me. im not ashamed. plz feel free to add me as well.
Friday, January 9th, 2004
11:31 am
Prayer Request for Tonight at 9pm

I am a member of the seekinghisface community and tonight is the big election night for a new head leader. God has given us a very dynamic leadership staff and an annointed ministry. Day to day we face spiritual attacks on all sides, but that does not throw off the plans of God. Hallelujah!

This is to be the first night that almost all the leadership have met together. Tonight at 9pm we seek more than God's chosen for leadership, we seek the Spirit's pouring upon our ministry. We seek a unified one accord Body of Leaders. We seek God's will.

I am praying for God to act upon our ministry like He did in Acts 2.

The Fellowship of the Believers

42They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. 44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

We need prayer for spiritual protection by the Blood of Jesus, the Spirit's annointing power, and for discernment. Anything God places on your heart to pray for, please do. You will be serving more than just our leadership Body and the Lord. You'll be serving the entire Body of Seeking His Face Ministries and everyone they interact with.

If you are led, fast on our behalf.

God Bless you and may you seek his face daily.

Love in Christ,

P.S. If you are the moderator and you aren't a member of christianmods, contact me for an invite to the closed community.
Monday, January 5th, 2004
12:01 am
something i wrote in the psych ward at eden on 12-31-03
the quiet came all too soon
there was noise and lots of it
there were people
many of them from everywhere
as if nothing had happened
an emptiness surrounded me
a feeling of dread tapped me on the shoulder
i attempted to busy myself
in dire hopes of holding at bay
my constant companions
dread, anxiety, depression and pain
busy enough so i won't have to think
by then
it is too late
thoughts begin to move too fast
they take on a being of their own
a place of their own
and i am not allowed inside my own mind
i move myself fast
but not fast enough
the destruction comes head on
like a tank with no driver
it comes at me
that's when the cutting begins
sharp lines drawn on the skin
i have suddenly found myself
below rock bottom
i struggle to the top
to see light
but it doesn't happen
i thought i could do this alone
but i thought wrong
my companions took over
i no longer existed
i live in a shell
looking out
wishing for something
anything but this


Current Mood: contemplative
Friday, December 26th, 2003
7:33 am
thought of this in church yesterday
the darkness comes in the day
my scars have yet to heal
the light is not bright enough
to compete with the blackness
inside the fight goes on
i wage my war
the battle is constant
i feel i am running out of energy
wishing to lay down my weapons
surrender to the enemy
bloodied, battered and torn
i grow weary of this mess
thru tired eyes
i see the nothingness ahead of me
it comes
seducing me into a false sense of security
i am so drained
i want to fall into it
and just stay there
i shake my head to clear my thoughts
holding my shield tightly against my chest
i step forward
and begin again....

Current Mood: creative
Thursday, December 25th, 2003
12:52 am
i like to be here when i can, i was on trazodon for a few weeks. that made me more depressed than ever. i am still on 40 mgs prozac (i've come to find the two don't mix well), and 750 mgs depakote. now my shrink took me off trazodon and put me on zyprexa. does anyone have any info on this? just from personal experience and the like? most appreciative for the help.

Current Mood: curious
Thursday, December 11th, 2003
8:17 pm
This feeling of despair is never wearing out...
i cut myself sunday nite. thought i'd be fine. thought i wouldn't bleed as much. thought things would go away. i thought wrong. everyone in the house got sick. i had to go for a physical for a county job and i have cuts that show. my son got a small bloody gash in his head and i am more worried about that then my own cuts. no bandaids for me. that would show what i did. people would take notice. can't have that, now can we? been cutting since jr. high school. stuck my fist thru a window in my room. my mother said - what's wrong with you? my brother said - let's go in the bathroom and clean it up. are you alright?
i didn't know what to say.
that was a long time ago.
i don't know what to say now.
i want cut again and keep cutting. my shrink gave me some stuff that when i take it like i should - i feel nothing, therefore - the cutting doesn't matter. i bleed but feel nothing but relief and release.
i want to keep cutting but i had to stop because the store called my house and my son woke me up and i had to get my daughter from the store at 2:30am because she was caught shop-lifting.
i want to cut now. i want to drug-up and just keep cutting.
tell me no.
to quote southpark, "don't be gay, sparky."
or something like that.
"don't be cutting, pinky"
mr. floyd imagines himself a poet.
just a cutter on meds.

Current Mood: depressed
Wednesday, November 26th, 2003
3:30 pm
alone again, naturally
i keep thinking it's going to get better. that this emptiness inside me will be filled with joy and laughter. with the satisfaction and contentment of just being alive. yet i can see it is not enough. when faced with problems that become so overwhelming that no drug on earth could put me to sleep faster than the situation at hand - well, then you know you're in it now. i know there are so many others out there like me - and many have reached out across the net to hold my hand and give me hugs and support. however, i know that i must, on my own, face these internal demons and demand my sanity back. be that as it is. which isn't much, to say the least. to quote the polce - "the banks of chaos in my mind..." exactly.
i feel so small and insignificant in this life. i feel so unprepared to face life as a parent (tho' my children are in their late to mid teens), and there are so many times when this emotional madness of mine (manic-depression, anxiety-panic,etc...)leaves me breathless, and exhausted so that i have to sleep. yet it's not a restful sleep.
i'm tired of feeling this way and wish i didn't.

