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Journal created:
on 4 January 2005 (#5644523)
on 16 July 2012
Single Christian Women
Posting Access:
All Members
This is a community for single Christian women (18+) to encourage and support each other in a society and church that is often full of peer pressure to hurry up and get married so we can be "complete". But we know that we are complete in Christ alone, and God meets all of our needs! Preferably, women joining this community would not be in a serious relationship at all.

Could I make this description any cornier? I feel like the Lifetime Network or something.

Some guidelines to remember:

1. While it's okay to acknowledge feelings of sadness, frustration, or other negative emotions that come up, we need to be very careful not to fall into the trap of wallowing and acting as if it is some accident/mistake that we are in our current situation. Please feel free to relate to one another, but strive to incorporate encouragment into your comments and posts.

2. You don't have to be longing for marriage to join this community! This is simply a place for single women to gather, and not a community focused on marriage.

3. Needless to say, we should conduct ourselves in an appropriate and Christian manner at all times, and time in this community is no exception.

Philippians 4 is always a good model and reminder of how to approach life and circumstances.

Just in case it seems like you must ooze perfect contentment at all times in order to post in this community, that is not necessary. If you're wondering what to post about, here we can discuss the wonderful and challenging aspects of singlehood in order to learn and encourage each other. Other topics to discuss: preparation for marriage whether or not any prospects are in sight; encouraging stories/testimonies related to singleness, marriage, or anything else; living at home with parents or on your own; spiritual headship; wishes; qualities we are looking for in the right guy; etc. Let's just fellowship as a group of women that have some things in common.

Thanks, ladies! I look forward to fun and edifying conversation. :)