Current Mood: depressed
Saturday, November 22nd, 2003
1:59 am
or change the moment when it's gone
yeah. alone forever. it certainly does feel that way. i've been doing quizzes to keep my mind busy. my mind and hands because after all - idle hands are the devil's workshop.
hmm...then if that's true, my hands must be HUGE.
i've been trying to tell my brain that these anxiety attacks, the depression and what not can be overcome. it takes patience and skill. i take my meds and come to find that if i don't - the damage is worse than before.
can't have that, now, can we?
i'm am switching doctors. i don't know what else to do. the panic attacks (tightening of the chest, shortness of breath, head-swimming, and everything that goes with it) seem to be getting worse. altho' i must admit today was (or rather - yesterday. i just looked at the time) a good day for me. i was cold, busy, and the panic was slightly subdued. enough for me to get stuff done. then i came home and napped. of course i took all my drugs. silly fool.
changing the moment when it is gone is something that often crosses my mind.
i don't want to die - i simply don't want to live, think, and feel like this anymore. i want to learn about meditation, relaxation and stuff like that. i know i still need the meds, but i need something else.
same song.
same dance.
i need a new tune.
thanks for listening.
we return you back to your regular station in the process of its current program.

Current Mood: anxious
Saturday, November 15th, 2003
1:52 am
"thank you for everything just the way it is."

Current Mood: grateful
Friday, November 7th, 2003
3:31 pm
my sister sent me this one
Big God!

Two men went fishing. One was an experienced
fisherman, the other wasn't. Every time the
experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in
his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the
inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it
The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day
and finally got tired of seeing the man waste good
fish. "Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish
you catch?" he asked.
The inexperienced fisherman replied, "I only have a
small frying pan." Sometimes, like that fisherman, we
throwback the big plans, big dreams, big jobs, big
opportunities that God gives us. Our faith is too
We laugh at that fisherman who didn't figure out that
all he needed was a bigger frying pan, yet how ready
are we to increase the size of our faith? Whether
it's a problem or a possibility, God will never give
you anything bigger than you can handle. That means we
can confidently walk into anything God brings our way.
You can do all things through Christ (Philippians
4:13.) Nothing is too big for God.
Stop telling God you've got big problems.
Tell your problems you've got a BIG GOD!

Current Mood: hopeful
11:35 am
I'll be happy when...

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, when we are able to go on a nice vacation or when we retire. The truth is there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges.
It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with ... and remember that time waits for no one.
So, stop waiting ...
Until your car or home is paid off.
Until you get a new car or home.
Until your kids leave the house.
Until you go back to school.
Until you finish school.
Until you lose 10 lbs.
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married.
Until you get a divorce.
Until you have kids.
Until you retire.
Until summer..
Until spring.
Until winter.
Until fall.
Until you die.
There is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and, dance like no one's watching.

Current Mood: hopeful
Sunday, November 2nd, 2003
9:53 am
effort works
It's amazing what some good, sustained effort can do. Effort is far more effective than worrying, far more effective than complaining that things aren't going your way. Whether the situation is wonderful or whether it is dismal, focus on what you can actually do with it. Focus on where your efforts can be put to best use.

Don't let the details of what has already happened cause you to lose sight of the efforts necessary to move forward. Direct your attention to what you can do now. Then go ahead and make the effort. Go beyond wishing, thinking about it, planning to do it, and just get started.

Positive effort will make a far more meaningful difference than arguing about who is to blame. If you feel passionate about the situation, put the energy of that passion to good use, by putting it into positive, productive effort.

Always remember that your effort can take you where

Current Mood: contemplative
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003
7:31 pm
i thought this first part of the song appropriate
breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care
leave but don't leave me
look around and choose your own ground
for long you live and high you fly
and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
and all you touch and all you see
is all you life will ever be

"breathe" by pink floyd

but i think living is much more than that. we choose so much to do with our own lives. yet sometimes we don't always get that choice that so many others have at hand. the chemicals in certain people brains are not there, and if they are - they are all turned about. like a helter skelter slide. spinning 'round and you can't hold on. depression, pain, anguish and all of that are hard to see on the outside. i think that's what makes other people think that depression is something that is faked. it's not like leprosy, ebola or something that makes people shrink from you in horror.
anyhow, i'm rambling.
thanx for letting me.

Current Mood: discontent
Sunday, November 3rd, 2002
5:45 pm
Blue Light Cemetary Photos

This is an orb, entity, spirit, soul, or what have you.
Watch for them thru out these photos.
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Photos taken by Little J.
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